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We spent the rest of the day great. Vivi was more out of her shell with Nayeon and I hung out with the guys watching her from afar. She even got along pretty well with the other girls. However, Jimin lingered around her for a moment but then came over and hung out with us guys instead.

We bid our goodbyes to the guys and it turns out some of the guys really liked Vivi. Taehyung and Yoongi really took a big liking to her. It made me feel good about myself and her. As, if she was someone great. Even if they don't know her that well like I do.

I put our things into the car, open the door for her and drive her home. It was pretty late and I'm sure she's tried from all the swimming and chicken fights her and the girls had. She was napping soundlessly. I smile as I glance over at her and my hand itches to hold her hand in mines.

Back there with Sejeong the words that rolled off my tongue before, I even caught on. It even caught me off guard.

My heart belongs to someone else.

I look over at Vivi and my heart thumps. Those words rolled off for a reason and she's the reason for it. All the time we've spent together minus anything sexual. I got to know her for her and she got to know me for me.

I know she loves Chinese food. Especially, sweet and sour chicken. She likes watching any Disney related movies, mainly, the Tinker Bell series or more specifically, the Never Beast one. She cries every time. I actually laugh to myself at the memory. She has a very compassionate heart.

She wants to see the good in everyone even if there's slight flaws in them. She would rather listen to someone and their problems, be their rock. Even if she doesn't get a chance to vent about her problems. She puts others before, herself. And she's fine with it...

She's more of a dog person but she loves anything that moves really. Minus, bugs and rats. Listens to any genre music but isn't too much of a fan for country. She doesn't have anything against it. It's just not her favorite.

She's such a big goof ball at any given random moment. It's my favorite thing about her. This one time we were walking down the neighborhood and there was a dog barking at us. You wanna know what she did? She barked right back at it. I died laughing because, I've never seen someone bark back at a dog. And to make her feel more comfortable I barked right back at them as well as we both laughed together.

There's just so much wonderful things about her that I could go on about. Me just thinking that I could pinpoint them all proves something to myself. To my heart and my head.

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