thirty nine

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I smile to myself in the mirror looking better than what I was weeks ago. I zip up my coat and meet Jungkook in the living room. My grandparents sat across from him as they chat with smiles on their faces.

I wonder what they could be talking about...

" Hey." Jungkook smiles, standing up.

I smile greeting him and my grandparents.

" You look beautiful sweetie!" My grandpa chimes.

" Thank you." My cheeks flush.

" You ready?" I nod. " Great." He smiles, interlocking his hand with mines. " May I steal your precious daughter momentarily?" He asks my grandparents.

I chuckle, shaking my head.

They both nod, bidding our byes.

" Where are we going?" Jungkook pecks my cheek, leading me to his car.

" It's a surprise." I roll my eyes. Of course. " I do need you to wear a blind fold though." I scoff.

" But why?" I whine.

" Cause it's no surprise if you see the surprise." I nod. That's true. He blinds me and opens the car door helping me into his car.

" I hope you won't leave me stranded out here." I joke. Jungkook can only chuckle, buckling me in and gets in the car. " Are we almost there yet?"

" I haven't even started the car." We laugh. " It's really close. Give it five minutes." I nod and I feel the car start to move.

" You know your grandpa asked why you weren't in your room."

" What?!" I shout.

" I told her we were making a baby and she was pretty excited about that." I hear him chuckle and I can only gasp.

" Jungkook!" I reach over give his arm a shake.

" I'm just playing baby." He chuckles. " I told her you came in during the morning to give me some good sloppy top." I smack him, laughing. " I just told her you came to my room because you saw a spider and got scared."

" You're ridiculous." I giggle.

I feel the car stop and Jungkook gets out the car opening a door but not mine. He shuts it and it's quiet for a moment. I call for him. No answer.

I sat patiently and he comes back helping me out the car. The cold air nips at my skin and I shiver.

" Here hold onto my third leg so you won't fall." I smack his arm and he can only laugh at me.

We begin to walk and I can hear the crunches of grass, the sounds of us passing through weeds of tall grass. Where is he taking me?

" Ok!" He said, stopping me. " Ready?" I nod. The blindfold comes off and I gasp to the beautiful view.

A long meadow of flowers sprawl over us and I can feel myself almost wanting to cry. I look down and he has a very cute picnic set up for us.

" Surprise." He cheeses holding out a bouquet of flowers. I whisper his name feeling touched. I haven't had anyone do something so romantic for me.

It's never crossed my mind but having it now. God. It feels overwhelmingly beautiful, warm. I feel... special. Loved. Thought of.

" Oh... Jungkook." I awed. " You shouldn't have."

" I know." He smiles. " But I wanted to make something small for you. I hope you like it."

" Like it? God, I love it." I teared. " Thank you." I cry pulling him into a tight hug. " I really appreciate it. Thank you."

" Anything for you." We pull away, smiling at each other. " Shall we?" I nod.

" We shall." He wipes my tears kissing my cheek and leads me to the blanket and we sit down. " Mister Jeon can cook?" I tease.

" I can. But I didn't make anything to extravagant. That's for when we live together." Oh? " I brought us some fruits, drinks, and a couple of sandwiches, with! No crust."

I gasp a little dramatic. " No crust?"

" No crust."

" Okayy, I will gladly take a no crust sandwich sir." We smile and he hands me a sandwich. We clink them together and ate our sandwiches.

It may be cold but it surely feels warm being here with him. I think that says a lot.

He makes me smile just by his presence. His smile, laugh, and little jokey jokes. His random little outbursts of energy. Did I mention his laugh? God, I could listen to that laugh on repeat and never get tired of it.

I could stare at him all day without a single word and I would never get bored. His eyes are just enough to know what he could possibly want to say. What he could say.

We finished eating and we just laid on the ground, holding each other for warmth, looking up at the sky. We're just talking and talking till our tongues fall off. Time with Jungkook feels short. It doesn't feel long. It feels like i need to cherish every minute that passes with him.

Its been two hours and I didn't really feel hours pass by like that. So, I start to help pick up a few things, getting ready to fold the blanket when Jungkook stops me.

" Hey.." I hum, a small smile on my lips. " I wanted to ask you something that's kinda been weighing on me for a bit."

I frown, worried. I sat him down, holding his hand in mines. " Is everything okay?"

" Yes. Everything okay." He chuckles weirdly. " I just..." He takes a deep breath holding both my hands, looking into my eyes. " Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I'm stuck.

" That sounds so high school. I'll do it better. Will you do the honor in being my beautiful girlfriend?"

" YES!"

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