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Y/n pov

I ran towards his house . A new feeling inside me . I felt complete . My legs were feeling wobbly but I had to see him . Tell him I love him . Suddenly Jennie's face came into my mind .  I stood there thinking whether I am doing a right thing by loving someone who killed my bestfriend .

" Y/n , how are you? " Jennie asked me . " Jennie , your alive" I was so happy she's alive.  I went to hig her but she disappeared . My hand went through her like smoke .
" Listen here y/n . I don't have much time but I wanted to tell you that you have to give him a chance . When he killed me I saw the same feeling in his eyes that I had " Jennie said .
" Just go to him before it's too late.  I forgive him , y/n . And always remember I love you and my last wish is that you both need to be together " with that she was gone .

I came out of my daze and smiled " I love you too Jennie but I love him more " . I ran again and I smiled like never before when I reached his house . " Liar , a place where no one can find us , is in between the forest huh? " I chuckled remembering his words . I opened door and called out
" Tae , where are you ?" . I looked all around but I didn't find him . " Tae , taehyung come out please I need to talk to you tae " I begged .

" Stop this game and come out taehyung " I giggled and looked back thinking he will be behind me waiting to scare me just like before but he ........ wasn't there . My smile dropped down and I went upstairs and searched for him , he wasn't there too . My heart was racing too much because I was running and also because of the fear that I won't be able to find him . " Taehyung where are you ,....

Am I too late " I mumbled as I felt tears coming out .

Jimin pov

We were all sitting in the living room . It was so quite and I could hear our breathes . I saw hearam biting her nails . Yoongi Hyung lying on the couch with his eyes closed . Kook stamping his feet up and down in nervousness . Jin hyung , Joon Hyung and hobi Hyung in their wolf forms and it was all silent and creepy . Suddenly Jin hyung growled and Joon and hobi Hyung also joined .

The door opened to reveal y/n standing there . Eyes red and body full of bruises and her hair tangled up . I quickly walked up to her and hugged her . Her head dropped on my shoulder and then I didn't see any moment from her .
Kook came and patted my back "Hyung I think she fainted . Let's make her lie down " . He took her from me and suddenly hobi Hyung changed and went to her .

" Y/n , open your eyes " he started to shake her . Haeram took his hands aside " hobi , she's alright . Let her wake up and she will answer all our questions " . Suddenly kook started to tear up and said " why does it always have to be her . I rarely see her awake . Most of the time she is lying down hurt . I -i can't see her like this " . Jin went up to him and gave him a hug .

I heard some groaning . I turned to the sound and I noticed y/n getting up " hey. , Hey lie down " I gently push her down the bed . She started to cry again . I tried to calm her down and gave her a glass of water " drink this" .
She took it and drank it one gulp . " Y/n . Thank god your ok . I - I thought I lost you " hobi Hyung said . Y/n gave him a pat on his shoulder . " I know it's too early to say this but I need to talk to y/n alone " yoongi Hyung declared . We all nodded in understanding . It's time to tell her the truth .

Yoongi pov

" I'm sorry cupcake . I hid it from you " I said after I finished telling her everything . " So your telling me your my brother , and that my mom' didn't leave that asshole and you did all of it to protect me " she scoffed . " Yoongs of its one of your pranks . I think it's not the best time for it now " she said . " I'll prove it you " I quickly said .
" How . How will you prove it to me mister yoongi " I was hurt she never called me yoongi .

" Just , just sit down cupcake " I begged her . She huffed and sat down . I sat down near her and held touched her cheeks and showed her all of it  . All of the things which she needed to know . All of her answers . I took my hands off and I saw her sitting there looking blank .

" Cu-cupcake " I whispered . " Leave me " she mumbled .
I went to hug her but she pushed me and said it again but a bit more sternly " I said leave me min yoongi " . I nodded and left the room . I heard sniffing just the time I came out . I know she needs to be alone but I am worried about her . Did I make a mistake . She Already had a lot of things going on and I still don't know what happened when she went to search for him .

"Hyung , what happened " kook asked me as I approached them . " She told me to leave " I whispered in pain . I just got her I can't lose her again . " I am sorry to disturb you guys but what about the potion Hyung " Joon asked me . I know whatever happens we have to solve this big problem . Kim taehyung .

" Yoongi are you sure that it will work . This portion will make him human again " Jin hyung asked me . To tell the truth I don't know .  I am just following my mother's orders . I heard a door opening . Cupcake stood there smiling . Wait smiling !! ? .

" When can I meet mom oppa " she asked me .

Hey guys .

Only some more chapters left . And this book will come to an end .  I would seriously be over the clouds if you guys don't be a silent reader so  please vote and comment guys .

I am so excited for the ending . And I am quite happy about how this book turned out . 

Anyway bye guys

Love y'all


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