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Third person pov

The girl was tied up in the chair . Her hands and legs chained . She was literally naked and pale as he drank almost all of her blood . The was pretty ,but not as his love . The girl opened her eyes to darkness . She tried to move but her whole body was in pain . Her neck and her hands had some kind of marks in them . She screamed and she tried to take the chains out when a voice said
" I wouldn't do that if I was you Miss Jennie "

She couldn't recognise the voice . She was not able to see properly because of the darkness . Suddenly the lights were on and Jennie adjusted her eyes to the brightness .
"How are you Jennie ? " The voice asked . She couldn't find from where the voice was coming . " Look up my dear " .
She saw a bat on the ceiling . It looked like it was smirking .  She freaked out when the bat Suddenly  changed into a man . The man was very handsome . She could have fallen in love if it wasn't for that he kidnapped her .

"So let me introduce myself .... I am taehyung , Kim taehyung . Probably you know me " taehyung said .  "Taehyung you are that vampire aren't you whose behind y/n " Jennie said shocked . " Why am I here ? " She asked calmly . " You are here to tell me where my love is " taehyung replied . " I don't know what your talking about" Jennie was now alert .

" You know exactly what I am talking about Jennie " taehyung spoke as he neared her . " Your scared aren't you don't bother lying cause I can hear your heart beating fast . " Taehyung smirked . " Whatever . Let me go " Jennie said . " Not until you tell me where she is " taehyung asked her as he looked into her eyes . " Where is who " she had to act dumb otherwise he would know . She knew it was of no use . " Where is y/n Jennie . Don't make me force you . Just tell me when I am calm . You don't want to die right " taehyung spoke with a deeper voice . It sent shivers down her spine .

"I will never tell you . Where she is . Even if you kill me . I won't tell you " Jennie replied . " YOU BETTER TELL ME OTHERWISE I AM NOT KIDDING JENNIE YOU WILL DIE " Taehyung screamed. " NO NEVER . I WON'T TELL YOU . NEVER " She shouted back . He was beyond angry now . He took out his whip and started to whip her . She screamed in pain . But she wouldn't open her mouth .
" Just tell me Jennie you don't have to go through this " taehyung said. 

" You would kill me either way " she whispered . " Damn you caught me . Your smart " he replied . He stopped whipping her once her blood came out . He licked his lips . He couldn't control himself anymore . He bit her and drank her blood . Her blood wasn't that tasty as his loves . He stopped and chuckled at the girls state . She could barely hold on . " My poor girl you bought this on yourself . So now tell me where she is before I kill you " he said .

"I'D RATHER DIE THAN TELLING YOU , YOU CREEPY VAMPIRE " Jennie screamed that was the last sentence she could ever say before he stabbed her heart with a knife .
"shit shit SHIT . I KILLED HER BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN ANSWER ME . FUCK NOW HOW WILL I FIND HER . I AM AN IDIOT " taehyung shouted on top of his lungs .

He grabbed her body and ran to the nearby forest and threw her there . He hid it under  the dried leaves . He ran away from there removing each and every proof about him from there .

Jin pov

" How's the pretty lady doing ?" I asked to the girl sitting on the sofa with a pout . " Not fine Jin oppa , the TV's not working . I want to watch something . I am bored from sitting inside all day " y/n replied . " Wait let me check " I said as I went to the TV and turned it off and then turned it on again . " See it's working now " I said . " Thank you Jin oppa . SARANGHAE ❤️ " she said as she sent me a flying kiss just like me .

" So what are we watching my lady " I asked her . " Watch a movie . What do you want to watch " she asked me .
" Um how about the eternals movie . I heard it's pretty good " I suggested . " Ok great could you do me a help and call others please oppa . Just don't disturb yoongs of he's sleeping . He will turn into a monster of you wake him up" she said . I chuckled and nodded before I went to call everyone " EVERYBODY COME DOWN . Y/N'S CALLING US FOR WATCHING A MOVIE " I screamed on top of my lungs .

" Thanks Jin oppa " y/n said sarcastically . I just laughed and sat near her . I heard footsteps and saw that everyone was down " bro did you really have to shout we all were playing fortnight you ass " Jungkook said . " I felt as if my ears are bleeding . I can still hear your voice ringing in my head " jimin said . I smacked both of their heads . He whined but sat down " so what are we watching y/n " Haeram asked . " The eternals " namjoon replied instead of y/n . " How - how did you know I never said that " y/n was shocked .

" Um you are literally searching for that " he pointed at the search history . I just giggled and gave him a light punch . " Y/n I think you need to see this " hoseok said looking at his phone . " What is it hobi " y/n said . " You just see this " hobi said as he showed y/n something .

" A body was found this evening . Of a girl who seems to be not older than 25 . Her body is full of Mark which are unidentified . She looks like she just died . Her legs and hands show marks of being chained . The Police suspect that she may be kidnapped and brutally murdered by something .... "

" JEEEEENNNNNIIIIIIEEEEEE " Y/N cried . " What happened to her . How did she die . She was here hours ago and now she is dead " . Jungkook and jimin hugged her and cried . I went to get water . Haeram was too shocked to say anything she was looking at the wall but her tears were falling .

" He killed her . He is out of control now " yoongi said as he came down the stairs . " What ? " Namjoon asked .
" When Jennie went later . He probably smelled y/n 's scent on her since they both hugged . He kidnapped her and killed her because she wouldn't tell him anything " yoongi stated . " SHE DIED BECAUSE OF ME . SHE DIED TO PROTECT ME . HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITH THE GUILT NOW . WHYYYY " Y/n cried more louder .

"Calm down y/n . It's not your fault . She gave her life it was her decision so don't cry and allow her soul to rest in peace " hoseok said m " but but .... " She couldn't complete her sentence as she blacked out . " Y/n " Jungkook and jimin shouted together . Haeram ran towards her and shook her shoulders . " Calm down everyone . I put a sleeping spell on her that's all " yoongi said . " Now we have to make a plan to fight that vampire . I didn't tell this before because I didn't want y/n to hear it but . The more she stays away from him . The more she would miss him and want him.  This is possible because he marked her and basically she would miss him because she is his " .

" What ???? !!!!"

Well hello guys ..
How was your day??
Well whose your bias people and what do you like about him .???

Bye guys

Love y'all (。♡‿♡。)

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