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Y/n pov

"Y/n wait up " jimin shouted . " Yeah " I said . He smiled as he reached to me " I wanted to ask whether you want to go to the bookstore with me ?" . " Um sure since I have nothing to do I I'll come " I said . " Good gotta go " he said and started running . " BUT TELL ME  WHEN " I shouted .

After school we went to the bookstore . I read some comics and he was reading for his project . I was bored so I was just walking here and there when I bumped into someone " I am sorry so sorry " I bowed down . " It's ok it wasn't your fault " he said . I looked up to see a really handsome man . He was breathtaking .

" But still I didn't see where I was going " I said

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" But still I didn't see where I was going " I said . " Hey leave it . It is in the past anyway . By the way I am Jung hoseok "  he smiled . I giggled " I am y/n . I am sor---" I was interrupted by jimin " oh there you are y/n . I was worried I thought someone kidnapped you " he said and hugged me . It was akward . " I am here only don't worry and why would anyone kidnape we anyway " I asked . "Ahm ahm " hoseok fake coughed . " Oh sorry jimin this is hoseok . Hoseok this is jimin " I introduced .

"Hey man" jimin said as they high fived each other ." Hello bro" hoseok replied . " So guys should we go for coffee " I asked . " Yes I am hungry I could eat the whole shop  " jimin replied . " Bro are you sure cause I doubt you will be able to even reach the top of the shop " hoseok teased .
" Hyung " jimin whined . " Ok jimin stop being a baby and let's go" I said . " We all know who is the baby here " jimin teased . Hoseok and jimin fist bumped and laughed .
" Whatever " I said angrily and walked out the bookstore .

We went to the coffee shop and ordered a cold coffee each with some cookies and pastries . It was tasty and we all ate like a dog . I looked at the time and it was 9:30 pm so I told them it was late and I should probably leave " hey wait can you give me your no. " Hoseok asked . " Sure " I replied and gave him my no. " Y/n should I drop you " jimin asked . " No thanks I can go by myself thanks for the offer . And you are paying so I don't want to burden you anymore " I said .

" It's ok y/n it is not a burden please let me drop you so that I don't have to be worried " he showed me puppy eyes . " Ok guys I am going . You can continue bye " hoseok got up to leave ." But how are you going to go " I asked .
" My house is nearly only 3 blocks away so I will walk " he said . " Are you sure " jimin asked while paying . " Yeah don't worry " hoseok replied .

Jimin dropped me at the house . We both were listening to some songs and singling along . He had a angle like voice. " Bye y/n . I will see you at school tomorrow " jimin said as I closed the car door . " Ok bye jimin get home safely and text me once you reach home " I said . He drove off after showing me a ok sign .

I opened the door to see taehyung sitting in the sofa . His face was looking towards the floor . I thought he was sleeping so I was walking towards my room when " where were you " taehyung asked . " Oh you are awake " I said nervously . Some thing about his voice didn't feel right to me . " I asked where were you " his voice was stern now .
" Why do you care . I am going to my room " I said trying to escape from there .

"ANSWER ME " He shouted  his eyes were turning red .   "Tae-taehyung " I stammered . " I will ask one Last time where were you " he warned . " I - I - was with my friends" I replied scared .
" See it wasn't so hard " he said and hugged me . Ok is he a bipolar or something just a minute ago he was shouting like a madman but now he turned into a softie . I looked at him and his eyes were back to normal . " Oh ok I am going to my room " I said and ran to my room . I heard him giggling .

I did my night routine and plopped on my bed . I was scared why did taehyung behave like that and why did his eyes turn red . Is he a witch or something . I thought witches were only women's . " It is just my imagination anyway weird things are happening from many days " I thought and slept .

Taehyung pov

I was furious . How dare she went out this late . I couldn't use my powers since I was a little weak and using them will result in me going out of control and I don't want to hurt Princess when she is back . I was trying not to lose my temper when she was back . But she wasn't answering me properly when I asked her where she was .

I was losing my patience and I felt burning inside me when I smelled a man's smell  actually two  . I asked her for the last time and I knew she was scared and I felt my eyes changing its colour . But my anger went away when I saw her face it was scared . I don't want her to know the truth now itself . I don't want her leaving me though I won't allow her too cause she is born to be mine and will die only as mine .


This was the fourth chap .

Hope you liked it .

Please check out my other book' the light of my life ' .

Thanks for reading

Bye guys

Love y'all 😍😍.

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