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Y/n pov

" Tae I don't need these many clothes I won't even wear half of those " I complained as tae keeps on selecting clothes . " Who knows maybe you need it love " tae argued . " Ok then " I gave up . He's not listening to me anyway . " Ok now go and try these out " tae said as he threw some clothes to me .

" Alright but if I don't like it or if it's too expensive I am going to get it . Don't waste your money tae " I said as I went into the dressing room . " Alright just be fast you have a lot of dresses to try on " tae shouted . " What!!! " I shouted back . Literally after 2 hours all the dresses were worn by me but the great fashion master here didn't like many of them .

" It's too short "

" Not your colour "

" It's not your style "

" Too revealing "

" Can still see your shoulders "

I was so done with this " listen here tae I am so tired now so just select some thing and let's go and eat I am hungry " I said at last . " Hmmm ok you are not selecting " he asked . " No you select since you know a lot about fashion"
I replied .

We went to the nearby food court . Tae said we can go to a restaurant but I refused since I was so hungry and the restaurant was a little too far away for me . " Excuse me madam can I get your no. " A random person asked me as I was waiting for tae to come with out orders . " Uhhhh I am sorry no " I refused politely . " Pls give me your no. " He asked again .

" I said no right " I replied . " Just give me your no. Women
I want it " he yelled . " No no no " I yelled back . Suddenly he put a knife on my neck and said " NUMBER I WANT YOUR NUMBER " He threatened . Just then he was send flying to the other side of the room . " HOW DARE YOU THREATEN HER YOU MOTHERFUCKER " tae shouted .

He went near that man and chocked him " huh how can you touch what's mine . " . " Pls leave me I won't do it again " he man pleaded . " Yeah you won't be able to it . Not in this life time cause you are going to die in my hands " tae threatened . " Le-t -me go- pls " the man crocked . " Now tell me your name " tae ordered . " My n-n- name is jihu " jihu replied .

"Tae pls leave him let's go . I am scared pls let's go " I pleaded . " I am coming for you " tae whispered in jihu' s ears . We came home and I went to our room and sat on the bed . The scene was terrifying . If he can hurt an unknown person like this . How will he hurt me .
" Princess are you scared . I will never hurt you . I love you a lot " tae soothed me .

Somehow I believed him though I didn't want to . I can't understand myself like sometimes I believe him sometimes I hate him . What's going on .... I don't get it .....

Jennie pov

I was in the mall with Lisa and rose . Jisoo had some work do to so she didn't come with us . We shopped a lot . We went to a plushie store and I remembered how y/n childishly was looking around the store and buying literally anything but when the bill came she put everything back and bought just three of them .

I miss her . We got hungry so we went to the food court to eat . Suddenly we heard some shouting we looked around and saw a man chocking another man . But what caught my attention was a girl and she was looking so familiar . My eyes widened when I realised who it was . It was y/n .
" Guys look it's y/n " I said . " You are Joking Jennie unnie " Lisa replied . " No she isn't look over there " Rose said pointing there .

" Oh god it is her . She is here we finally found her I can't believe it let's go and talk to her " Lisa said . But as we were getting up to talk to her the man pulled her hand and they left . We ran behind them but they were out of sight . " How did they leave so fast " Rose exclaimed .
" No idea but let me call jimin " I replied .

Jennie : hey jimin .

Jimin : hey cus what's happening ??

Jennie : you won't believe what I saw .

Jimin : how can I know if you don't tell me ...

Jennie : I saw y/n .

Jimin : what you are dreaming I guess Jennie .

Jennie : no believe me I saw her and she was with a man.
Jimin : what ??? Where are you I am coming right now .

Jennie : at the mall

Jimin : ok I am coming you won't mind if I bring some of                  my friends right ??

Jennie : no come fast .

He was super fast . He came with 3 other people .
" Jennie so what's happening " jimin said as he hugged me .  " I told you I saw y/n here in this wall " I said . " Ok meet my friends Jungkook , yoongi and Haerum . I noticed that when he said Haerum he was blushing a bit . I smirked at my thought .

" So tell us what happened " yoongi asked . Rose told them everything " I can't believe it . Y/n will never run away with a man " Haerum said . " That's what but we don't know anything we don't have any proof as to what is happening " Jungkook confessed . " Only one person knows about this and can answer out questions " yoongi said " HOSEOK " .

Tell me your thoughts guys ...

Bye guys

Love y'all


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