twenty seven

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" Thanks babe..." I kiss Hyungwon, saying goodnight. Just as I close the door he holds off for a bit.

" I really think I should be here for you Lia. I'm sorry about loosing my temper on that guy but—" I shook my head.

" I said it's fine, Hyungwon." I sigh softly. " I'll be fine.. I just... I just need to be there for Vivi right now. I'll see you tomorrow. Kay?"

We stare at each other momentarily and finally he says something. " Okay. Call me if anything, okay?" I nod, giving him a soft smile as he caresses my cheek.

I close the door and head into Vivi's room, softly knocking on her door. I step in and she's mindlessly staring up at the ceiling. I lay right beside her the room only filled with silence.

" He didn't lie." Vivi suddenly said. I look over at her, seeing her silently cry, her tears running down her cheek. " I-I don't know what came over me.."

I held her hand letting her know I'm here for her. No matter what.

" He helped me when I was puking... I had a blotch within a moment and I'm..." She sighs heavily, trying to get the courage to continue." I'm kissing him.. I could've stopped but I didn't. I kept going to the point we got to the bed... I even tried to help him with his belt.." She slightly begins to choke on her sobs and I can't help but sit up and pull her into a tight comforting hug quietly crying myself. " I got another blotch moment and when I wake up you guys were already there."

Vivi holds me tightly, sobbing harder.

" I feel guilty!" She chokes. " what do i tell jungkook...?"

I stare blankly ahead of me not having an answer. I breath through my stuffy nose and pull back holding onto both her shoulders.

" You either tell him the truth." I say, keeping a serious stern look. " Or you stay quiet. The choice is up too you, Vivi."

" With whatever your choice will be... I will still be here for you. No matter what. Okay?"

Vivi nods, wiping her fallen tears from her cheeks.

" can you make sure hyungwon doesn't say anything yet?" With a heavy heart of guilt beginning to build, I sadly smile , nodding while tucking her hair behind the ear. " thank you..." I nod again, the tears silently falling by themselves.

This is going to crush jungkook... I know it.


Jungkook has been driving like a mad man looking for these guys that fucked up Yoongi. I mean I understand but he's got to relax at this point.

Beating their asses won't heal Yoongis ugly scar. It'll make us feel better but it won't fix anything. It never does.

" Jungkook." I call as we see a good description of the guys E:U mentioned. He pulls up right beside them, braking harshly quickly putting the car on park. " It's not worth it."

The men look startled for a moment but begin to cuss us out for driving reckless.

Jungkook ignores and and gets out the car walking towards the three men and immediately threw the first punch knocking him to the ground.

I sigh getting out the car getting ready to stop this useless fight. It's not worth it.

I stood in front of Jungkook hands up in surrender.

" Look fellas, let's not fi—" And I got punched in the face. Now, I'm having second thoughts about this fight.

" You come—" Now it's my turn to punch this fucker. I punched him with every ounce of muscle I got and sent him to the ground.

" Ow! What the fuck!" I shout, shaking my hand my knuckles aching in pain. " That shit hurt!"

Jungkook slightly chuckles but quickly pushes me out the way as the last man standing tried to lunge at me. The other two quickly recover, standing tall having their fists ready, blood smeared across their face.

" Uh.. you guys got a lil something right there." I point on my nose and they both lunge at me at the same time. Ain't no way am I getting jumped.

With courage I run towards them yelling causing them both to stop baffled by my actions. It's a good one because I throw a punch at one of them causing him to stumble back.

The other guy punches me in the face and stomach knocking the air out of me, groaning in pain.

I'm too elegant to be street fighting!


I stare blankly at the ceiling, breathing slowly my eyes burning with tears. Tears that I no longer have anymore. My eyes are just dry, burning.

I glance over at Lia and she her face dried with tears as her chest moves slowly following her silent breathing. Sleeping.

Slowly sitting up I get out of bed putting on some warm clothing, putting my shoes out and walked out my apartment walking as far as my feet take me and for as long as they can.

The cold air nicks my skin but it feels like nothing. What nicks my skin more, my mind and body is the unbearable guilt eating me away piece by piece.

Alcohol has no excuse for my doings.

I knew what I was doing. I knew I asked for it. It came out of my mouth. No matter how drunk I could be I'm always conscious of my actions.

Me and Jungkook may be nothing at the moment but we're clearly working our way to be something. We both want to be something. We want to be together.

Tears blur my vision as I bite down on my lip and scream. My fists banging again the harsh concrete wall. The pain barely even there.

It may seem like I'm being dramatic but... I feel horrible.

The one thing I was most afraid of to happen to me. I did it to someone else. Who I know doesn't deserve it.

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