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We finished eating and we're at my place watching a movie. I'm trying to Netflix and chill with her fine ass. There's a gap between us and she's trying to maintain a distance knowing what'll happen if we're brushing our legs together.

" I'm gonna get us some more popcorn." I get up from the couch grabbing the bowl from in between us and head to the kitchen. I reach into my cabinet and grab my box of popcorn pulling out a package and put it all back. I rip the package open, mix it a bit and throw it in the microwave for about three minutes. Take it out give it a good shake and throw it back in for thirty seconds.

I tear it open and pour it into the bowl and walk back over to the living room. I sit right next to her and set the bowl onto my lap with a smile.

" Careful they're hot." I take one and toss it into my mouth and focus on the movie although, I know what my motives are and I'm sure she knows too because from the corner of my eye she's staring at me, her chest rising and falling very slowly. " You need something baby?" I lick my lips, looking over at her.

She sucks her bottom lip in between her teeth and shakes her head looking ahead. I nod and look back over at the t'v and eat some more popcorn. She reaches over and grabs a couple and eats them silently.

I steal a glance of her and notice little crumbs on the corner of her lips. I set the bowl down and reach over leaning in close wiping the corner of her lips with my thumb. She freezes. She didn't really have anything on her lips but it's just an excuse to have a slight touch of her beautiful lips.

" You have such pretty lips." I whisper, dragging my eyes from her lips to her eyes. We stare at each other for a moment everything stopping for me in this moment.

" Thank you." Vivi whispers, staring down at my lips. I slowly lean in and our lips graze over each other before, they fully meet each other, molding together.

I slip my hand onto the side of her neck, my fingers intertwined with her hair and bring her in closer. I use my other hand caressing her thigh and I grip it pulling her over me as she straddles me.

I tug on her bottom lip earning a slight moan from her, grinding on me. I do it again and she moans again, grinding on me. I grab her ass with both my hands and she gasps in between the kiss and I slip my tongue into her mouth, exploring the depths of it as if it's the first time I kissed her.

I control her hip movements, feeling her pussy on my cock groaning at the feeling. She grinds a little harder on me and I just groan every time.

I kiss her lips, down her jaw trailing down to her neck, kissing over her chest. My hands travel underneath her shirt, feeling the arch of her back, and I reach the clip of her bra.

" Can I?" I can see the conflict in her eyes as she debates this. She bites on her bottom lip, in thought.

" I'm not letting you have sex with me, Jungkook." Vivi sighs, crossing her arms. I know this already. We never have sex. I'm only allowed to touch. But I came up with an offer I hope she doesn't turn down.

It's not sex.

" Then, be my pillow princess." Vivi blinks, once or twice. Confused written all over her face.

" Pillow Princess?" She raises a brow, I nod in response. She's quiet for a long moment, not saying anything. I reach up pecking her lips, patting her butt.

" I'll let you sit on it and let me know your answer then, hmm?" Vivi licks her lips anxiously, and nods. " Wanna finish watching the movie?"

" Umm," She starts, tucking her beautiful curls behind her ear. " I actually have to meet my friend up right now." I say okay, nodding understandably. " Umm... do you think you can... give me a ride to her place?" She mumbles, fiddling with her rings. 

" Of course, curly fries." I smile, playing her a curls watching it bounce back. " Let's go." She smiles, thanking me and gets off my lap.

She gives me blue balls and I hate it.

She gathers her things and we leave out my apartment and head down to my car in the parking garage. My little kookie needs some fucking relief.

She gets in the car and before, I do I act like I've forgotten something up in my apartment.

" I forgot my phone. I'll be right back." Vivi nods and I head back up to my building and in the elevator I go up the floor to my apartment. I quickly fumble with my keys in hand and unlock my door and rush into the bathroom and shut the door.

I quickly unbuckle my belt pulling my jeans down to my ankles, grab my lotion and sigh to the relief of my dick breathing. I focus on that pretty mouth of yours and get to work, pumping myself.


As, I waited for Jungkook in the car I quickly pull out my phone and call Lia. The line rings twice and she picks up.

" Hey! Uhm, i'm leaving Jungkook's place—" Instantly, I regret those words. She shrieks over the other line, fan girling, talking faster than what I can catch onto what she's even saying. " Stop talking for ten seconds! Jesus!" I shout, annoyed. She chuckles and her line falls silent. " Thank you!" I huff, rolling my eyes. " He's dropping me off at your place. Should I order any take out and get it delivered to your place?" She immediately says Chinese food. I mean, you can never go wrong with Chinese food. It's absolutely delicious. " Okay... and uhm, one more thing..." I slowly say, looking around to see if Jungkook is anywhere near my sight.

" Jungkook asked me if I wanted to be his Pillow Princess." Lias line remains absolutely silent. So silent I thought she hung up on me. I had to double check. " Lia? Hello? Say something!" I panic, waiting for an answer. Anything!

She says to immediately come over as fast as I can. " Why? What's the matter?" I freak out. She doesn't say anything and tells me she'll wait on me. " What does it mean!" And she hangs up the call.

She won't tell me but google will. Just as I was open a web browser Jungkook comes back. He gets into the car, his manly smell hitting me like a ton of bricks. His smell is addictive.

" You ready?" He smiles over at me as he puts his seatbelt on. I nod, putting my seat belt on. He starts his car and drives out the parking garage.

What's a Pillow Princess?

My mind ponders.

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