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Y/n pov

The clouds are getting darker every passing minute . The lighting is very bright and I think it's going to rain any minute now . " Y/n you want some hot chocolate Jin hyung is making some ? " Jungkook asked me . " Sure Jungkook can I get some cupcakes too ? " I replied . Jungkook showed me a thumbs up . I smiled and went back to watching tv .

Suddenly the current went off and it was so dark . I got scared . I started to shiver not because of the cold but because I am scared . "Y/n I'm here . Don't be scared nothings going to happen ok . It's ok . Be brave " yoongs words calmed me down . He knew I was scared of the dark . Especially when it rains . He always knew how to make me calm down . He hugged me . His warmth helped me stop shivering .

" I think he is getting angry now " yoongs said . " What do you mean ? " I asked confused . " Taehyung he is getting angry and because of which the wheather seems to be becoming worse " he explained . "Is he so powerful Hyung ?. That he can control wheather ?" Jimin asked out of nowhere. I screamed " shut up women . It's just me . My poor ears " jimin whined .

Yoongs glared at him . Jimin gave a nervous chuckle and said sorry . " So is he Hyung ? " Jimin asked again when he didn't get a reply the first time . " Yes he is the most powerful and he got even more powerful when he marked you " yoongs pointed at me . " So what do we do " I asked .
" We wait till the red moon " he replied . " When is it " now Jin oppa came from nowhere .

The lights came back . Hoseok looked like he's seen a ghost ." What happened hobi " Jin oppa asked the scared man . " I was sleeping in my room when I heard a sound . I panicked and looked around the room . I tried to turn on the light but it wasn't working . I thought something happened so I tried turning into my wolf form but I couldn't because my wolf side wasn't ready apparently it was busy sleeping too . So I grabbed the vase and the lights came on and when I adjusted my eyes I saw namjoon leaving through the door . So when I asked him what he was doing here he told me he left his book here but broke the mirror . I don't know how he broke a mirror " hoseok panted .

" Oh well that was a long explanation " Jungkook said .
" I'm sorry Hyung. I didn't mean to scare you " namjoon said . " It's ok just don't do it again . So what's going on here " . Yoongs explained it to everyone . " The red moon is two months away . And we have to keep y/n away from taehyung until that ". Jungkook was confused " but how isn't he powerful . He will find her in no time " . He has a point though ok I am scared now .

"I cast a spell on her so that he can't smell her or know her presence anywhere and main thing is y/n should not leave the house otherwise the spell will break and he can find her . So y/n can you stay in the house just until I find another spell " . I just nodded too shocked to talk . Suddenly the door bell rang . Everyone was too shocked to move . I nuged Haeram to see who it is as I am still weak to walk .

She gave a glare but opened the door . There was some noice coming but I couldn't help but close my eyes .
" Y/n " . I opened my eyes to a surprise . " Jennie " .
We both hugged each other and she cried " I missed you so much how can you leave me like that . I was all alone and nobody would talk to me at school . Thinking I was weird and I was even bullied " Jennie said .

" I'm sorry Jennie but I think jimin would have explained everything " I said pulling back from our hug . " He did I didn't believe it though but when he sent me a pic I just couldn't stay at home I came here . " Jennie said . My eyes were becoming tired as I felt myself getting sleepy and I could barely hold on to Jennie . "Y/n are you alright .you look pa.... " Was all I heard before I blacked out again .

I was in this house . It reminds me of family....I thought I was an orphan....but that's me in that photo with two other people . I look so happy and ...
"Ouch" my head started to pain very badly . Suddenly memories came flashing back to me . My mom , my dad ..our family . Then it started to get depressing my dad was beating me blaming me for something "you whore . because you only she left , because of you only my wife left me for someone else . It's all your fault " he shouted as he hit me with a belt .

What mom left us .... But why ... What's happening .... where's my dad then ???

I felt someone touching my cheeks . I opened my eyes to see Jennie and Haeram sitting on the bed near me .
" Y/n you woke up . How do you feel ??" Haeram asked me ."I'm fine " something told me not to tell them about my dream . Something stopping me . "Wait here I made some soup . I'll bring it " Haeram said and left . " So tell us what were you dreaming " Jennie asked me .

"What ?" They know ?? . " You were shouting in your sleep things like family , father, leaving and stuff . So what was it about. I know it isn't a happy one though . Before I could reply the door was open and Jungkook came a hugged me " you woke up . How are you feeling now ? " I just nodded my head and smiled . Behind him I saw chimmy helping Haeram bring the soup . A bowl of soup needs two people to carry it . New fact .. gotta remember this .....

I giggled when both of them were staring at each other .
Namjoon cleared his throat " um y/n is waiting if you both have stared at each other enough now " . They both turned red . "They both should start dating each other " Jennie whispered in my ear . Yoongs came in looking all serious just then a tree near us caught fire " it's getting worse . Everyone be ready for the worst and y/n make sure you don't get out of the house " everyone just nodded and showed a thumbs up sign .

Taehyung pov

I am getting angry every passing minute . I want to touch her ,hold her , kiss her , mark her again and again .  But I am not able to see anything related to her . It's like someone has blocked my visions about her . She's mine she knows that. We were destined . She will end up with me only . The thought about her touching another man made me furious and the wheather changed again . I don't want anyone to feel happy when I am sad . My powers will gradually get weak if I don't find her before the red moon .

And then I can never find her again and I don't want that . I love her too much to lose her ........I will get her back even if it's the last thing I can ever do..... she'll be back with me as my wife and be the mother of my children ..

Oooooh vampire taehyung getting out of hand now 😖😖 .

Oh well so who can get him back to normal???

Tell me your thoughts about my book .

I am thinking of changing the book name ....

What do you guys think??

Bye guys

Love y'all 💚💚.

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