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Y/n pov

Damn this cramps . Sometimes I wish I wasn't a girl you know . This pain literally kills me . It is like I am born again and again after dying again and again . This is seriously not fair why do only girls have to face it . Boys are so lucky they don't need to go through this every month . I am not allowed to eat painkillers since I am like allergic to them meaning I have a lot of side effects so I don't eat it .

"Shit " I cursed as I tried to walk to my class . I was in school when I found out I was on my periods . I was so angry . It pained like hell . I tried walking but I fell down again . " Y/n are you ok ?" Jennie asked . "No am not I am on my periods " I whispered . " OMG when ?" She asked again " some minutes ago " I replied . " Do you want to go to the nurses room " she said . " No Jennie I can't I have a test and I need to attend it " I said .

" Are you sure . I don't want to force yourself y/n " she said concerned . " Thanks Jennie but I think I will okay " I said .
" Ok then I gotta go text me if something happens ok " she said . I just waved my hand and smiled . I sat on my desk and put my head down . I was sleepy . Jimin will be absent today since he had to visit his sick grandma . He said he told the teacher and she said he can write the test once he is back . He is so lucky . The test was easy I knew all the answers but I couldn't write anything due to the pain . But I still tried and wrote something . I don't wanna fail .

It was lunch time and I couldn't find Jennie . I had no energy to walk or stand in the line . It was terrible . The only thing the pain has got me was pain . I felt everything getting blurry and I started to see Black dots and then I don't remember anything as I closed my eyes and it was Black .

I woke up in a unfamiliar room . I looked around to see that I was in the school's nursery room . " I see you woke up " the nurse said . " How did I come here ?" I asked . " A friend of yours sent you here " she replied . " Do you know who it is " I asked again . " I think her name is Jennie " she replied ."oh thanks what happened to me " I said . "You fainted due to extreme pain and hunger . You should eat more my child . Since you haven't eaten anything you felt more pain and weakness " she sighed " take care of yourself dear " .

She left me and told me to rest suddenly I felt a precense near me . I turned my head slowly and saw


How the hell did he come here . And why didn't I hear the door open and it doesn't even look like he did anything . It seems like he came here within a snap of his fingers . He didn't even sweat but his eyes . His eyes always change colour . I need to know why though ........

" Y/n are you alright ? What happened ? I senced something bad is happening ? Why do  smell blood ? Did someone do anything cause if they did I will kill them ? Why aren't you answering me y/n ?  " He asked me a ton of questions . "How can I answer when you ask questions continuosly tae " I said giggling . " Sorry so...." He said .
" Oh I fainted that's all " I half lied . " Ok y/n you gotta be careful you know "  he scolded . I just nodded my head too embarrassed to say the real reason .

But I am glad that he didn't ask anything more . Anyway ...." Y/n I am making sure you eat well nowadays " he said . " Ok ..... " I replied . " I am making you fat " he teased . " What nooooo " I argued . " What yesssss " he teased me more . " Shut up " I said irritated . " Ok my queen " he replied .

We went home and of course I told Jennie and she was worried but told ok . She wants to meet my friend . When I said his name is Kim taehyung her face turned white and then she said she has to go .....that is suspicious . But who cares . Oh no the side effects are starting shit . I ran to restroom and looked at my face . It is starting to become red and it feels itchy . Taehyung knocked on my door
" Y/n are you ok ? Why did you run ?" He asked . I couldn't reply since it hurts to even move my mouth .

Ok now I am dead I realised that my stomach pain is also starting . And another thing you guys it doesn't last long for me the painkillers . When I didn't answer he knocked louder " y/n y/n are you in there . Anwer me y/n " he said .
I didn't answer then he became crazy " Y/N THIS IS THE LAST TIME I AM CALLING YOU OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR OR ELSE I WILL BREAK IT " he threatened . I didn't have the energy to walk and open now so I just crouched on the ground .

That is enough how the hell did he enter my room . I looked at the door and it is closed as if it was never opened and the lock too . This is scary and creepy and painful . All of a sudden I felt my body being picked up . He was carrying me . He layed me down the bed " y/n why is your face like that " I knew from his tone that he was mad . I couldn't reply so when I went to take my phone he shouted " I AM ASKING A QUESTION HERE AND YOU ARE TAKING YOUR PHONE " . I moved my head side to side to indicate it's not what I am doing .

He threw my phone and held my jaw and said " WHEN I TALK TO YOU . YOU ANSWER ME IS THAT CLEAR " He asked . I nodded " WORDS I NEED WORDS Y/N FUCKING ANSWER ME " He said and help my jaw tightly I hissed .
" OH SO YOU CAN SPEAK " I nodded and did some signs to show him I am not able to talk but he didn't listen " WHAT ARE YOU DOING DANCING WHEN I AM TALKING Y/N " He asked . I gave up and sat on the ground . He scoffed and went out .

I am still wondering why he behaves like that . I wanted to know so I took my phone from the ground and searched
' people who's skin is white and cold ' it showed me a couple of things but this one caught my eye ' the cold one '
I was interested so I opened the link . I was surprised to find some old legends and myths telling us about the cold ones who have pale skin and cold skin .

I clicked read more I was surprised to find out that they keep on changing their eye colour and they have fangs .
To pass on as a human they may eat and drink but they needed blood .  During old times they killed many people to have blood but it started to become low and many of their kind opted for animal blood . They even have a lot of powers . I thought about it and yes he and power he came into my room twice once in the nursery and then now .

They are immortal .
They have a lot of strength . They are more stronger than humans . They can crush us like we are a plastic bottle .
I thought about it and yes he is strong he held all of my bags when I came here in one hand . And also when we were shopping . Doing more research I came to a final answer that ...

Taehyung is  a vampire .

She found out the truth .

So how is she going to react to this .

She may or may not have fallen in love ......

Read the next chapter to know what's going to happen ....<3

Bye guys

Love y'all



(◡ ω ◡)

Peace ✌️✌️ .

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