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Third person pov  pov

" Woah you guys are beautiful " jimin exclaim . " Can I touch your fur " he asked . He was going to touch jin' s fur when Jin growled . " Ok chill dude I won't touch your fur " jimin said scared . Hoseok went near jimin and rubbed his fur against him " waah your fur is so soft hobi . I love it . I want to cuddle you now " jimin said .

Suddenly they all changed back to their human form .
" Sorry about that I am just to sensitive about my fur " Jin said . " Just like how you are about your face " Jungkook teased . " Yaah you kid I am handsome your just jealous " Jin argued . " Yeah right " Jungkook replied sarcastically .
He felt a smack on his head and saw Jin lookin at him furiously . " You better respect me kid before I kill you with my pink slippers " Jin said .

" Why pink slippers Hyung when you can kill him with your wolf power " namjoon   said . " I didn't think about it . That's why your smart namjoon " Jin said . " So do you guys believe us now " hoseok asked . " Yeah I kinda do . Since I saw you guys " Jungkook said . " I guess it's time to tell you guys something now that the truth is out and everyone knows about this " yoongi Hyung said all of a sudden. 

Everyone looked at him in confusion " what are you talking about Hyung " Jungkook asked . " Let's get inside maybe y/n' s awake " . We all went inside and saw y/n trying to get up yoongi ran up to her and helped her sit down comfortably placing pillows behind her back and under her legs . " Hey how are you " jimin Hyung asked her . " Chimmy is it really you " y/n asked . " Yeah I missed you , you know " jimin hugged her .

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have left but I was scared and I thought if you knew where I was and what I was going to do you will stop me and he will hurt you . I'm so sorry jimin . I missed you too . I missed your hugs . How's Jennie by the way " y/n said . " I missed you too cupcake . I know that you wouldn't leave without a reason. I was just hurt that you didn't trust me " jimin said as he sobbed " Jennie's awesome by the way and even her friends too . But she misses you too . She always cried in the night "

"Y/n did you forget about me " Haeram asked finally opening her mouth to speak . " No Haeram how can I forget my best friend " she replied . " Then what am I" yoongi Hyung asked . " You all are my best friend " y/n said as we all hugged her . " Y/n I'm glad you're back and I going to make sure that bastard goes through the same amount of pain as you did " Jungkook said gritting his teeth .

" Hoseok thank you for saving me . I owe you one . " Y/n said as she looked at him . Hoseok gave her a nod and smiled . " Jin could you cook me something I'm hungry " namjoon said as his stomach rumbled .  We all laughed . Namjoons face was red and it looked so cute . " Yeah Hyung pls cook something I guess even y/n is hungry " jimin said . Y/n nodded and smiled .

After they ate our food which was delicious . " So guys are you ready I am going to tell you something and pls don't be too shook alright " yoongi said . " Ok " we all replied .
" This might seem unbelievable but I am a Socerer . My mom's a witch and my dad is a vampire " yoongi said .
" That makes you half vampire too right " namjoon asked .
" Yeah but I don't face that side of mine since my mom's blood is much stronger than my dad's " yoongi replied .

" Gosh this day is full of surprises but I like it " Jungkook said . " Yeah man it's so unrealistic like I'm having a dream " jimin agreed . " Will you guys let me continue " yoongi sighed . " Sorry Hyung " jimin and Jungkook apologised . " So my mom' was finding some spells for doing her practice when she came across this propesy " yoongi stated .

" Propesy what kind of  propesy " Haeram asked . " A propesy related to y/n and taehyung  . Now before I say what it is . Y/n I know what you are thinking . You must feel bad that I bid it from you but it was for your safety . I was appointed as your bodyguard to prevent all this from happening but I failed . I am sorry y/n . Because of me you are in trouble " yoongi said as he held y/n' s hand .

" It's ok yoongs . I understand I am not mad or anything I am just happy you told us now " y/n caressed his hand . Yoongi looked up at y/n and smiled . " So what's the propesy " namjoon asked . " Wait before that does it really relate with y/n and that vampire " hoseok asked . " Yeah it is hoseok . I saw both of their pictures in that book " yoongi said . " Do you have that book now " Jungkook asked .

" No it Burned once we read the propesy " .

" But how did you get it yoongi . I mean how did your mom find it " Haeram asked .

" I don't know she wouldn't tell me . She told me I will know when the time comes " yoongi replied . " So would you tell is the propesy now yoongs I am going to die out of curiosity " y/n said . Yoongi started ....

              The world shall see the wrath
           Until he finds his love and claims her again
          Thy shall feel the pain when time comes
         One one can stop him whom he calls his love
                  But the world shall face death
                And blood will be shed until he sees
            Her again and marks her thy shall end in war
                 Love will prevail with nothing to carry on ..

How's it guys !!??
Sorry I might not be able to update much since my exams are starting and I have learn .
Seriously I haven't touched the book .....🤪🤪.

Hope you guys understand and thank you all for your love and love you guys .


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