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❛ VIVI ❜

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" Okay, wait, wait." I huff breathlessly and tired. Jimin has so much energy it's draining me fairly quickly. He's very playful. He holds onto my hand pulling me back into the pool.

" Awh! Come on." He pouts. I smile pulling my hand away from his walking towards the shallow end.

" I'm tired. I need a moment." He nods and swims over besides me as I sit on the step and look around the back yard. I don't see Jungkook anywhere. It's been a while since he's been gone.

I just feel better and at ease when he's around. Especially, since his friends are around I'd like him to be around. I don't know anyone at this party really but Jungkook.

" Looking for someone?" Jimin smiles, looking around as well.

I shook my head, standing up. " I just need to use the bathroom." He stares at me momentarily and nods. I grab my towel drying myself off and head into the house to look for Jungkook.

I look into the kitchen, living room and check out all the rooms and the bathrooms. They're all empty. A slight panic starts to rise in me as I quickly run into our room and look for my phone. I quickly call his phone but it rings in his bag. I toss my phone and leave out the room and double check the whole house. He's not here.

I have this hard knot in my throat that I'm so unsure of. I check out front to see if his car is still there and it is. I look around in frantic and the smell of weed hits me. It's Jungkook.

I run towards the smell and he's leaning against the side of the house, head leaned back eyes shut. A wave of relief hits me and I feel like I could breath normally.

I was unsure if I should tap him and ask if he's okay or give him the moment he wanted. To be alone. My gut tells me to ask him. See if he's okay but in my head it's saying to leave him alone and give him a moment.

I play with my fingers and step closer to him. Should I tap him? Announce myself? " jungkook...?" I softly call for him taking a hold of his finger. His eyes slowly open and he tilts his head to the side staring at me. I can't make out how he's feeling at this moment. Normally, through his eyes I can but there's nothing. " are you okay?"

He cracks a small smile, looking down at his finger in my hand. His fingers reach for my hand as he interlocks them together and reels me in closely and wraps his arms around me.

My heart pounds in my chest, trying to maintain my breathing. " yeah, i'm okay. what's wrong?" He asks. I stare at his chest, tracing the tail of this bird on his chest. Suddenly, it hits me. This is his new tattoo.

I step back and stare at the whole tattoo tracing it over with my fingertips. How'd I miss this new big piece? We changed in front of each other, played in the pool and till now I'm noticing it?

He has certain flowers decorating the sides while the bird is in the middle of his chest. A phoenix bird. It's absolutely beautiful. The black and grey suits it so well. The light and dark shades in certain areas not making everything look like a whole blob. It's beautiful.

" it's beautiful..." I smile, still tracing over the lines. I look up at him and he's staring at me. His eyes soft and round, warmth swimming around them.

" took you long enough." He cracks a small smile and pulls me in holding me. I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him as I snuggle into his chest. It's silent around us, the sun gleaming down onto us, soft wind brushing past us.

" what were you doing out here by yourself?" I ask, staring up at the sky.

He sighs, touching my hair. " just needed a breather." I frown, pulling away as I look at him.

" did something happen?" He stares at me momentarily, not saying anything.

" something did happen. but i don't want to talk about it right now." I sigh, nodding. " you came looking for me." I blink, his lips slowly turning into a smile. I nod, glancing down at the ground.

" you took too long so, i got worried and came looking for you. i thought you had left." I admit. " it scared me... not gonna lie." I let out an airy chuckle.

Jungkooks hands leave mines and he brings them to my cheeks and leans down and kisses me. I wasn't expecting it but my body immediately melts to his lips, catching the momentum quickly.

He pulls away, my eyes flutter open and stare at him in admiration. He smiles, tracing my features with his fingers. " Ready to go back?" I blink, but smile with a nod. He smiles and interlocks our hands together and we walk along with each other.

Just as we go around the house Jungkook stops, greeting someone.

" Yo! Jooheon!" I look over my shoulder and spot Nayeon besides him. I gasp.

" Nayeon!" I shriek running over to her.

" Vivi!" She squeals as I wrap my wrap my arms around her and we spin. " I didn't expect to see you here!"

" Oh, my god! Me neither!" We giggle at each other as the guys wait besides us. " Nayeon this is Jungkook. Jungkook this is my friend Nayeon. She works—"

" Works with you at the bar." He smiles, finishing my sentence for me. " It's nice to meet you, properly." They both laugh and shake hands.

" Vivi, this is my boy Jooheon. Jooheon meet Vivi." I smile, shaking his hand.

" Nice to meet you." He smiles.

" To you as well." We smile at each other while, the guys walked towards the house me and Nayeon follow behind.

" So, you and that hottie, huh?" Nayeon raises her brows at me playfully, nudging me with her elbow playfully making sure to whisper.

I giggle, rolling my eyes. " No... we're just friends." Now it's her turn to roll her eyes.

" Okay." She responds sarcastically.

" And you? Hitting it off with blondie." She smiles, her cheeks turning red.

" We're talking... Seeing how things go for the both of us. It's going pretty good so far." She eyes him from the back her eyes soft. " I really like him."

I smile in awe and nudge her playfully. She smiles and I look at Jungkook and think to myself.

If Nayeon can admit she likes Jooheon more than a friend maybe I can too...

The question is when?

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