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Y/n pov

"You love me" I asked shocked . " You heard me " he replied . " But taehyung I don't love you the hell I don't even like you now " I said . " I know but I will make you Love me " he said back . " I don't think so taehyung " I said . " Tae !!?" He yelled . " How many times did I ask you to call me tae not taehyung love " .

" No I won't we don't have any special relationship now so let me go you freak " I yelled back . " What did you say " he said . " What ??" I questioned . " WHAT DID SAY " He yelled again . " Taehyung just leave me " I said as I tried to remove the handcuffs . " It won't come off you idiot I have the key so and also I will never leave you " he said softly .

" Pls I beg you " I begged . " No if you be a good girl and eat the breakfast I made I will consider removing the handcuffs " he reasoned . " Ok " I said and I started to eat the breakfast to be frank it was delicious . I didn't know when I completed it . " Good girl " taehyung patted my head and removed the handcuffs .

" Don't be happy that I removed your handcuffs y/n dear " he said . " I am going to lock the door anyway " he smiled and went out of the room locking it . " Shit " I cursed . How am I going to escape now . I went to the window and saw that it was locked too . That guy is so smart . But I have to be smarter than him . I have to escape .

I sat on the bed and tried to think of a solution . But I couldn't I was in too much pressure to think so I decided to sleep . But just as I was about to sleep I heard the door open " oh so you are going to sleep princess " taehyung smirked " should I join you ? " . " Go away you pervert " I said as I put the duvet over my head . " Not possible love I will never go away " he snickered .

He pulled the duvet off me and slid of near me and hugged me " why can't I sleep with something I own " he whispered . " You don't own me taehyung " i said but his eyes became red and he pushed me off the bed and I fell down with a thud . " How many times should I tell you call me tae . Or do you want to call me master " he yelled . " T-t-taehyung I mean tae calm down pls " I said .

" No you made me angry and how don't I own you love you are mine so I do own you " he whispered in my ear . A shiver went down in my spine " so now that you have made me angry you have to sleep with me only from now on " . " What no-o-o " I said . " Huh what did you say I didn't hear it properly " he said in a dark tone . " I said yeah no problem " I lied . He smiled and pulled me to the bed and hugged me and slept .

I was not able to sleep . I mean he was kind of cold and the way he is touching my waist is not comfortable . I felt like kicking him but I know I can't . So I tried to sleep . The next thing I saw that it was morning and he was still hugging me . I felt the urge to use the bathroom . So I nudged him a little and tried to get out of his grip .

He hummed a little and turned on the other side . I quickly went to the restroom . I came out of the restroom to see the whole room as a mess . He was going crazy for no reason " tae what's happening " I said . He turned his head towards me and when he saw me his face brightened up and he quickly held my face .

"You'r here " he said . " Where else would I be " I said confused . " I thought you ran away " he said . " Why would you think that " I asked . " Cause when I opened my eyes you were not there " he replied . " So what's it with this mess " I asked again . "Oh that i made it cause I thought you ran . I did it in a frustration . Sorry " he confessed .

I giggled " really tae " . He also stated laughing " I know I am childish you don't need to tell me " . " I see well let's go I am hungry " I rubbed my stomach . " Ok let's go " he said . I forgot that I hate him for a moment . How is that possible .....

" You burnt the waffles " I said as I looked at the waffles on my plate . " No I didn't " tae denied . " Then why is it black " I asked . " I just added some food colour " tae said . " I see and am I supposed to believe you " I asked . " Yes just eat it love " he forced me . I ate a piece " argh you really burnt
It " I said as I spit it out . He started laughing like a madman " your face was so funny " .

I looked around and saw eggs so I took it and threw it at him he stopped laughing and faced me with a playful expression " let's play and fight " . So it became a good fight with eggs and eggs and eggs . The kitchen was a mess and we were covered with eggs and what not . I don't hate him anymore suddenly . But I need to escape . And I will escape .

Sorry for not updating I was kinda busy 😅😅.

So how was this chap guys ?

The story is getting very intense .

Bye guys

Love you 🥰.

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