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Y/n pov

"Yaaah Kim taehyung give me back my strawberry milk you asshole " I shouted running behind him . " Nope it's mine now " he ran . "Taehyung please give it to me it was the last one in the store " I whined . " Stop being a baby " he said . " That's it I am done bye " I said as I wearing my shoes . " What are you doing " he asked me .  " I am going out to " I replied coldly .

"At this time of the night " he asked again . " Yeah I am " I replied frustrated . " No you're not " he said sternly ." Who are you to tell me that ?" I spat . " Did you hear me you're not going " he said ignoring what I said . " I am going " I said and was going to open the door when the door closed with a bang .I jumped due to the impact . " NO . YOU . ARE .NOT . GOING .OUT   you want strawberry milk right I will get it for you " he shouted angrily .

" Ok why are you so worked out about it " I asked . " JUST LISTEN TO ME Y/N " He shouted and his face darkened and his eyes turned red and his face was all white . " O-ok" I replied . I was getting scared . I felt my legs shaking . I tried touching him so that he can calm down but damn his skin is so cold like freezing cold . Coming to think of it I have never touched him . " Why is your skin so cold " I asked . " That's none of your damn business " he replied taking my hand off hastily .

" Ok if you are going to be so rude I will move away " I threatened . Suddenly I was pinned against the wall and his face was dangerously close " DON'T YOU DARE " He  shouted at my face . " OTHERWISE WHAT ?? " I asked .
" SHUT UP Y/N OTHERWISE YOU WILL REGRET IT " He  said . " WHY---" I was cut off by him kissing me . I was so shocked . Suddenly he left but before you inside him room he said " I will buy you your milk tomorrow " .

I went to my room and sat on my bed . I felt tears on my cheeks . I don't know why i was crying . I remembered my mom she also used to shout at me for going out during the night time . I can't act strong anymore . But why do I feel like I am missing something or someone from my life . I can't remember . My head hurts . " I am sorry love for shouting at you but you shouldn't have made me angry "

Taehyung pov

Her lips were so soft and I couldn't get enough . I had to stop before I lose control . But damn that kiss was everything . I know I crossed the line but I don't regret it . She has to know her limit . She is mine . She is fucking mine . And she has to know that sooner or later .

We don't sleep at night so I am always watching her sleep . Something about her sleeping gives me peace .  It felt as if I am a human again . She gives me the feeling that I am alive though I don't have heartbeat . I love her . I love everything about her . She makes me feel alive and happy . I can't bear her leaving me . I am protective of her .

The next day I was drinking coffee . ( He is used to human food too ) . When I heard footsteps " good morning tae " princess greeted me . " Good morning prin-y/n " . " I have to go to school early today since I have to finish a project" she said as she sat down and drank her coffee . " So what kind of project is it ?" I asked out of curiosity ." Something related to dinosaurs "  she replied . " Ok " I said . " Wait is it a boy " I asked again . " Yeah why " she replied .
" Nothing "  I said .

I am mad right now whoever the boy is better not do anything with my y/n . Otherwise he will be dead .

Jimin pov

Today I am doing a project with y/n . I like her . She is so different . "Ok jimin is this right way to put up the picture or I should just keep it straight " y/n asked . " I think this is ok " I replied . "Um y/n do you want to take a walk ?" I asked . " Right now but we are doing the project " she replied . " It's ok we have one more week to do it y/n please let's go . We still have half an hour " I did my famous puppy eyes . Nobody can resist it " ok fine let's go " she gave up . I smiled .

" So y/n tell me about yourself " I tried to start a conversation . " Ok my fav colour is red . And my fav animal is bunny and my fav --" I interrupted her " y/n y/n I meant your life story . I will get to know all this in a little while " I said " sorry I didn't mean to be rude " I apologised . " It's ok I understand " she said . " Maybe next time cause class is starting in five mins " she said . "Ok " I said .

We went to class and I sat in my place which was next to some guy . I don't know his name cause he rarely attends classes and he never talks . Even if I talked to him he ignores me and just sleeps . Don't know what is up with guy but he gets more marks than me . How is that even possible . Well who knows .


You better maintain a distance from my princess dear jimin otherwise I will have to kill you . Now I know you are the one person who spend the night with my love . I just need to find the other guy . Once I find both of you I will make sure you regret living . But if you maintain a distance from her maybe just maybe I will spare your life , both of your life's . So don't make me do anything jimin .

I seriously don't know where this story is going .

But whatever as long as you guys like it .

Bye guys

Love y'all ❣️❣️.

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