twenty one

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We finished our shower and we're laying in bed on our side as we stare at each other in silence. Her hologram lap of stars moving across the wall and ceiling. We share small gentle smiles at each other that I reach over and feather over her hair and tuck it away from her face and run my finger down her jaw reaching underneath her chin.

This feels unreal.

I've known her for a month and a half already and is it too soon to judge my feelings? Our feelings? Did we gain them too quick? Am I moving to quick? Are we moving to quick?

But I can't help but avoid those running thoughts and questions in my head and listen to the way my heart reacts to her being around me. To her admitting she feels something more for me. My heart beats uncontrollably like a fish gasping for air. My stomach swirls with tides and flutters of butterflies.

My heart and mind speak of two different things. My heart knows but my mind thinks other wise. I've always listened to my heart and it has resulted in pain, heartbreaks. My mind screams with fear to be protective and keep my guard up no matter what.

My heart wants that happiness and love. My mind wants to be isolated and safe away from any heartbreaking love. I can have happiness but not with someone else. I can't depend my happiness with someone else.

" Jungkook?" Vivi whispers. I hum in response. " Can I ask you something?"

" Of course." I smile.

" What happened earlier? Why did you leave...?" My hearts drops.


As, soon as I asked his expression drops, his soft eyes turning hard flashing with conflict, the color draining from his face. Whatever happened earlier at the party must've been a lot more personal for him than what I know.

" I'm sorry I asked." I whisper, looking elsewhere. Maybe I crossed the line. I feel this thick silence between us, none of us exchanging any words. I turn on my back and stare up at my ceiling watching the stars.

" my ex was at that party." He sighs. " jimin invited her and when I went to the bathroom and came out she was coming out of our room." I frown and crane my head looking at him. " she had your rings." My heart drops and I'm immediately up from my bed. I search for the bag but it's not in the room. " Vivi?"

I mutter to myself and leave out my room into the living room frantically looking for the bag.

Calm down. Calm down and think.

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