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Taehyung pov

"Trying to escape love ? " I asked as I landed her on the ground . She was opened her mouth to say something but closed it right way " cat got your tounge " I asked gritting my teeth . " Why princess , why do always try to escape . Why can't you understand that I love you and I can't let you go " I broke down . I don't care that people are seeing me .

" I loved you so much but why am I only getting pain .
Why do you hurt me so much . Why can't you see my suffering . Please don't leave me ,y/n I will die . I waited all my life for you ,gave you all my love but what did I get in return pain ,pain and only PAIN .  If I only I didn't know you . Maybe I'd have given up but my heart's still calling for you even though it's dead . Can't you understand my feelings " I felt like my heart's being taken out from my body .

"Taehyung , calm down . Let's go home " y/n pulled me up . I pushed her lightly and said " home ? . Where's my home ,love . I wish that you'd love me like before . You changed y/n and your only giving me pain and do I deserve it . DO I DESERVE IT ? " . I yelled with all the energy I had and fell down . She hugged me and said
" I'm sorry ,but I'll try to love you . It's just that it's hard for me to forgive you " she rubbed my back .

I hugged her tightly and whispered " please don't leave me , I won't be able to survive but why do I need you when you only give me pain . Can't you try to love me " I cried and got up and held her hand and said " please don't leave this hand " I teleported us to our house . " Y/n let's make a deal " I said sitting on the couch and wiping my tears which don't seem to stop .

" What kind of deal " she said slowly caressing my cheek .
I took her hand forcefully and squeezed it " tae , it hurts " she cried.  "It's nothing compared to the pain you gave me ,love . I thought you will be the one saving me from this darkness but you became the cause of it " . I left her hand ans rubbed her hand . I feel bad and pain but I can't do anything . I am almost going to give up .  I am hanging onto the last hope and I hope she doesn't break it .

" Ok so the deal is that , I -i will let you go if you don't l-love me by Red moon " I said half-heartedly .  She looked shocked " w-what ? " . " Yes love , sorry y/n . I'll call you y/n from now on " my heart broke into a million pieces . I looked into her eyes only to find pity and where's love .
" Tae , I'm sorry . I promise to love you " she held my hand . Her hand was red now turning green blue .

" Don't force yourself to love me or Don't lie to yourself that you love me . And you can leave . Get ready I am leaving you in your friends house " I said and got up and went to my room . I closed the door and  fell down . It hurts.  It hurts so much why can't she love me . I can't just force her to stay here . I don't know why but something in me wants her to love me by herself . She'll be back if she loves me .

"Tae, I'm ready " I chuckled she wants to leave me . What did I even think she'll stay . My hopes going down the drain and she doesn't even know it . I opened the door and saw her for the last time and just used my powers and made her stand in front of their house . I gave her something " eat healthy and apply hot water bag and sleep a lot . You need it these days " I said and looked at her for a second before leaving from there .

Y/n pov

I am standing here . But I should be happy but why am I feeling so broken . Why can't I see him crying but I didn't stop him.  My thoughts were interrupted by " y/n is t-that you " the owner of the voice was yoongi . " Yoongi " that was I could say  as I hugged him . " Y-your real . Your really here " he hugged me and took me inside . " Kook, Haeram's asking for you - ..y/n is that you " jimin came down the stairs and poked my cheek " yeah it's me " I smiled forcefully .

Everyone assembled in the living room " y/n how did you escape ?" Jungkook asked me . " He left me here " my tears came out as I remembered the memory from the morning . " What . How's that possible ? " Namjoon asked in disbelief . " I don't know . He just broke down , when -when I tried to - " I was cut off by hoseok " escape " .
" I can't believe he left you like that , I am sure he's planning something but where were you y/n we were not able to find you " Jin asked me .

" I don't where I was . When he first took me there he said it's a place where no one can find me " I replied . "Y/n come out I want to speak to you " hearam said . I followed her out and she held my hand " I missed you so damn much . I really really missed you and your hugs and I can't believe that your standing here infront of me " . I just smiled and hugged her . Hoseok came and said " sorry but I want to tell you something too ".

" Y/n do you love him " hoseok said . Somehow his voice was filled with pain . " I don't know hoseok " I replied with a sad voice . I somehow missed his voice and his little touch " do you feel really guilty and feel like something is missing in you . Do you feel like running back to him "  Haeram said . I was just lost in thought . Do I really love him .

" Y/n I wanted to tell you this for a long time . I -i like you . I know it's sudden but I can't hide it anymore " hoseok confessed . I just stood there trying to process what's happening . "What are you saying " I whispered. " I like you y/n . But I know you don't so it's alright . I'll get over you . Just go back to him y/n I know you love him . Don't lie to yourself " I looked at hoseok's eyes filled with tears . I hugged him " I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings hobi . But you'll always be one of my bestfriend " .

" Thank you y/n . Now go to him and don't let go of him as he didn't let go of him . Red moon is close and you have to make things right between you guys . Just go y/n . Please go before I change my descision " hoseok said and I turned and ran away and looked back once and saw all my friends waving their hands and me and my eyes fell on hoseok whose showing his back and standing with the support of Jin .

Tae, I'm coming . Just stay and wait. 

This chapter made me cry 😢😢😢 .

Listening to sad songs add to the feel .

Bye guy's

Love y'all 💙💙.

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