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She was walking down the lane . Ever so beautiful and cute . She couldn't hide her smile . She was never able to .
She had the best life anyone could ask for . No she is not rich . It is Just that she smiles always and keeps it positive . She brightens up everybody's life .

She has a lot of friends and everybody loves her . She was perfect . She tries to face everything with a smile . She has had a fair share of struggle when her mother left her and her father for another man . She had the worst time . But nobody knew how she still kept that smile though she is hurt .

Her father tried his best to keep his family together but her mom had to cheat on him . She is a bright person with a kind and lovely heart . You can never hate her . She lures everyone to her . She is just that good person . She cries when she sees any animals hurt . She is a angel . Who deep cries at night when she feels so lost wihout the love of her mother .

But nobody new her true feelings . She just hides her sadness with a smile . Nobody understood her true feelings . Her true self . She herself doesn't know so who will know .

" Ahhhhhhhh " she screamed when she saw something . It was moving towards her with full force . She tried to run but it caught her . She was scared and the night didn't help much . Suddenly she was alone with no-one in sight . " Maybe it was my hallucination " she said to herself . " I should go home soon " .

What she didn't notice was someone was following her .

She opened the door of her house and it was empty just like always . Her father must have gone for drinking . She sighed because she knew once her father came back she will be abused . He was like this since her mother left them . She hated her parents . She wanted to run away but she can't atleast not until she was 18 . Cause her father will find her however .

The door flew open and there stood her father with a bottle in his hand and totally dirty . He stood there for sometime and he then pulled his daughter to him and slapped her . She screamed but it didn't bother him . He took his belt and hit her with it . She begged him but he didn't budge . He was too drunk to even realise that . He was never sober .

She screamed in pain when he hit her head with the bottle and stabbed her arm . He left her like that and went to his room .

" Ouch " she said . " When did I come here " she exclaimed getting out of her bed . " Don't move " a voice said .  "H-huh" she stuttered . " What was that " she thought .
She took another step and again the voice said " I SAID don't move go back to bed " the voice was deep and scary so she went back and sat on her bed .

" Good girl . Now sleep " the voice said and she slowly started to feel sleepy and she slept .

The shadow slowly started moving and went to her father's room . It ran fast trying to observe all the oxygen so that her  father had trouble breathing .

Sweat begin to show on her father's forehead  . The shadow smirked knowing his plan is working .

Her father woke up with a start and gulped down his water which sat near his night stand . He looked around and again slept . This time the shadow took the water and splashed it on her father's face . Her father  woke up  but before he could scream and cold hand closed his mouth and said
" Don't scream . I don't want my princess to wake up . Now after what you did to her how can you sleep so peacefully ?"

Her father was speechless . He was not able to believe his eyes . In front of him was the most beautiful man he even saw . The man had red eyes and pale skin and brown hair.
" W-w-who are you " her father managed to say. " Your hell on earth " the man replied .

All of a sudden the father felt stiff and he was not able to move . " Now now what should I do to you " the man said .
" Should I just kill you . No no I don't want you do die so easily . I want you to regret living . Regret everything in your life . I want you to die every second of your life . I want you to feel the pain which my princess felt and I will make sure it multiplies into a thousand times ."

The man continued " how can you do this to your own daughter . What did she even do to you ??" . " I am sorry k won't do it again " her father begged . Her father suddenly felt a stinging pain in his heart . He clutched his chest .
" What is happening " her father croked . " Nothing I am just giving you a slight heart attack " the man shrugged .

" Don't scream " the man warned " otherwise I will have to do something much worse " . Her father tried his best not to about but he couldn't hold it in any more and he shouted . This made the man angry . He knocked her father down and went to check up on his princess . Praying she won't get up .

He opened the door to see her lying on her bed sleeping peacefully without a worry . He looked at her face and smiled . He finally found her . He finally found his love and he will do anything to keep her with him and never let her go .

He lifted the blanket trying not to make a sound or any movement . He hugged her and she hugged him back . He chuckled and said " Mine "

So this is my second book .

And this is it's first chap.

Hope you like this books and this chap .

Bye guy's

Love y'all

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