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Third person pov

Why is it that love is never easy and it hurts a lot ? . When two people love each other , they have two face a lot of troubles and trust each other and love each other despite the misunderstanding and support each other in every situation . But when they face pain it's hurt both of them equally . Love is beautiful but painful and filled with happiness but also has sadness . Love is sweet but bitter .
Love is something which differs with different people ....

Taehyung looked at her . It breaks his heart to see her looking so lifeless and it breaks his heart even more because she is like this because of him . He held her hand which is warm against his warm ones . He is grateful to yoongi for making him a human again . He wiped his tears and smiled painfully " Hey , when will you wake up .
Your too cruel , making me wait for you to wake up . I hate you but I love you more " he kissed her forehead .

" Why did you let me hurt me? You could have slapped me you know , shouted more louder . I missed you all those days . Your a part of me . It's hard to live without that part
You took my heart and it looks like you won't be returning it anytime soon . I love you and always loved you . So wake up please . I promise to love you till my last breath as I am not immortal anymore . Oh and also if you wake up there is a big surprise waiting for you . I know you like surprises so wake up soon to get it . Alright I'll let you rest now and stop my rambling . Love you "

He tried to take his hand but he couldn't pull his hand out of his hand . He saw he hand holding his hand tightly . He smiled lightly and sat down again " don't want me to leave ? " . He put his head down and turned his head towards her and he closed his eyes . He finally is sleeping after a long time .

He felt a Twitch in his hands so he woke up and realised that she was opening her eyes . " Tae I bought you some fruits - " jimin came in and saw him looking at something very carefully . " What are you loo-- she's moving or is it my eyes playing tricks " jimin exclaimed . Tae looked at him and nodded " really " . Taehyung smiled and hugged him . They become very close soon not only him all of them like a family now .

" Tae and jimin are you sure you guys aren't lying " hobi said . " Really Hyung we saw her fingers move " jimin replied showing his eyes . " Alright but she isn't moving now though " Joon exclaimed . " Guys I think they are telling the truth " kook said all of a sudden " look over there " Haeram told them . They all saw her hands moving and they saw her opening her eyes after a long time .

After 1 month

Finally y/n was discharged from the hospital . Everyone is having a big party and taehyung is going to give her his suprise today . " Tae , I'm fine I can walk " y/n said .
" Shut up I don't want you to walk with your leg still hurt
So let me Carry me " . Y/n smiled and pecked his lips . L Taehyung eyes widened when she kissed him " I'm not kidding when I am saying that if you weren't hurt the right now I must have done something more than that kiss " . Everything was fine now .

They arrived at the house " wait here . Don't go anywhere .
Don't walk " taehyung warned y/n . " Okay okay chill " y/n replied . Taehyung gave his box smile and took his phone out and texted Jin hyung . Once he came to know that everything was set he walked back to y/n " let's go " he said and carried her to the door .

He opened the door and everything was dark " looks like nobody's home  . Let me turn on the light" taehyung acted . Y/n pouted and he kissed her lips " don't pout " . He turned on the lights and everyone jumped out from their hiding place and shouted " WELCOME BACK Y/N ". Y/n 's eyes filled with tears and suddenly there was someone coming towards her .

" My baby " the lady exclaimed. Y/n looked at yoongs and he smiled with tears falling . How much he waited for this moment . " M-Mom " she sniffed . " Y-y/n . Baby , I missed you . I'm sorry for staying away from you - " . Y/n cut her off and hugged her and said " let's forget about the past .
I finally have you and yoongs . I am happy to see you " .
She signalled yoongs to join their hug . They finally had family hug . Yoongs laughed and called all of them and everyone ran and hugged .

" Thank you guys . I don't know what I will do without you . I love you " y/n exclaimed . She had the best day of her life suddenly the door opened and entered  Lisa, jisso and Rose . " I hope we aren't late " Lisa said . Y/n smiled and hugged them " you aren't late at all " . It was all perfect and taehyung went towards them and " I'm sorry .
I killed Jennie . Please forgive me " he apologized .

" We forgive you " Rose replied with a small smile . He smiled big and bowed down . " Okay enough with this emotional moment's . Y/n let's go you have to get ready " Haeram said and pulled her towards her room . " We are going to " jisso said and all three went towards the room . Before going up Jisoo looked at Jin and smiled at him and gave him a flying kiss. He in return winked .

Rose looked at Joon and gave him a finger heart . He blushed and looked down . Rose chucked and went inside .
Lisa looked at hobi and smiled and made a big heart with her hands and a kiss to him . Hobi finally found someone who can give him all of her love , Lisa .

Y/n came down the stairs and she looked so breathtaking .
Kook saw her and his jaw fell on the ground " never knew , this pig would be this pretty " . " Of course whose sister is she " yoongs flipped his hair . " Ewww , Hyung you sound like Jin hyung " kook replied and yoongs just giggled and his mom just smiled seeing her daughter .
She approached her and said " you look so pretty " .

Y/n took taehyung's hand and walked down the rest of the stairs . " My queen , you look like a angel " . Y/n giggled and said " you look like a devil in that black suite , My King " .

"Now time for the surprise " taehyung said and spinned
Y/n . " W-what surprise ? " . " Just wait and see " jimin said and patted her hair " Hey , you'll ruin my masterpiece " Haeram yelled . Jimin chuckled and kissed her . She hit his arm lightly. 

Suddenly taehyung kneeled down and took out his ring
" My love , I have been waiting for years for this . I don't know what to say and you Already know everything . Just remember I love you and I'm yours and would you please give me the honour of being the happiest human alive by marrying me and giving me minie y/n' s ? " Taehyung propesed. 

Y/n giggled and yelled " of course yes ".  he took her and spinned her . "Thank you , I can't believe you're finally mine and accepted me . I love you "

"I love you too "

I am crying right now . Can't believe only one chapter is left to complete this book .

Bye guys

Love y'all always


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