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Y/n pov

The flowers fluttering in the wind . The air was calm nothing like my messed up life . The birds were flying freely unlike me whose caged in a house . Taehyung is not back from yesterday . I am hungry but the door is locked so I can't go outside the room . Suddenly I heard the door opening. He must be back .

"Love " his voice was more cheerful now . The door opened and I saw him smiling standing at the door .
" Did you miss me princess " he asked as he came close to me . " No I didn't " I replied straightforward . Suddenly the air around me seemed to become tense . " I didn't quite hear you what did you say " he said in a warning tone .

I backed up a bit until my back hit the wall and we came close to my face and held my chin painfully . I led out a whimper " I - I said I didn't miss you " . He kissed me suddenly and his hand want under my shirt . His cold hands made contact with my skin and I shuddered . He held my waist and pulled me closer " everytime you say something that hurts me I will kiss you " .

He pulled away and said " are you hungry ?" . I was still in a daze but nodded my head because my stomach grumbled and it made him laugh " come on let's get you some food before you eat me "  . My face became red and I felt embarassed . "O-ok ". In the kitchen he made some noodles for me within a minute I mean he didn't even open the packet . By the time I blinked the noodles was there " huh !! How?" I asked . He just smirked and said
" Secret " .

I know what it is . He used his powers and to tell you there is some different aura around him like a change . I felt he became more powerful . But I have to try and escape from here but how . I thought for sometime and planned to escape when he goes for his hunt Today . He's a vampire so he can't live without blood .

It was night time and I waited for him to go hunting but he wasn't going and I became restless I asked " aren't you going hunting " . He looked at me and said " no . Are you planning to escape love ? " . I just stood there as I didn't know what to reply . All of a sudden he was standing close to me . He whispered in my ear " I know about your plan princess . And why should I hunt when I have you to satisfy all of my needs " . I felt a stinging pain in my neck and I finally realised that he was drinking my blood .

He stopped and said " I don't want you to be sick so I stopped otherwise you must be dead now and your blood is so addicting ,love your blood's so tasty " . I touched the place he bit and hissed it was paining like hell . He licked it and I felt the pain vanish . I touched it again and it was like there was no bite mark there . It was clean . I am slowly coming to know about his powers .

" You want to watch movie love " he asked me . " Um sure let's watch " I replied feeling a little shook . He chuckled and sat on the sofa " I will select a movie and you go get snacks ok " . I nodded and went to the kitchen . I took some chips and chocolate milk and some popcorn . I sat on the couch and turned towards the TV and saw that he chose twilight .

" Is that enough princess? " Taehyung asked me . " Yeah and plus there is no food left " I replied as I opened the chips packet . " I'll go get some tomorrow ...... Do you want to come with me love " he asked and I was so happy that I can get out of the house maybe escape too . " Yeah " I replied cheerfully . " Don't try to escape , I'll fine you within a minute anyway so it's of no use . And also if you escape I will kill your friends " he warned me .

There was kiss scene and it was intense . I felt a hot breath near my neck . I turned to look at him but I felt soft lips on mine . This time the kiss was passionate and long . I don't know why I kissed him back . He kissed my neck and left purple marks . I moaned and I pushed him . He held my hands forcefully and kissed me again this time it was hunger and lust .

" You wanna know why you allowed me to have sex with you love " he asked as he looked into my eyes deeply . " It's because I made you drink something that will make you horny . I'm sorry I had to do it because I had to make you fully mine " . He got up and said " I won't do it again without your consent " . I couldn't blame him . Something in me didn't allow me to blame him .

I felt a throbbing pain in my head . I held my head and screamed a little . I saw black dots and then it was fully darkness . I saw everything about our past in my dream . How we were laughing and how he confessed to me and all that and how I  died .

I opened my eyes and saw taehyung wiping my tears .
" Taehyung " I whispered . " Shhhh I know love " he whispered back . " I remember everything now tae " I said as I smiled . " What do you m-mean " he asked me ." I remember everything about our past life tae and I'm sorry I left you " I said as I cried in his chest .

He hugged me and said " that's good , now if you don't mind can you tell me how you died " . I didn't know how to tell him without hurting him . I don't know how to . Suddenly I felt warm with him and I felt a connection with him and I felt love .

Finally she remembered everything ...

Anyway let's see on the next chapter guys

Bye guy's

Love y'all 💌💌.

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