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Taehyung pov

I pulled y/n and and forcefully made her sit in the car . I have to mark her today . I know I will hurt her . But still I have to mark her so the whole world knows she's mine and only mine . Also if I bite her she will remember everything , our past . And she will stay cause I know she loved me and she loves me now too .

" T-a-e it hurts " love groaned . " I'm sorry princess I didn't mean to do it " I apologised . " It's ok " she said as I left her hand . But she will be in more pain than this today . I'm sorry princess but for your safety and mine I have to do it . Once we reached I pulled y/n out of the car and took her to the bedroom . I pushed her to the bed and hovered over her .

" What are you doing tae " she asked . " Something I wanted to do for a long time " I replied . I kissed her I wasn't able to control myself . She tried to push me but I  was stronger . Her lips tasted so good . I wanted more .
I finally gave her some space to breathe " tae what are you doing . Why did you kiss me " she asked . " I have rights to do whatever I want to do with you " I replied .

Suddenly she pushed me off her and ran to the door . She tried to open it but it won't budge . How will it budge I locked it with my powers and only I can open the door .
I walked up to her and kissed her neck . She shivered . I smirked I took her to the bed again and made her sit .
" Strip " I ordered . My beast  was out and it wanted this .
" W-w-what " she stuttered . " I said strip or do you want me to do it " I ordered .

I heard her crying but it didn't affect me . I wanted this so I will get this . I have to mark her . She was in her undergarments she stopped " what continue princess " I said . " Pls tae I beg you " she cried . I went to her and gently caressed her cheeks " it's ok love I'll wait " I said .
" Thank you tae " she smiled . " I'll give you time till the next month baby after that I can't wait ok " I said as I pecked her .

" But I need to do this love " I whispered in her ears .
"H-uh " she said . " I'm sorry " I said as I bit her neck . She led out a scream . My fangs tasted her blood . It was delicious . I was getting addicted to her more and more .
I felt her passing out . I then realised that I started drinking her blood . It was so yummy that I couldn't control it .

I laid her gently on the bed and kissed her forehead . She was mine now . I marked her so now I can be in peace .
She looks so pale now but it will be better later on .
Now I have to complete a important work . Kill that guy . I used my powers to know where he is . I laughed when I saw him forcing another girl to kiss him . Awww he will pay .

I followed him . Perfect he went into a dark alley .

" Just kill me . What are you waiting for ? " The man shouted . " Well where's the fun in that Jack " I replied .
" What's so fun in torturing people " jack asked .
" You never know jack . It's fun for me just the WAY IT WAS FUN FOR YOU TO TORTURE MY PRINCESS " I yelled .
" Pls spare I will do anything you want " jack pleaded .
" Anything be careful as to what you ask for jack dear " I resoned .

" Just tell me " jack yelled as I was breaking his bones one by one . " I want your life . I want you dead " I replied .
" W-w-what but ... " He couldn't complete his sentence as he was dead once I broke his neck bone . Oh what a fun it was breaking his bones and hearing his shouts . I was already angry because my bae wasn't ready for it and now my mood is ok . It will be better once I see my princess .

I went to our house and opened the door slowly . I opened the bedroom door without making any noise . I was so happy that I marked her Today , by tomorrow she will remember everything and fall for me just the way she did before . I went beside her and caressed her cheeks but it was rough not like my princess ' s cheeks . I turned on the light to face a shock . My veins Poppin in anger and my fist hitting the wall harshly .

Jungkook pov

" Oh lord how are we going to find her now . This hoseok guy is nowhere to be found . I am losing hope . " Jimin said . " No jimin we can't lose hope . We have to find her " Haeram said . " Guys I am going to get some Orange juice from the fridge do you want some " I asked . " Kook give me some coffee " yoongi Hyung replied . " Make it yourself  Hyung " I complained . He gave me a death glare .

" I'm too tired so make me one " yoongi Hyung said again .
" Yah from sleeping all day " jimin teased . Haeram gave him a slap on his arm " be nice " . " Ok ok " jimin whined .
Just then my phone rang " guys I'll be back just a minute " I said as I went to my room to take the call . " Hello whose this " I asked . " Jungkook it's me " the voice said . " Excuse me I don't think I know you " I said . " Kookie it's me y/n . Help me kookie " the voice said . The phone slipped from my hand . I was frozen .

Well that's the end of the chapter guys .

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Love y'all

⭐⭐ .

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