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Taehyung pov

Standing alone on the edge of the cliff . I wiped my tears .
My dead heart is burning just like my eyes from crying too much . I don't want to let her go but I didn't want to make the same mistake my vampire dad did . He too like me loved someone , too much to let her go and in the end ended up losing her once and for all . He killed her by himself because he got too jealous .

I knew that when he gave me his powers and I saw it all as a dream.  I don't want to lose her ,even if she doesn't want me and leaves me I don't her to get hurt or worse die . When we kill someone they can never come back . So I don't want to make his mistake and that is what he said to me before dying . I smiled as ,my love's face came in front of my eyes . I am now far away from her .

Jungkook pov

"Hyung are you done "I asked to Jin hyung . "Ya you hungry ass wait for some time " Jin hyung scolded me .
"That's what you said for the past 10 minutes Hyung"
I pouted.  He glared at me and I gulped my saliva "take your time , take your time " .

I saw y/n coming towards us with a small smile . I smiled back and pulled her to sit near me " did you sleep well " I asked her . She nodded and  put her head on my shoulder . " Jin is the food ready . I'm hungry " y/n said in a quiet voice . " Wait , cutie it's coming right now.......
Here it is " he made some wierd action in the air as of the food is flying and coming and kept it in front of her .

" But Hyung that was mine " I whined . Jin hyung glared at me again and looked down and wiped the sweat from my face . " Here kookie , let's share . I can't eat this much "
Y/n offered . I smiled at her and digged in . " Hello good morning guys " namjoon Hyung greeted us . We all wished him back and he sat down drinking coffee .

" Y/n how are you " hobi Hyung asked her . "I'm good , just a little headache " she answered . " Wait let me get you some medicine " hobi Hyung said and went searching for medicine . He came back " take this and you'll feel better ".
" Good evening guys " jimin Hyung said as he kissed y/n cheeks . We all were looking at him weirdly " what guys " he asked innocently .

" Jimin it's morning " I replied . "WHAT " he shouted .
" Ya why are you shouting " namjoon Hyung said . " That girl told me its evening and I slept through the day " he replied . Suddenly we heard laughing . It was Haeram looking hideous . " YOU PIECE OF BREAD , I'M COMING TO GET YOU " jimin Hyung yelled . " COME AND GET ME .......IF YOU CAN SHORTY " Haeram added fuel to the fire .

" Don't you think they are perfect for each other y/n " I asked . She smiled and hummed . "I know you must be hard for you but we can find him during the red moon "
I consoled her . Just then yoongi Hyung came down and said " I think I know what he is going to do " . He ordered everyone to come and sit in the living room . Haeram and jimin had bruises here that there , guess they had a pretty time .

" Y/n promise me that you won't panic " yoongi Hyung said to her . She nodded her head and said ok . " Guys , I found something when I was reading a book about the red moon " yoongi Hyung stated . " What did you find Hyung " namjoon asked . " I found out that he is going to sacrifice himself " . We all gasped and y/n held jimin's shoulder tightly . " W-what " she stuttered .

" I found out that though vampires are immortal they can die during the Red moon " he continued " they can sacrifice themselves for the moon and never be back again . I-i think he is going to do that " . Y/n got up suddenly and went to her room . We all agreed that she needed time to digest the news , that applies to all of us .
Even though I have never met him , I hate him a little for giving y/n so much pain .

Hoseok pov

I knocked on y/n ' s door and waited for her to reply . There was no reply . I knocked again , I heard a faint come in . I entered and the sight was too hurtful to see . She was curled up into a ball in the corner of the room . " Y/n .. " I mumbled . She looked up and her eyes looked so puffy and red . I felt like crying . I quickly ran up to her and hugged her " shhh .... It's ok " I said .

" Do you think he is really going to do that hobi " she whispered . I pulled out and looked at her " I think not when you save him y/n " I replied . She hummed and Hugged me again " I'm sorry hobi . I can't return your feelings " . I controlled my emotions " I just want you to be happy , if not with me atleast with someone else " I smiled . I felt a pang in my heart while saying this but I can't hang on to false hope , not when she loves someone else .

' don't worry y/n I will make sure you are happy , even if I have to kill myself I will do it ' I thought to myself.

' just long as your happy ' .....

Yoongi pov

" Mom I told her the truth " I said in the phone . " W-what how d-did she react " she asked me.  " Well she was angry at first but i don't know what changed her mind but now she wants to meet you mom " I replied . I heard her laughing and said "yoongi , tell her that I will meet her soon , I have a lot to talk to my daughter " . " Well mom when will you " I asked .

" On the Red moon day " ....

Heyyyy guysssssss

I am so happy today .......


Bye guy's

Love y'all


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