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Jungkook pov

" Y-y/n is it really you " I was speechless . " Yes it's me kookie . Pls save me " she whispered . " Y/n why are you whispering " I asked . " I -i .... " Suddenly I heard a thud .
" Y/n y/n Y/N WHAT HAPPENED ANSWER ME . DAMN IT " I  shouted . " Y/n what about y/n " Haerum suddenly came into the room . " Ha-haeram y/n just called " I said .  "What give me the phone how did she call " she said as she took the phone from my hand .

" Guys what's going on " jimin came along with yoongi Hyung . " Hyung y/n called me " I said in a low voice . Not believing it even a bit . " How come kook are you sure " jimin asked me . " I think it is sure cause he is crying " yoongi Hyung stated . Jimin came and held my collar
" What did she tell you " he asked in a angry voice . " Jimin calm down " Haerum said .

" How am I supposed to calm down when I know that my best friend called me . Kook just tell me what did she tell you " he said as he left my collar . " She asks to help her Hyung I think she's in danger . Before I could ask her anything else I heard the line go dead but I heard a thud " I explained . " Fuck it where is she . Is she ok . Is she dead " jimin started to blabber . " Jimin jimin JIMIN CALM DOWN . HOW CAN WE FIND HER IF YOU KEEP ON OVERTHINKING YOU ASSHOLE " Haeram scolded .

We were all going crazy we even informed the police . They tracked the no. And it was from a local  phone booth but there was no sign of y/n . Suddenly I thought wheather I was hallucinating . But the no. On my phone was a proof . Jimin Hyung was walking around the room . Hearam sat in the corner of the room holding a photo of her and y/n .  Only yoongi Hyung seemed calm . I don't understand how tho .

We heard a knock . " I'll get it " Haerum said as she kept the photo on the table . " It must be the police " I said .
" Hello is this the place where jimin lives " a person said. 
" Um - yeah who are you " Haeram asked . " I am " he wasn't able to complete the sentence . " hoseok " jimin said . " What are you doing here " . " I thought you might want to see this " hoseok said as he moved to the side and there lies some girl on a man's arms .

" Y/n ...what did you do to her you moron " jimin said as he punched hoseok . " Jimin listen to me pls let me explain  pls " hoseok exclaimed . " WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN . YOU KIDNAPPED HER AND YOU HAVE HER " jimin yelled .
" I think we should allow him to explain come in hoseok " yoongi Hyung said his face was calm but his eyes where throwing daggers on him .

We sat in the living room . Y/n was sleeping on the sofa . We missed her very much and after seeing her I have a feeling this is a dream but I know it isn't . " Now explain " yoongi Hyung told in a cold tone . " Ok first of all I am hoseok and these are my friends Jin hyung and namjoon " hoseok started . " We don't need your introduction tell us what happened " jimin said . " I don't want anybody to interrupt when I am explaining . And what I am going to tell now will be a little unbelievable so pls hold on to your questions after I explain " hoseok continued .

"Do you guys believe in vampires just nod your heads " hoseok said . We all nodded our head no . " Ok it's true vampires are real . Jimin please wait . They are alive and are living in this world . And so are werewolves . I know you guys must be thinking what is that got to do with y/n . Y/n is a vampires soulmate . A very dangerous vampires soulmate . He is very dangerous and can kill you with his powers . He isn't normal he is something or someone you will never imagine exists . He is the one who kidnapped
Y/n " we all gasped . I had a million questions and I wasn't able to believe a single thing .

" Jimin he is the reason why y/n ran away in the first place . Cause when y/n' s father kicked her out of the house she was searching for a house right " jimin nodded .
" So it turns out the person she is living with was a vampire who is obsessed with her . She ran away once she found out the truth she couldn't tell you because if you knew he would kill you . " Jimin's eyes were reda and tears were falling . Haeram hugged him and comforted him .

" So she ran away to here and she met you and Jungkook but he found her and kidnapped her all this time he was with her . Killing her inside . And you guys know what is more dangerous is that he marked her . When a vampire marks someone it means it belongs to him . It means he is the owner of her . Vampires always get back what is theirs if you guys don't believe me look at her neck ". We all looked at her neck and there it was a bite mark .

" Ok now you can ask your questions " hoseok concluded .
"How are we supposed to believe you and all the story that you are telling " yoongi asked . " I will show you guys that but later once it's dark " . Hoseok replied . " If we take what you telling is true then wouldn't he know where she is right now " jimin asked . " That's a good question no he will not know cause I rubbed a oil on her and it will prevent him from finding her Atleast for some days " Jin replied . " What kind of oil " I asked . " That's a question we can't answer " namjoon said. 

" Where did you find her " Haeram asked . " We were also searching for her all this time . And we found her today morning lying next to a phone booth . It was Jin who saw her . And then I bought her here " hoseok replied . " I still find it hard to believe you . What of your lying " yoongi Hyung said . " Hyung let's show them " namjoon said .
" Show us what " jimin asked . " Our true selves " Jin replied " we are werewolves " .

Well what do you guys think ?? .

So you guys want to know what happens next well read to find out 😝😝.

I know it isn't good so pls tell me your thoughts .

Comment and like pls .

Bye guys

Love y'all 🌹 🌹🌹

By the way did you guys get vaccinated ??? ...

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