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Flash back

Y/n pov

"Alright everyone ready " yoongs asked everyone . We all sighed and said yes " Hyung you are asking that for the millionth time " kook whined . " Just want everyone to be in their right minds " yoongs mumbled . Taehyung just hope you don't do anything reckless . I realised that your my everything and I just wish it isn't too late .

" Ok everyone take a bottle of the potion with them and a syringe with them . Whoever is close with him just inject it in his body . Remember it should be his neck alright ? "
Yoongs said . " I think y/n will be the one who will be close with him " jimin said . Everyone nodded .

"Ok guys it's night time now . Taehyung will be here any minute " hobi warned everyone . " Y/n is that him " Haeram pointed towards someone . There he was standing on the ground staring at the sky and smiled ,but the tears didn't go unnoticed by me . I felt someone shaking me "y/n let's go " Jin oppa said . I smiled , finally I'll be with him as a normal couple .

" Remember guys , he's still a vampire so his hearing will be strong so will his smelling power " Joon warned us again . " Let's just go , y/n are you ok " hobi asked me . I smiled and nodded " keep smiling like this , I feel happy too " hobi patted my head and walked away . Yoongs put a smell on me so that tae can't smell me or hear my heartbeat cause he can know we're here. 

Suddenly there was a change in the climate . The clouds started to move in a strange manner . " It's starting " yoongs said through the Bluetooth . " It's so beautiful " Haeram whispered . " Check out the moon it's turning Red just like yoongi Hyung said " kook exclaimed . I didn't hear any of that I just saw taehyung .

" Guys why is he removing his clothes " jimin said . " I think he starting to sacrifice himself . Y/n it's time go " Jin oppa told me . " Okay " . I came out of my hiding place . I think taehyung heard me . He was in his boxers now . I felt my cheeks heat up . " Taehyung " I whispered . He looked at me and chuckled " I'm dreaming now " .

Suddenly he cut himself with his teeth . " Y/N DON'T LET HIM DRINK HIS BLOOD . IF HE DOES SO HE'LL DIE " yoongs yelled through the Bluetooth . I ran up to him , trying to increase my speed so that he doesn't do it.  I saw him raising his hands to his mouth " no ,no ,no " I whispered . I felt a drop coming out of his hand   "TAEHYUNG NOOOOOO " .

He turned his head towards me and that drop fell on the ground and the soil turned red with his blood and suddenly it turned into a dirty yellow . " That's what I am talking about , a vampires blood is extremely poisoness during Red moon and it can kill him and others and if he dies the moon will suck all his powers and slowly he will lose himself " yoongs mumbled .

I ran up to him and hugged him . I tried to inject the potion but he pushed me and it fell on the ground . I didn't try to grab it as I was busy looking at him , I never noticed his eyes , they are bright red now . " Y-y/n " tae whispered . I held his hands " yes it's me tae , I found you " he pulled his hands out and I felt a pang in my heart , I guess this is how he felt when I do this .

" Go away " he whispered . " I won't go anywhere tae because I lo-" ... " I SAID GO AWAY . YOU DON'T LOVE ME . YOU TOLD ME YOU WANT ME TO DIE . THEN WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME NOW . JUST GO AND LIVE FREELY " he yelled . I hugged him " please listen to me " I begged .
I felt him calm down but before I could say anything he stabbed me and I fell down .

Still I didn't lose hope and I tried to stand up.  But how did he stab me though " y/n y/n are you alright why is blood coming out " jimin asked through the Bluetooth . " Y-yeah I'm fine " I replied and stool up taking the potion along with me . "Tae " I groaned . " Go and get yourself treated " he mumbled . " No " I said firmly . " W-what!? Your bleeding and go to the hospital " tae said. 

" I won't go until you listen to me " I said and groaned .
I heard him sigh " ok just tell me . I know you're going to tell me you hate me and a-" I cut him off " I love you " .
" What ? Your lying aren't you . Your just saying that so that I don't kill myself tonight right ? "  . I held my tears in . "No , I truely love you . Trust me " I said . " Trust you . You lost all my trust when you ran away " he scoffed .

I tried to hug him again but I was sent flying and I landed on the bush filled with thorns and I yelled . Suddenly I heard another one scream . I tried to look up and my vision was getting blury but I could make out tae falling on the ground on his knees holding his neck . I heard hobi saying " that's what you get to hurt her " . Did hobi kill him ? No,no ,no ,no please don't do that hobi ,if he dies I'll never forgive you .... I felt myself being taken and I saw kook saying " y/n dear , please keep your eyes open "

That was the last thing I heard before thinking to myself
' I better die and meet him in heaven maybe there I can be with him ' I smiled and closed my eyes

" Damn it , open your eyes "

I am extremely happy how this chapter turned out .

Just two more chapters left guys ....

Can't believe this journey is going to end soon  and thank you guys so much for 10 k reads ......

Bye guy's

Love y'all


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