thirty six

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< 3rd pov >

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< 3rd pov >

" You are such a sweet boy." Vivi's grandma smiles.

" Why thank you, ma'am." Jungkook smiles. " Your granddaughter is just as lovely." Vivi blushes a bit, her grandma cheesing.

" I'm glad we get to meet a friend of Vivi's. We met her other two friends." Her grandfather said. " What were those young ladies names again?"

Vivi can only chuckle. " Nayeon and Lia." She reminds.

" Ah, yes. Those two. They are both very sweet young ladies."

" They sure are.." Vivi smiles, reminiscing the first time she's brought them over. They were so helpful around. They were loud obviously but a moment she can't forget is what her grandparents told her.

Those two loud, sweet, loving ladies made the two feel like they were young again. It made them feel like they were back in their 20's again and to that. Vivi held dearly to her heart.

" You guys want any more coffee?" Grammy asked.

Everyone politely declines to the offer. Jungkook helped clean up the dishes, Vivi wiping down the table surface and her grammy putting away any left over sweet bread. As for her grandfather, he maneuvers his way towards his room.

" Hey! Aren't you going to say goodnight to these children, Luke?" Grammy places her hand above her hip, raising a brow.

Luke sighs, walking back. " Goodnight Vivi. Sleep tight. Goodnight young man, I'll see you tomorrow." And he walks off back towards his room.

Vivi can't help but laugh.

" Jungkook, I can show you to the guest room we have." Grammy offers. Jungkook grabs his luggage, following her towards the room.

Vivi stays back in the kitchen staring out the window. It's dark, nothing but miles of meadows and tall trees. In a sense it's therapeutic to look out the window and see nothing. But she can't lie.

She feels in some sort of sense content but at the same time she doesn't feel happy. Maybe because she hasn't fully expressed herself to Jungkook. She's happy that he's here. Happy isn't even a word to explain how she feels that he's here.

She actually can't believe he drove all the way over here because of her. To make the both of their situation work. To make sure there is an "us."

" Vivi?" Her grandma calls.

" Yes?"

" I'm going to head off to bed now. Thank you so much for today." She smiles. Vivi nods, giving her a hug goodnight.

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