twenty four

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We walk into the Aquarium hand in hand swinging them a little as we're engulfed in the dark blue world of marine life. Theres the section where you can actually touch the fishes or corals and the other is where you walk and watch.

" I've never actually been to an Aquarium before." Vivi mentions softly, her eyes widen as she looks at every corner of the entrance she can. She's taking it all in. " It's so beautiful here."

I smile and decide to put my arm over her shoulder and kiss her head. " Yeah, it's beautiful here but you're beautiful too." She giggles, wrapping an arm around my waist as we begin to walk further into the Aquarium.

There's variety of aquariums around us and Vivi is having such trouble picking which side to start off first. " Take all the time you want. I have all day for you baby. No rush." I smile.

" Ugh! It's just so beautiful! I don't know where to start!" She groans and looks to her right and left and goes right dragging me with her. She's so fascinated at the small and medium size tanks but I just want to see her reaction when we can go through a whole tunnel with sharks swimming above us, variety of fishes and corals to look at.

Then there's also the tunnel to seals. There's otters, orcas, eels, and—

" Look! It's Nemo!" Vivi exclaims excitingly, pointing at the Nemo like fishes passing by. " And Dory!" I can't help but laugh at her giddy excitement. It warms me up. She takes a hold of my hand and I allow her to guide me through the aquarium, going every corner that she can making sure to not miss ANY tanks.

We slowly start to range out of the regular tanks and start to head towards the room of a huge aquarium that takes up the whole room.

" Holy..." She whispers, walking towards the huge aquarium making her into this small human. She looks up and looks around the whole aquarium seeing a huge yellow eel swim by, small colorful fishes swimming by, and huge fishes that are flat.

She reaches out placing her palm against the glass, taken back. " Woah... It's so huge.. Look how deep and far it goes... It's so blue and clean." I smile, admiring her and every expression she has instead of paying attention to the aquarium.

It's beautiful here it is. But, she's just so much more captivating then anything else here. She takes my hand and pulls me out the room as we start to reach a brighter part of the aquariums. The tunnels.

Vivi gasps out loud as we walk into the tunnel and she turns around looking all around her. Watching the seals swim above and beside the tank. She reaches to touch the top where the seal passes and over the tunnel.

" Oh, my god!" She giggles and goes to where two seals swim along each other and she watches them closely as she sits at the edge of the bench. She places her palm against the glass wishing to pet them if she could. One thing that she didn't expect is how another seal comes by and swims right towards Vivi booping their nose against her palm. "Jungkook! Did you just see that!" She squeals joyfully, her cute giggles coming out.

I smile, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and rest my chin above her head. " I did. I'm guessing they like you."

"You really think so?" Her eyes widen. My heart tugs against me.

" You're a disney princess with magical powers. Maybe you're a marine life whisperer." She laughs, and tilts her head back as she stares up at me, smiling.

" You're such a dork." She giggles. I couldn't help myself and kissed her lips.

" Just for you." She smiles and kisses me again just a bit longer before she goes back and pays attention to the passing of the seals. She continues to guide me through out the aquarium seeing from small baby star fishies to huge ones, sea horses, baby sea horses, crabs, lobsters, manta rays, sea turtles, beluga whales, puffer fishes, anything you could really think of it's all here and she's so fascinated.

But to me she's the most fascinating person here.

I genuinely enjoyed this date. I felt happy.


Okay, maybe I felt my heart jitter here and there with how much the little things he did matter. Slight stumble things and it's crazy.

Isn't it crazy how butterflies and these cute little (not little) crushes can make you feel? Cause it's tripping me out.

But in a good way of course. It's like I could stay in that world forever just to feel that way.

Honestly, I sound like I'm head over heels for him and it's uhh, annoying. But at the same time I'm enjoying it. It's contradicting.

We're at IHOP right now and Jungkook stepped to the bathroom for a moment and with my free opportunity I had to message Lia.

My little geeking heart has to vent to my homegirl quick. Even if nothing crazy has happened yet. But this cute date he set up has me tripping. In a good way of course!

It's just been a while since I've felt like this before. It feels beautiful. Is it bad that I kind of crave for it a bit more because of Jungkook?

Bad or not, I'm living in this moment.

It's mine to keep and feel no matter what.

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