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Yoongi pov

"What do you mean you don't know "

" I really don't know where she went Hyung " Jungkook whimpered under my glare . " Where the hell is she Jungkook " I felt so betrayed she couldn't stay even when I told her it's not safe for her to go outside . Fuck this even my spell would have broken and I just hope that taehyung didn't find her .

I held his collar and asked him " how did she escape when I told you watch her " . He sniffed , eyes red and puffy . I know it isn't his fault but I can't help but feel angry . " I know Hyung . We both were sitting on the couch watching TV when she asked me to bring her some water and when I came back she was gone . I'm sorry ,I let you down Hyung . Please forgive me " Jungkook replied looking down .

"Hyung it's not his fault . Let him go " jimin said as he pulled us apart . " Anyway Jin and namjoon have gone to search her " jimin said . I left him and went to my room .

"Mom she escaped what am I supposed to do now " I said to my mom. " Son , you have to get her before the red moon otherwise the whole world will suffer pls get her back son ,I can't lose my daughter " mom begged . " Don't worry mom I'll  bring my sister back  " yoongi said and cut the call .

Y/n pov

I ran into the forest . I was tired since I have been running for hours now . I took rest near a tree " Jennie I'm so sorry because of me you died . I promise to avenge your death Jennie . Rest in peace and I miss you and love you " I whispered . I need water . I was thirsty and I felt like fainting . I have money and my phone . They all have called me a hundred times but I didn't pick up . I switched it off .

Suddenly I heard a twine snap . I got nervous did he find me already " anyone here ". A girls voice said . " Help me " I said as I felt my legs giving out . " Oh god y/n what are you doing here " I opened my eyes to see Rose there .
" Water I need water " I said . " What happened to you " Rose said as she helped me get up .

" I'll tell you later " I said I put my head on her shoulder .
"Ok come let's get you some food and water " Rose replied . I saw dried tears in her cheeks . I felt so bad .
" I'm sorry Rose ,jen- -"
"Shhhh" she stopped me and said " not now your not well"

She took me too a cottage " guys look whose here " Rose said loudly . " Y/n " Lisa came and hugged me " how are you " Lisa asked me . " I'm fine just need something to eat" I replied . " Oh yeah su-" she was cut off by a scream
" What is she doing here " Jisoo yelled . " Jisoo hello " I wished her . " Y/n I missed you " Jisoo came and kissed my cheek.  " I missed you all too " .

" Ok guys let's give her some energy . Jisoo do we have something to eat " Rose said finally . " What kind of a question is that of course we do . Y/n how about some fruits until me and Lisa make dinner " Jisoo asked . I just nodded. 

Rose was feeding me fruits . " Dinner's ready " Lisa yelled from the kitchen . " Finally let's go y/n " Rose said as we went to the kitchen and sat down . " Y/n it's just something simple . It's just some kimchi and milk hope you don't mine " Lisa said . " Just need something . Who cares what it is " I said as I ate like a dog . They all giggled .

After we ate dinner I narrated the whole story to them .
" I'm sorry she died because of me . I'm sorry " I said as I wiped my tears off . " Don't cry it's not your fault . If you cry she'll feel bad . Because she loves you y/n " Jisoo said .
She what ?? . " Huh ? " I asked . " She loves you . Not like a sister or a friend but like a girlfriend y/n " Rose said . I was speechless " when she saw you she fell in love with you " Lisa continued .

"Jennie " I said as I cried . Lisa came and hugged me " it's ok cry now . Let it all out " she said . Soon Rose and Jisoo also came and joined . We all cried together . " Aren't you guys angry at me " I asked out of curiosity . " We aren't before taehyung took her . She said that if she dies . It's not your fault . She herself decided that if it's between her and you . She'll always choose you y/n " Jisoo replied .

Taehyung pov

I can  smell my love . Ahh after a long time I'm smelling her . It's feels so good . Now she's out and I can have her near me again . Feel her heartbeat and kiss her lips again .
I looked out for her . I was walking when I heard a growl . I smirked knowing who it was " oh if it isn't Jin the wolf "
I heard a growl again . I turned around " well hello to you too " . I heard another sound " oh all three are here . Let's play " I said. 

They were all quite for sometime .  I knew they were planning something . Suddenly namjoon came forward and as I was concentrating on him I didn't notice hoseok coming from behind and he scratched my back with his nails . I yelled because of the pain . I tried to hit him but then Jin came from the side and bit my shoulder . I cried . It hurts but I have to win . I knew I won't be able to so I ran from there in my super Speed and escaped . I saw a cottage . Her smell was coming from there . It was so overwhelming .

I saw through a window . They all were hugging each other and crying . Maybe about that little bitch, Jennie.
Why is love even crying over that piece of shit anyway .
She doesn't deserve her tears . But her death didn't change the fact that I found my love . She came to me herself . Now she won't be able to run anymore . I am going to take her to my world where no one can come . It'll be just her and me . I saw her face and it made me happy . I want to get her now itself but I will wait until tomorrow morning I'll take her once she sleeps peacefully for the last time .

I saw her holding her neck . He mark would be burning right now since I am near her . But she won't know . She's stupid to know about it . I saw the pain in her eyes . I'm sorry princess you deserve the pain because you too made me feel the pain when you ran away for a week . I'll make sure you don't run away because your mine and I will make sure you know that .

"Get ready princess . Tomorrow you'll be with me and of not your friends will suffer " I smirked as I went away from there .

Hello guys .
How was this chap??

Is nobody interested in the jimin FF ?? .

Anyway I got a cold and it's seriously annoying .

My fever keeps on going and coming back and I have exams right now and it's seriously not helping me .

Buy updating made me a little better tho .

Bye guy's

Take care and don't catch a cold because it's so trustfrating 🤧🤧.

Love y'all 💚 💚.

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