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Taehyung pov

Why isn't it morning yet . The sun is testing my patience .
I looked at the time it was 5:45 . Just 15 more minutes then I can take action . This time I will make sure , she doesn't escape from me . I have plan to make a love me . It's a little selfish but I don't care . I just want her with me . I won't let her leave me after all I have done for her . I sacrificed my life for her . And I still want to know why she left me in her past life .

The sunrise was so beautiful . It was mesmerizing and I loved it . I want to see sunrise with my princess . The sun rays falling on her face . I can't imagine the beauty . It's out of the world . Damn I am imagining her and still she's flawless . Anyway time to take what's mine . You had enough of freedom love . Now it's time to cage the beauty forever .

I went inside the cottage and turned on the lights . They all groaned . " Who turned on the lights " that Jisoo girl said . " Lisa I swear to god if it's you whose waking up to do your stupid morning exercise . I'll kill you turn off the fucking lights " Rose said . " It's not me . Why are you guys blaming me " Lisa said in sleep . All of their eyes were closed . My love wasn't bothered . The cute pout on her lips . I want to kiss it .

They all stirred up finally . Lisa opened her eyes first . Her eyes widened as she saw me . I smirked.  She pat Rose whose sleeping near her " what " Rose groaned . Lisa said nothing she just kept on patting her back . "What do you want now " Rose got up and she had the same reaction as Lisa . I walked towards my love and caressed her cheeks and pecked them . She pushed me away and mumbled
" Go away . I want to sleep more " . I chuckled at her cuteness .

" Y/n get up . He's here " Jisoo whispered . How amazing of her to think I won't be able to hear and also when did wake up!?. When y/n heard that she got up with a jerk and looked at me . " HOW - WHAT- I AM NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND . what happening " princess said . " Don't worry I am here to take you home and marry you " I replied . " Marry you . Why would I marry someone who murdered my friend " love scoffed .

" Don't anger me . Obey me and your friends will be fine . Come with me or else I will hurt them and I am not joking . Listen to me okay " I tried to hold her hand but she pulled it away and said " I'm not coming with you " she yelled . Ok that's it .

Suddenly all of her friends yelled in pain " what happened guys " y/n went towards and asked them . " I-im not able to breathe y/-y/n " Jisoo replied . " M-my  w-whole body is paining . I - I - am not able to move " Lisa whispered just enough for everybody to move . I looked at my love's face . I saw tears on her face as she looked at Rose whose showing that she can't talk . I smirked looking at them . Now she has to come to me .

" Let them go " princess told me . " Nah . Not into you agreed to come with me " I said as I made them yell more in pain . " N-no y/n d-dont go . We are f-fine " Lisa stuttered . " Poor girls they are all so young and pretty to die aren't they love " I teased . " Let them go please. I beg you " love fell down on her knees . As much as it hurts to see her like this . I can't back down . Not when I know she'll be back with me .

" I will just agree to be mine and I will let them live " I said . She seemed to be in thinking . That rose girl tried to talk but she wasn't able to . I put them in mute for time being . Now they know with whom they are playing with . They know my power . " Ok I agree to be yours just leave them " princess yelled as tears fell down her face  " But why me "  .

"You came into my life and made me crazy about you " I replied . She didn't understand but soon her friends fell on the ground . Groaning in pain . " Y/n why did you do that " Rose said when she got her voice back . " Don't worry I'll be fine " love replied . " Y/n take care . We will get you back . I promise " Lisa said . " Come on group hug for the last time " Jisoo said with sadness . They all hugged and then then I pulled her up and took her with me .

" Time's up . Let's go princess " I whispered in her ear . She shivered . I liked seeing her like that . " Okay . Let me get my clothes " she replied . " No need . Everything is ready only you need to come " I carried her bridal style to the middle of the forest . I put her down and then performed my magic . I made a whole In thin air . Love mouth was open . She is so cute . " Let's go " I pulled her into the whole and we came to a house in the middle of nowhere .

Some place where no one can find us . No one has found this place . " It was our old house . Which I renovated " I said seeing love's questionable look . She looked more confused . I just chuckled and " you'll know later " . I took her to the room and locked it . Though no one will come . It's better to keep the doors closed . I pinned her against the wall and said " I was waiting for a long time for this . Finally your here . Under me and waiting for me to pleasure you " I said .

" Princess do you remember your promise which you made to me last month " I asked . " W-w-what promise " she was acting dumb I knew it . " Don't act dumb . You know what I mean " I said . " I don't know " she replied . I got angry and pushed her to the bed and kissed her harshly . How I missed those lips .  I slowly opened her buttons and put the shirt somewhere . My plans working I felt her slowly giving in . She's melting in my kiss .

" Daddy please help me . I want you" she whispered . God that tone itself made me hard .

" Your wish is mine to fulfill love . Let me pleasure you " I said .

Ok what's happening . Honestly I have no idea .

Don't wait for smut because I am still not comfortable writing it . I'm sorry to disappoint you guys .

Anyway why do you think y/n said that to tae ??! .

Tell me your guesses .

Pls don't be silent reader . Your comments are everything so pls comment down . And vote too .

Thank you

Bye guy's

Love y'all

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