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Taehyung pov

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face gave me a feeling which I have never felt . She was looking so ethernaly beautiful and I can't believe she is mine . Last night was a memorable time for me . She must be having difficulty in walking tho ..... She hasn't accepted yet but I know she loves me somewhere in her heart. So I am going to make those feelings rise and make her fall in love with me . She stirred in her sleep . I know the fast travel would have made her dizzy . I have got used to it now .

" Good evening " I chirped as I smiled widely . " Good evening ? " She asked . " Yeah it's evening so..... " I replied .
" Oh I see " she wasn't the happy y/n I knew . I know it's because of me but call me selfish but I need her with me .
" Taehyung just so you know it's difficult for me to forgive you after you have hurted me to the level that I thought of killing myself just to escape from you " love confessed " and also why do I have a terrible body pain and my lower body hurts as if we had "

I chuckled " even if you die . I make you come back to me . Just like before . And yes we had sex you were the one who wanted it . You didn't stop me you called me daddy too . I was above the clouds yesterday and finally your mine  " . She was confused more now . It's time to tell her about our past . She won't remember but gradually she will . " Love , exactly 159  years ago I saw someone who made my heart feel excited and happy . Someone whose  presence made me feel euphoric . It was you . I saw in a garden that time  . I fell in love with you the moment I saw you . The way you looked at the flowers so lovingly made me want you to look at me that way "

I continued " I was mesmerized by your simple dress and your bare face . I approached you and we became friends. My feelings for you grew when I came to know you . That garden was our hangout place . You didn't judge me or behave differently when you came to know that I was Royal . You were yourself and I loved that about you . You didn't complain about my weird behaviour .I confessed to you on 23 may 1863 . I was so sure you loved me too . I saw the love for me in your eyes . But you rejected me . I shouted at you and you ran from there "

" Next day I came to know that you were gone . I was so brokenhearted . I was so hurt . I kept on blaming myself that because of me you died . I was hurting myself and I was acting like a coward . I cried to the level that my tears ran out . I was feeling hopeless and finally I decided to end it all . I decided to find you and join you in heaven . So I decided to kill myself . I was just 16 that time and I was crazy for you . "

"I was dieing when a man came up to me and saved me . He bit me and made me vampire . So the fact that I can have you again made me want to live . He told me I will  find you . I came to know about a witch who was very powerful . I went to her and asked her to make you live again . The asked me to give her my mortality . You must be wondering I am vampire then how was I a mortal
I was young so I mortal . When I will be 18 I would have been immortal " I completed .

" Do you know how much I had to wait for you to be reborn and I found you in that alley " I said . " So that was you it means all that weird noise and voice was all you " love asked me . I smirked and said " yes , it was me . When I found you I was beyond happy . You were the same " .

" Now that I have you after these many years I am not letting you go . I don't want to feel the pain again . I don't want to lose you again . " I said as I felt tears coming out of my eyes . " So princess please don't leave me . I can't live without you . your my everything . Your the reason I am even alive . Please stay forever with me . " I pleaded .

" Still you didn't have to kill all those people and Jennie what did she even do to you " love scoffed . " She didn't tell me where you were . If she had she must be alive now  you know " I said . " Your the same I thought listening to your explanation o thought you were good . But you don't love me your just obsessed with me taehyung . And the guilt of me leaving you and the anger of the past is making you like this . Please let me go " love said .

How dare she doubts my love .  I love her with all my heart I have so much for her and she still doesn't believe me . I can see it in her eyes that she doesn't believe the past story as well .she is just using it . I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth . I felt the power in me begging to be released . But I don't want to hurt her . Why can't I hurt her even when her words hurt me . Because I love her and she is telling me I don't .

I took out my handcuffs and cuffed her hand to the bed .
" What are you doing let me go " she said . " No I won't stop moving " I coldly replied .I need to realease my anger. 

" WHY ME "


I ran to the mountain and screamed ok top of my lungs . My eyes were red I know . I saw a deer coming my way I jumped on it and bit it . I drank all its blood . Suddenly I heard a twine snap . I looked at the direction and found a man looking at me . Who is that man . He looks oddly familiar .

" Forget about me already vampire king "

This part was all about their past .

Who is this mysterious man .

Why did y/n allow taehyung to have sex with her ??

And I want to to ask why are only some people voting and only some are commenting . Don't you guys like my story . If yes tell me . I will improve .

Please comment and vote . If not vote atleast comment something .

Bye guy's .

Love y'all 🌹 🥀 .

And if you guys don't comment and vote . I am already loosing my interest so it's ok if you don't like my story . I am not trying to be rude . It's just that only 3-6 people compliment my work . And I feeling bad . But just for those people I will update .

See ya ~~~ .

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