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Y/n pov

I woke up . Surprisingly I didn't feel any pain . I touched my arm and I didn't feel anything . I looked at my reflection on my mirror I didn't have any bruises not even a scratch . I was shocked "how can that be possible . Just yesterday that jerk stabbed my arm but I don't see anything . Even my past scars are gone . "

I didn't have time to think about this  . I had to go to school . I took a quick bath still not able to believe what happened and got ready for school . Now I don't have to hide my scars  with make up .


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Makeup and hair

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Makeup and hair

Makeup and hair

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Your bag

Your bag

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Shoes .

I went downstairs to make breakfast . But I don't have time  for it and I don't want that jerk to wake up so I just grabbed a slice of bread made a pb and J sandwich and went off to school . " Hi y/n" jimin greeted me once I reached the bus stand . " Hey jimin" I replied . Then it was all akward . The bus arrived and we got in .

Jimin sat beside me . I looked at him and he said " what? there is no place " . I giggled " that's not it but ok " . I took out my earphones and gave one to him and played music .
We both were vibing to it and suddenly a gush of wind came towards me and I heard that voice again " ask him to go somewhere else and sit Princess " . I was too shocked to even move . I knew I heard this voice yesterday . But I didn't tell jimin to move . I was not scared of it .

We got down the bus and were walking to school . "Hey
Y/n I have a question" jimin said . " Yeah ask me " I looked at him . " How do you keep that smile on your face always . I am never able to hide my feelings but you are good at it . How can you " he asked slowly . I laughed
" I don't know jimin . I just don't know . " I replied . He smiled at me " but anyway your smile is very pretty and it makes me smile too " he said .

I blushed and was going to reply when " you are making a mistake love " I stood still . Jimin Shaked me asked " are you ok you seemed to be zoned out " . " Ah no " I replied .
" Princess don't talk to him or else you will regret it " it said . " I don't care " I shouted and honestly it is creeping me out . " Y/n are you sure you are ok " jimin asked worriedly . " Yeah " I replied .

" Then why did you shout " he asked again . " I don't know just this creepy voice ---" I was interrupted " don't you dare tell him " it warned . " What I didn't get you " jimin said . " Nothing let's go we don't want to be late " I pulled jimin and ran to school .

What I didn't notice was someone was burning in anger and jealousy . " I will make sure he pays for what he has done "

"Hey y/n "
"Girl hey "
" Hello "

Everyone greeted me . I greeted them back but my mind was not here . I kept on thinking about that voice . "Earth to y/n" Jennie said . " Uh- yeah" I came back to my senses .
" I noticed that the whole day you were off . Did something happen " she asked . " No nothing I am just tired " I remembered his warning .

" Ok then go home . I will tell the teacher " she said . " No I don't want to I am fine . Anyway only two more periods more so I'll stay " I replied . " Ok then " she got up . School was over and I went to the cafe where I work " hello guys " I greeted my co workers . " Hey y/n . How was school " Rose one of my co workers asked . " It was same old " I said as wore my apron .

" Hello sir what would you like " I asked to the costumer . He was rather weird wearing a mask . To be frank he looked like a gangster wearing all Black . " One chocolate latte " he coldly replied . That voice it seems so familiar .
"Miss can you stop staring at me and get me my order " he said . I looked away embarrassed "sure anything else " .
" No that's it thanks " he sat on a table .

While I making his order . I felt like someone was staring at me . It was that costumer . Even when he realised I knew that he was staring at me he didn't look away . It was so creepy " who told me not to stare and he is looking at me like he will kill me " I mumbled . " Y/n Jisoo is calling you to help her " Lisa said .

" Ok . Can you make a chocolate latte for the man there " I pointed . " Sure " she replied and started making . I went to Jisoo and saw she was struggling with the cupcakes . It was burnt . I giggled and went to her " what happened unnie " . She looked at me " oh you are here . I went to the bathroom and came and it got burnt . Can you help me we have a big order for cupcakes and we have to deliver them by tomorrow " she asked ." Ok unnie " I said .

On the other side when Lisa went to give the consumer his order he was very weird . He asked where y/n was and when she told him she was helping someone . His eyes turned dark and he gave the money and left the cafe leaving his latte behind .

The man was angry " oh princess you made a lot of mistake today . Talking to boys even after I warned you .
Almost exposing me and ignoring me all day . Just wait love . I will definitely punish you " he smirked .

That's the end of this chap .

Guys do read my other book ' the light of my life ' .

It is Jungkook ff .

Vote and comment and please follow me .

Bye guys .

Love y'all 😻 😻.

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