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Jimin pov

I looked at the picture of me and y/n . I miss her a lot . She was the only person who made me feel like I am not useless . I don't know where she vanished . But on the bright side I am going to meet my old friend today at a cafe . I am excited as I haven't met him in years .

" Hey man how are you ?" My friend greeted me . " Yo man I am good . How are you ?" I replied . " Fine as well so let's sit down and chat or is it something only girls do ? " My friend teased . " Jungkook it's seriously not funny " I deadpanned . " Oh well who cares " he answered me .
" So what do you want to eat I think you like some cold coffee " Jungkook said . " And you some banana milk " I said back . We were both laughing when a girl came running towards us .

" Hey Jungkook do you know where y/n is ? " The girl asked Jungkook . " No I haven't seen her since last week " Jungkook replied. Wait is it y/n the y/n who is missing let me ask . " Hey um what's happening here ? " I asked .
" Who is he " the girl who I am guessing is Haeram pointed at me . " Oh him he is my long lost bestfriend Haeram and also jimin our friend y/n is not to be seen " Jungkook replied .

" Can I see her photo " I asked again . " Sure here look " Jungkook took out his phone and showed me a pic .
It was y/n . The y/n I remember " y/n, is she y/n " I whispered . " Yes do you know her " Haeram asked me .
" Yes she is best friend but she went missing suddenly and now she is here do you know where she is Jungkook " I asked slowly .

" Wait she went missing then too but she told us something else " Jungkook said . " Yeah she did " Haerum agreed . " Excuse me but are you guys talking about y/n " a voice said suddenly . " Yes who are you " I said and by the looks of it he seems to be working in the cafe . " Oh I am an employee here and the y/n you guys are talking about is my childhood bestfriend . By the way I am yoongi " yoongi gushed. 

" Ahh I see ok so is it a y/n friends meeting day or something " Jungkook said . " Now's not the time Jungkook we have to search for y/n " Haerum said . " But how are we going to find her maybe she is gone on a vacation . Try calling her " I said . " I did but she isn't picking up the phone " Haerum replied . " Could you give me her no. " I asked her . " Sure " she replied .

" She isn't picking up its coming switched off " I said as I cut the call . " So now what " Jungkook asked . " Did you check her apartment " I asked . " I just went yesterday but it was locked " yoongi said . " Wait guys I think I remember where she is " Jungkook said all of a sudden .
" Last week one of her friend took her out while we were hanging out right Haerum " .

" Yeah I think his name was hodok no wait hoseok yeah it was hoseok " Haerum agreed . " Did you say hoseok . I know him he was y/n' s friend . I met him once and he seemed to be a nice guy " I said . " Well this nice guy seems to be knowing something . Taking note that he was the last person who saw y/n ......" Yoongi said . " That's correct. That guy seems suspicious " I agreed .

" Jimin do you have his no. " Jungkook asked me . " Yeah I think I do ..... Yep here it is " I answered . " Call him " Haeram said . I called him and he picked up .

Jimin : hey I am jimin y/n 's friend .

Hoseok : oh yeah I remember you .

Jimin : I wanted to ask you something . Do you know where she is ?? .

Hoseok : o-oh I - d-dont know .

Jimin : why are you stuttering ?

Hoseok : listen I have to go so bye .

" He seemed to be denying it . He even stuttered " I said once the call was over . " Hmmm so he knows something but is denying it " yoongi said . " And we are going to find out what it is " Jungkook stated .

Taehyung pov

Right now I am planning on surprising my bae . I am taking her out for shopping and ice cream . Since I feel bad for shutting her out like this so I think she deserves some freedom . I went to our room where she was lying on the bed . " Love , I have a surprise for you " I said .
"What do you have for me tae " she said as she sat up .
" We are going out for shopping " I said excitedly .

" What are you really taking me out " she was speechless .
" Yes princess so get ready we are going out " I said as I went out of the room to allow her to get ready . I myself went to my closet and chose my outfit .

 I myself went to my closet and chose my outfit

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It was my choice for the day . Well let's see what my princess is wearing . She better not wear short clothes ... Wait I didn't buy any short clothes for her ... My thoughts were interrupted by her walking out of the room ....
She was so cute and kind of hot at the same time but the outfit was ok .

She was so cute and kind of hot at the same time but the outfit was ok

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" Let's go or are you going to keep on staring at me " y/n said . " Well look at you blushing . Your whole face is red love . Are you ok " I teased and I touched he forehead .
" Tae seriously let's just go and I am not sick ok " she said .
" Ok ok love lets go " ....

What do you think will happen ??

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Bye guys

Love you

✌️✌️ .

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