thirty seven

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< 3rd pov >

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< 3rd pov >

" you know i did you miss you throughout the weeks we weren't speaking." Vivi softly spoke, playing with Jungkooks fingers as they laid in bed together, naked and intertwined. " everyday that passed i wanted to call you.. text you.. to go see you.." She sighs. " but i felt like that wouldn't be fair on your behalf."

" you needed your time and space." Jungkook sighs, pulling Vivi up closer towards him. He turns her around, resting her head on his arm. Reaching his hand out, placing it on the side of her neck, his fingers between her ear and hair.

" it's okay, vivi. shit happens." Vivi shakes her head, disappointed, upset.

" it's not okay though... i really am sorry. and the day i went to your place to apologize but instead i just got angry and said some stupid remarks and excuses." She tries to refrain herself from tearing up but she can't help it. " i just still feel so guilty. i fucked up big time. and i'm just so sorry. i'm sorry for betraying you. i promise i didn't mean to do anything wrong. it just happened and i'm just really sorry, Jungkook."

Vivi sniffles, crying. " I didn't mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you... I'm sorry."

Jungkook can only smile with sadness yet happy. He wipes her tears, kissing her forehead.

" It's okay, Vivi. I... I forgive you." Those words rolled off his tongue with nothing but relief. " We can only go up from here. Work together, communicate together, and trust each other. Not lie to each other and push each other away." He tucks her curls behind her ear, caressing her cheek. " What happened is now in the past and this problem is only making us work better with each other. It's going to help us grow stronger."

" I, too wanted to apologize for those harsh things I've said. I was just so angry, hurt, and upset with you. I wanted to find things to hurt you back. I let my emotions get the best of me.. I'm sorry, Vivi."

Vivi smiles, her tears rolling down her cheeks.

" it's okay. I forgive you." Sitting up a little on her elbow she leans over kissing his lips, as her other hand caresses his cheek. " but i also did hate you for a moment."

" The feeling was mutual, wasn't it?" Jungkook chuckles.

" Clearly... but I also did... love you more than what i hated you." Vivi confesses. " I tried so hard to forget you in those moments but.. I just couldn't. I feel like.. it hurt more just trying to forget about you. To just learn and live without you momentarily."

Jungkook in his heart feels lighter to know he wasn't the only one who felt the same way. It hurt him to just think about not being with her. Leaving her to be exact. And go have Vivi confess truthfully made him not feel alone.

He felt sane and safe.

" I... I don't know. I might sound crazy but it's the truth." Vivi sighs, raking her fingers into his hair. " I've come to realize that my feelings for you run deeper than what I insinuated and that's what I also hated about you in the moment."

They both smile at each other, staring into each other's eyes. Listening to one another being in this vulnerable moment. Together. Opening up and being true to one another.

" You caught me so off guard I didn't even realize it."

" Well, what can I say? I'm so handsome and a pretty good charmer." Jungkook grins, raising his brow playfully. " Aren't I?"

Vivi can only roll her eyes, soft lip smile as she traces over his chest tattoo.

" I'm really happy you gave me another chance, Jungkook." Vivi whispers. " I promise I won't ever do anything stupid to hurt you or us again. And I truly stand by that, Kook. It's logic sense too."

" come here." Jungkook smiles pulling her body into his, holding her closely. " I trust you, Vivi. But I swear if you pull anything like that again... I will put you in a choke hold."

Vivi can only laugh nodding.

" Understood."

" Good."

" I really do love you, Jungkook... It may feel early to say so.. or not but I truly feel it.."

" I love you too, Curly Fries." Jungkook smiles, kissing her forehead. " Who cares if it's early or not. Only we truly know what we feel for each other."

Throughout the night the two soon to be couples caught up in each other's lives. What was new. What was the new gossip in town. How much they've missed each other. How Jungkook knew about Vivi being at the bar that night with another man. Vivi explaining exactly what happened.

She won't lie that she was upset that Yoongi had said something that was clearly a misunderstanding but she can't help the fact that she can see the love and care he has for Yoongi. But clearly, the misunderstanding also stirred up false accusations and more problems that shouldn't have been there to begin with but who can blame them.

Yoongi did it with good intentions. It's understandable. But also, she deeply appreciates Taehyung for being there for him as well. He had faith in Vivi and gave advice and comfort to Jungkook when he really needed it.

Opened his mind to think things through and to see the bigger picture in the situation. She's grateful for it. But most importantly she's forever grateful Jungkook gave her another opportunity to fix their situation.

To give them a chance to be something.

They had their pillow talk. And to that they felt more closer. They felt like slowly but surely the crack between them was mending slowly in their own pace and way. It's their relationship to begin with.

And it turns out that they enjoy being together in bed, holding each other like teddy bears. It was comforting for the both of them to be together after so long.

They felt complete. They were complete.

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