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Hoseok pov

"Did you find her " I asked my friends . " No I can't atleast not yet " namjoon replied . " Can we change back my back hurts " Jin hyung complained . " He is right hoseok we need rest let's sleep for now and search her tomorrow . I am sure we will find her " namjoon said . " Okay I shouldn't force you guys so lets rest but we are leaving early tomorrow morning " I ordered . They just hummed and we slept .

" Hoseok Hyung wake up " someone said . " Argh what do you want " I whined . " Hobi wake up " Jin hyung scolded .
" I'm up what ?" I asked . " Hobi you only asked us to wake up early but you are sleeping from a long time it's 10 am now so wake up and eat this we bought you breakfast " Jin hyung said . " Sorry guys thanks for the breakfast " I said and started eating .

We started to search for her again . I was hoping to find her . "Hoseok I think I found her " namjoon said . " What where ?" I asked . " Is that her " he pointed out to a girl who was laughing with a boy and a girl . " Yes that's her . That's y/n " I replied .

Y/n pov

I was in the mall drinking milkshake with Jungkook and his cousin Haeram . She was the sweetest thing ever . I met Jungkook as he was my senior in my college . He was asked to show me around the school and that's how we became friends . We planned of going to the movies I called yoongs oppa but he refused as he wanted to sleep .what a sleepy baby .

" Y/n?" Someone said . " Hoseok what are you doing here " I asked shocked . " I-i was on a holiday what are you doing here " he asked and I was struck nobody knew why I was here the real reason I just told them for studies . " Me oh I am here to study " I nervously chuckled . " Studies but you didn't even complete school so how did you and why does nobody ---" before hoseok could continue I put my hand on his mouth to stop him .

" Hobi pls listen I will tell you later ok not now " I whispered in his ears . " Ok y/n who is this "hobi asked . I was thankful for him to act like that . " Hello my name is Jungkook and this is my cousin Haeram " Jungkook introduced . " Hey myself hoseok and these are my friends Jin hyung and namjoon " hobi said .

" So Jungkook which year are you studying " namjoon asked . " I am in the last year of business Hyung "Jungkook replied.  " Do you know to cook " Jin asked . " A little bit " Jungkook replied . " Finally I have a partner wait do you break thing's " Jin asked out of nowhere . " Uh no Hyung " Jungkook replied ." That's good because namjoon here breaks everything yesterday he broke his glasses . It was new " Jin complained .

" Hyung " namjoon whined . " What I am telling the truth " Jin argued . We were all laughing about their bickering .
"Guys guys stop "Haeram said . " You are making a scene and we don't want to know what all namjoon broke Jin" Haeram said . They both looked away giggling finally all of us broke into laughing .

Who knew this laughter was soon to be disappearing .

Taehyung pov

Aha there you are my love . You thought I won't find you . Better luck next time princess . Cause I am coming to get you . And you will never escape . Be ready . If you refuse to come I will have to hurt your friends maybe even kill them . Poor jimin is still in a daze . I didn't hurt him I just kidnapped him . You better come with me y/n . I won't kill you for I love you that doesn't stop me from hurting you inside . I may be a devil . A devil which you woke up .

Past time

" Do you know what this flower means " the girl asked .
" No what does it mean " the boy replied . " It means I love you forever " the girl said and smiled . " What is it called " the boy asked . " It's called the rose " the girl replied .
Suddenly the boy picked up the flower and gave it to the girl and said "I love you " the girl smiled painfully " I don't love you tae " she had to lie . That was the first time she saw him like that out of control and trying to hurt her .

KNOW ITS NOT TRUE I CAN FEEL IT THAT YOU LOVE ME WHY ARE YOU LYING ". She couldn't do anything other than crying silently . " Why are you crying I didn't mean to hurt you " the boy apologized . She didn't reply but ran away . " I shouldn't have left my other side take control " the boy regretted .

The next day what he came to know killed him again . His heart feeling empty and broken . She died leaving him alone and lonely she died . Taking his heart with her . He went home and tried to kill himself he couldn't live without her .
He almost died when a man came and bit him on his neck and the next thing he knew he was alive and feeling more powerful . The man said " I know what happened to you don't worry she will be born again and she will be yours that time "

Who is that man ??

What happened to the girl??

Why did she die ??

What is happening ??

Well read on to find out ......😏😏 .

Check out my other book 'the light of my life'

Bye guys

Love y'all


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