twenty six

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The room is spinning but when I close my eyes everything feels so good. My body sways to the rhythm of the music. Nothing but pure exhilaration rushing through me. Nothing worrying me but this moment.

I've done about three more waterfalls of tequila I'm not going to lie and I feel like I'm about to hurl really bad.

I tap Lia, holding a hand over my mouth.

" I need the bathroom. I be back." I slur as I try to keep a good composure and not loose my balance.

"I'll come!" I shook my head and began to walk away from the crowd but my wrist gets caught into a hand.

I close one eye and look back.

" Where're you going?" Hyungwon shouts over the loud music. I shout back.

" BATHROOM!" He nods, and lets me go.

" We'll be waiting by the stair case!" I nod and they follow behind me as I make my way up the stairs stumbling here and there bumping into a few people apologizing.

Keeping one eye shut I maneuver my way around looking for the bathroom. I walk into bedrooms and quickly shut them knowing it's not the bathroom. I do however, enter one room and see another door open a huge mirror the reflection showing a bathroom and my hurl comes rushing up like a damn heart burn and I rush towards the open bathroom no questions asked.

I throw myself onto the ground toilet seat thrown up and I begin to throw everything up with so much force.

I feel my hair being picked up and away from my face but I'm too drunk and too focused on barfing I didn't think twice of who or what it was.

I do appreciate their help.

Must be my homegirl.


I quickly rush to Taehyungs place and pound on his door heavily till it was rushed open.

" What happened?" I slight raise my voice in panic , as I brush past E:U and towards his living room. The only light in the house at the moment.

" Kook!" Taehyung lunges from beside Yoongi, as he holds a red blood stained rag to his face.

" What the hell happened?" I panic, rushing over to Yoongi , his face beaming red. He's raging with anger the way his chest is rising and falling, his nostrils flaring with every breath he exhaled.

" H-He got into a fight at the club." E:U pipes anxiously. " He stepped away for a moment and t-this guy came up to me and started flirting with me. I felt uncomfortable and ignored him. But he wouldn't leave me alone so I walked to a different part of the club but he followed me around being persistent." She fidgets with her fingers, shuttering.

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