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Y/n pov

" So tell me y/n why did you run away " jhope asked .
" I told you I wanted sometime alone with myself " I lied .
" I know you are lying to me y/n I can see it in your eyes " jhope said . " No am .... Not " I said . " Just tell me the truth y/n " j hope whispered . " You don't understand even if I did you won't believe me " I said . " Try me " jhope replied .

" I used to stay with a tenant before moving here . He used to be very nice but sometimes he acts like As if he is my boyfriend . He shouts at me but he is cute . I don't understand . I did notice his eyes changing colours .... "
" What his eyes changing colour " j hope interrupted .  "Yeah just let me complete and then I noticed how he is somewhere else like I see him in the kitchen but in a second he is beside me .  And his skin is cold too like ice .I thought maybe it's my imagination but I had a gut feeling that it was not it .I did some research and found out that..."

"That he is a vampire " jhope completed . " How did you know " I asked totally shooken . " I just know that y/n and trust me what I am going to tell you will make your head feel dizzy " j hope commented . " What can be more shocking than this " I said . " I am a werewolf y/n " j hope whispered . " Sorry I didn't hear you " I said thinking I was just hearing things .

" You heard me y/n . I won't say it again " j hope said looking in my eyes.  " What I don't believe you " I scoffed .
" I know so let me show you . I am taking you to the forest
Don't shout ok  . Hey guys come on let's go " jhope said and he was quite for sometime as if like he was thinking something . " Ok man let's go " namjoon said and patted jhope .

" Hey y/n are you scared " Jin asked as he was driving and I sitting near him . " Yeah kinda " I said . " Don't worry you will be fine we won't hurt you " Jin assured . " I know " I said and smiled at him . " What are they doing ?? " I asked Jin pointing at jhope and namjoon who are sitting at the back . " Oh them they are kinda talking to each other in their minds " Jin replied . "Huh" I didn't get what he was talking about .

" You see y/n our minds are connected so we can talk in our minds and read each other's mind " Jin replied . " So you know what they are talking about " I asked . " Yeah " he replied. " What " I said out of curiosity. " Thats kinda personal y/n so I can't tell you " Jin said sighing . " Ok " I said .

" We are here " namjoon said and got out of the car .
" Really " I said as I got out of the car too.  " So y/n are you ready to witness the world's greatest show " namjoon asked . " Yes but is there any tickets " I teased . " Nope it's free for out little friend " namjoon replied . " Thanks I guess " I muttered . " Now y/n Don't be too surprised or anything ok " jhope said . " Well that depends aaaaaaaa " I shouted .

" Jin hyung couldn't you wait " jhope complained . Jin just shrugged in his werewolf form . I was so shocked . I didn't think it was true but this so warm " you guys look so cuddly " I said without realising . " What y/n in this you only thought about how we are cuddly not that I am saying it was wrong " namjoon whined . " Yeah " I said shamelessly . Suddenly jhope and namjoon too changed.

It's Jin, jhope and namjoon

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It's Jin, jhope and namjoon .

I  was so mesmorized by their beauty . Their fur was so beautiful and I without realising went near them and I touched their fur . I heard a purr . I smiled . I have always liked animals . Suddenly someone took me and made me sit near his shoulder. I looked where he was looking it was so beautiful ,the sunset it was beyond beautiful . I noticed his eyes and came to know that it was namjoon . I smiled as I cuddled next to him .

It was night time and we decided to spend the night in the forest . They all changed into their human forms . " Do you want to hear the story y/n " namjoon asked . " Yeah sure " . " Long ago there was a man . Only he wasn't a real man he was more powerful , more stronger and a speed which no human had . His eyes were red and he  drank blood . But as everyone knows there is always something greater than that . He wasn't alone he had a whole clan together they were more powerful and unbeatable . But they had enemy's .

Who were born to kill them , protect the humans and protect the world from them . They could change their forms .The war kept on going between those two . One day another man came and made a deal with their enemy's that they promise to only drink animal blood and leave humans alone . The enemies agreed and they never came between each other and the peace was going fine.

It was the red moon day that the cold ones went out of control and they broke the deal and killed hundreds of humans for blood and made humans like them . It was time for the enemies to take control and that night was terrifying . Hundreds of people dead . And nobody knows how the war ended but it made the cold ones and their enemy's silent ." Namjoon ended .

" So I guess that the cold ones are the vampires and their enemy's are werewolves ? " I asked . " Yes y/n you are
right " jhope said . " So it means that taehyung and you guys are enemy's " I said . " Yes " Jin said . " So you get that he is dangerous right " jhope said . " Yeah that's why I ran away " I reasoned . " Hmmm" jhope replied . " Wait so guy's are going to kill him " I asked.  " Not unless he hurts someone " Jin replied . " I see ok guys I am tired I am going to sleep " I said .

" Night y/n " jhope said .

Bye guys

Love y'all


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