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Jimin pov

The house is a  total mess . Everyone is packing up to go to Busan . The red moon is literally tomorrow , I am so nervous . I have already packed my stuff and am drinking coffee right now to make all the sleepiness go away ,what do you expect it's 1 in the morning . "Yo , dick head " I heard Haeram say . I have to confess ,I don't know wheather I'll be able to do it later , don't know if I will be alive .

" Um........ Haeram ,I want to talk to you . Can you please sit down ? " I asked her patting the place near me . She sat down " yeah , tell me jimin " she replied . I swear to god she looks so pretty with her hair tied up like that and her lips , aish JIMIN concentrate . " I-i -- " I paused for a bit feeling nervous " yes ?" Haeram asked me .

" I - I like you , damn it I love you Haeram " I did it . I closed my eyes feeling scared what is she rejects me . What if she sla-- , my thoughts were all cut down when j felt a soft pair of lips on mine . I opened my eyes ....

We pulled out and she said " I love you too jiminie " . I heart exploded and I felt butterflies . I kissed her again and it was just beautiful , like a dream . I pinched my self to check if it's a dream . I wasn't ,it was real .......... But are we together now ?!

" Ok everyone ready ? " Jin hyung yelled . We all yelled back and I was secretly holding hands with Haeram . We decided to keep it a secret because we both know it will hurt y/n . "Let's get it " kook whispered and I laughed .

" Hyung are you dating , Haeram " Jungkook asked me as we sat in the car . " Huh - wh-what are you talking about kook , get some rest your spitting nonsense " I nervously chuckled . " Don't lie Hyung . I saw you both kissing earlier and holding hands " kook said . I just fiddled with my fingers " I am not mad , your a nice guys Hyung and I am happy your dating my sis "

Y/n pov

"Wow , Joon you broke your watch in just a week " Jin oppa teased joonie.  " Hyuuuunnnnngggg " joonie whined .
" No . Look on the bright side ,it's your new record . Last time you broke it within 3 days ,so a week is a improvement " Jin oppa continued . Joonie sulked near the window . " Hyung , let me drive now " kook said to yoongs whose driving . " Nah kid , I'm fine " yoongs replied .

"Y/n , do you want to lie down ? I think we still have an hour to reach " hobi said to me . I nodded and laid on his shoulder . " But why are you hurting yourself hobi , you should maintain a little distance from me " I said . He smiled and said " no , keeping distance from you will be more hurtful y/n " .

"Jimin can you please hold my bag for a minute , I want to connect the Bluetooth " Haeram asked . " Yeah sure " jimin smiled . " Ok , what's going on . I have noticed that you both are being to sweet to each other today " yoongs asked . " Nothing Hyung , we just thought we should get along now , right Haeram " jimin nudged her . " Yep " she replied . Liars , they are dating . I'm pretty sure , I mean just look at them .

" Look guys , the sun is rising " kook said . We all looked out of the window and it was breathtaking . " Woooow " I exclaimed . My sleepiness all went away now . " Guys ,get your shits together . We are reaching Busan any minute now " yoongs yelled from the driver seat .

"Be careful of the portion Jin hyung " yoongs said . Jin oppa sighed and nodded . " Do we really need so much ? " Kook asked . " You never know kid " yoongs replied . " You never know unless you walk in my shoes ~~ " jimin sang .
" Jimin ,I think it's not the right time to sing now " Haeram said . We all agreed and jimin pouted.

It's night time now . The red moon is tomorrow . Yoongs said I can meet our mother tomorrow . I am angry at her and I need answers to all of my questions. We all booked a hotel and stayed there for the night . Jin , Joon and hobi have gone hunt in the forest so they won't be hungry tomorrow . Jimin and kook are playing songs to lighten the mood . Haeram is combing my hair.  Yoongs is practising the spell .

" Y/n , what will you do when you see him " Haeram asked me . " I'm gonna hug him and then punch him and kiss him " I replied quickly . " Till when did you want to hide the fact that you are dating jimin " I asked her back . She giggled And said " don't be angry bitch , it's just been a day we literally just confessed today " . " Yeah yeah " I teased .
She kicked my leg lightly and chuckled .

" Thanks for brighting up my mood " I thanked Haeram .
" I know " she replied and hugged me . I looked at the mirror and yelled " HAERAM , WTF HAPPENED TO MY HAIR . CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY IS IT LOOKING LIKE A BIRDS NEST " .

Taehyung pov

My last day , living . Didn't know I will do this but this is the only way I can forget her . Anyway she wants me dead . When I went away I broke all of our relations . I can't see what's happening to her now or how she is . I am so weak as I haven't drank blood for days now . That way it will be easier for me to die tomorrow .

Just hope she is happy now , I took out the ring I bought for her and looked at it . How I wish I can put it on her finger.  But she wishes me to die so I'll do that . You are finally free from me tomorrow ,love . Live your life just how you want . But always remember I love you . I coughed and I spit blood . I am getting more and more weak . I looked at my hands and I look so pale . " I'm dieing either way "

I'm so excited for the next chapter ....

Bye guys

Love y'all 💫💫.

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