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Hoseok pov

" Kook are you ready ? " Yoongi Hyung asked Jungkook .
" Yeah Hyung are you sure this spell would work ? " Kook looked at me ,his hair sticking his face due to sweat .
" Yeah I'm sure , and by the way have you informed Jisoo yet " I replied and turned to jimin . " No Hyung she is not taking the phone . Even Lisa and Rose are not taking the phone " . Jimin said keeping his phone down .

" What do we do now ? . The red moon is only two weeks away and I need you guys to prepare for it . He is too powerful and I doubt we will win " I said as I sat down in fright . " No hobi , nothing like that will happen . He is one but we are 9 . I am sure this spell would work . I just don't understand how I didn't realise this " yoongi Hyung mumbled . I chuckled and patted his shoulder . He glared at me .

" Anyway Jin and Joon have gone search for any signs of
Y/n " jimin said . I nodded and drank a glass of water .
" Kook , where is Haeram ? " Jimin asked . " She is in the room , lover boy " Jungkook teased . Jimin kicked lightly and blushed . " Look whose blushing , just confess to her ,jimin " yoongi teased him . He just gave a blank expression and ran to the room .

Jin pov

We are in the deep forest searching for any clues about the whereabouts of y/n . But we are not able to find anything . Just trees and nothing else . Suddenly I saw something shining at a distance . I walked over it and sniffed it . Joon and me both are in our wolf forms . It smelled familiar . I called Joon with my wolf sense . He was here within seconds and we both transformed .

" Joon , do you think this is y/n ' s " I asked as I  handed him the necklace . " Wait Hyung let me see " Joon replied and closed his eyes thinking . " Yeah , it is y/n ' s I remember seeing this on her neck . I think it was a gift from yoongi Hyung " namjoon said . " Then she was here?" I came out more as question than a statement .
" I think so , I even found this piece of cloth and it smells like her " namjoon replied and handed me the cloth .

" Hey , I remember this . This piece of cloth belongs to y/n . It's her favourite shirt " I smiled seeing it . " Let's go Hyung. It's late and they will be worried " namjoon transformed and ran away . Soon even I caught up with him .

We reached the house and we're back to our human forms changing is really so difficult and tiring . We entered the house to see everyone sitting on the sofa anxiously. 
" What happened guys " I asked . " Oh you're back . Nothing much we are just waiting for the spell and the potion to be ready " hoseok replied . " Did you guys find anything " yoongi asked . I nodded and put down the necklace and the piece of cloth .

Yoongi' eyes were watering .  His lips trembled and his hands shakes as he took the necklace from the table .
" I can't believe she still has this " he whispered . " What do you mean " Jungkook asked . " I have this necklace as her birthday gift when she turned 8 " yoongi replied hugging the necklace close to him .

We all went and hugged him . There was a knock on the door . "I'll check " Jungkook said and opened the door .
" Finally you guys are here , jimin and Haeram come down the plan can finally take action " hobi screamed . Jimin and Haeram were preparing our necessities for the long trip .

Y/n pov

I was getting ready for going out with tae . I am very excited to go out after a long time . Well it's just shopping but still I am going out of this hell , for sometime atleast .
"Love , are you done ? " Tae asked me from outside the room . I replied yes and opened the door . Suddenly he hugged me and said " change your clothes , your chest is visible and I don't want anyone to look at what's mine "

"But..." He pushed me in and said " just listen to me princess or else you will be punished " tae said In a dark tone . " Ok " I replied . This is my favourite shirt but I am not allowed to wear it anymore . I wore a hoodie and jeans . " That's good , listen to me always ok " tae held my shoulder and we sat inside the car .

" Love , what do you want to buy ? " Tae asked as he drove the car . " Umm.... I want some books to read since I am bored at home " I replied playing with my fingers. 
" Alright lets get you some books and what else princess " . I thought for some time and answered " ice cream " . He just chuckled and mumbled " cute " . I felt my cheeks heating up .

" Are you blushing princess ? " Tae looked at me for a second and went back to seeing the road . " Only I am allowed to make you blush " he stated and stopped the car . " We are here " I got down and straightened my hoodie . Tae held my hand and said " don't go anywhere and hold my hand at all cost " . Shit , how will I escape now ?!!.

We were walking down the aisle with our cart and tae was buying some snacks and juices . All of a sudden I felt a pain lower abdomen . " Tae what's today's date ? " I held my stomach trying not to let out a sound . " It's 10th April . What happened ? " He asked , his voice full of concern .
" I -i need to use the restroom I'll be back tae " I said and removed my hand from his hand and ran to the restroom .

I was right , my periods has started . Damn it ,how will I escape now? . " Love , are you ok " tae asked from the other side of the door . " Ummm ta-tae can you buy me some pads " I asked embarassed . " Alright I'll be back . Don't do anything " he said and I guess ran away . I came out of the restroom . Just then a lady came in " Miss , do you have some pads ?" .

"Yeah sure , here " the lady said and gave me one . I took it and thanked her and did my work . I ran from the restroom because tae wasn't seen anywhere . I can escape now . I ran and ran and came across a house before I could knock a wind came I felt myself in the air and  Before I know it I landed in someone's arms " Trying to run away princess " I heard a dark voice .

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Bye guy's

Love y'all


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