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"Oh gosh I'm so nervous " y/n confessed . Rose rubbed her back to make her get some ease with this . " Y/n can you stop biting your lips . I can't apply your lipstick if you keep on doing it " Haeram warned . " Y/n are you sure your not going to wear heels " Lisa asked . Y/n nodded and bit her lips again .  " That's it . I'm done Jisoo unnie you do her makeup " Haeram huffed and sat down. 

"Guys how can she relax if you guys are itself nervous . Now shut it and help her to get ready " Jisoo ordered . All three just nervously chuckled . Jimin entered the room and gasped " wow am I finally seeing a princess " . Haeram giggled and smacked his arm . " No , not you it's y/n " Jimin said looking at y/n and giving her his famous eye smile . Haeram pushed him out of the room and said" get lost " . Jimin yelled " Don't be jealous baby , your looking awsome too just y/n is more awsome that's all " .

" Is the bride ready ? Oh my gosh ,I am finally seeing my princess in a white dress " yoongs said as he kissed her forehead. " Thank you oppa " y/n thanked him . " Get ready fast cupcake , the groom's waiting " yoongs said and left the room . They did the final touches and the bride was ready to go .

Before they could leave the room hobi came and said
" I am taking the bride through the aisle " . He gently took y/n ' s hand and kissed it . He heard a scoff from Lisa . Hobi pecked her lips . "Are you ready y/n ? " Kook asked from behind hobi . "What are you doing here ? " Kook asked hobi . " I'm taking her through the aisle " hobi said proudly .

" Buy isn't yoongi Hyung supposed to take her " kook asked doubtfully . " Nope he gave me the privilege " hobi replied. Slowly walking down the aisle the band started to play the music and all the four girls were holding a bouquet in their hands . She was finally handed to the groom who smiled at her and said " So beautiful " making the bride blush .

I don't know how a western wedding takes place so I am going to just keep it simple . Don't judge me !! .

"You may kiss the bride " the priest said and taehyung pulled y/n and kissed her passionately and filled with love . Everyone cheered .

It was the after party . All were supposed to wear black dress . There weren't many people just close relatives and friends . " I'm going to die single " kook yelled on top of his lungs when it was his chance to speak . Everyone laughed. " I mean look everyone has someone tae has y/n , jimin has Haeram , Jin hyung has Jisoo , Joon Hyung has Rose and even hobi has Lisa "

" Man let's form a single man group kook " yoongs yelled back which made everyone Snicker . " Oh yeah I totally forgot about the old grandpa " kook mumbled but since he was holding the mic it was heard to all . We all just shut up and were trying not to laugh . Yoongs pushed kook and kicked his leg and suddenly kook was flying in the air and he went inside the kitchen and was made to stand near the microwave .

He screamed and tried to run but he wasn't able to move at all . He understood that yoongs did it and begged for forgiveness " Hyung I'm sorry please forgive me " he showed puppy eyes but yoongs closed his eyes and turned the other side.  " Son , leave him . He didn't say anything wrong " yoongs mom said . He looked at his mom with a scoff and released kook . Kook immediately ran and hid behind y/n .

" Ok everyone , it's time for the bride and groom to leave " jimin reminded . " Bye baby , I'll miss you and tae take care of my baby and be gentle " mom whispered the last part to his ears . Taehyung chuckled and nodded . He sat in the car and they drove to the new house .

After 2 days ..

" Have a nice time guys " Jin waved to the couple who are currently leaving for their honeymoon . " Yeah yeah don't worry Hyung just prepare for the wedding " tae teased Jin as he is getting married to Jisoo next month . " Bye guy's " y/n waved her hand as she and tae went away to the flight .

The flight landed and reached Miami . The whole flight
Y/n was sleeping and taehyung was looking at her sleeping face all the time. " I'm hungry . Let's get some food " y/n whined. " Ok love " tae replied and held her hand . On the way to the restaurant y/n bumped into a man and they both fell down .

" Look where your going bitch " he cursed and stood up .
Taehyung felt anger rising up " Who said you can talk to her like that " . The man shrugged and said " Myself " and walked away . Taehyung was going to follow him but y/n held his arm stopping him " it's ok , let's just enjoy " . Taehyung nodded and smiled .

" Ahh I'm feeling so full " y/n patted her full tummy . Tae chuckled and kissed her cheeks . "Let's go to the hotel yeah , love " tae said and y/n nodded and they left for the hotel . The hotel was so big and beautiful that it left both of them in awe . " This is so ... " Taehyung completed y/n 's lines " awesome " .

The entered their room which was filled with roses and candles . Y/n ignored all that and just fell on the bed , closing her eyes . " Love , change your clothes then you can sleep " taehyung said.  But to his surprise he only heard a soft snore for a reply . He giggled and took off her shoes and pulled the duvet on her body and tucked her in.

He slept near her hugging her waist and said to himself
" I'm not going to leave that mother fucker who spoke like that about my wife . I may not be a vampire anymore but I can still hurt people who hurt her , my love , my y/n . He's going to die today " he chuckled darkly and left the room making sure his princess was in deep sleep .

Book one over !!


Book two start !!

Who told that the prophecy will not come true ?? .

Who said that it was a happy ending ??

It's all just starting ,now that he had her all for himself .

Falling into his traps .

Who said there won't any commotion ??

He was still the king wasn't he ? So how can we come to a conclusion that this was the end ??


So that was book one guys .

You can comment down if you want a book two ...

If I get atleast 20 comments and 40 votes  I'll update  "chapter one of book 2 "

Anyway whose ready for a dark and bumpy journey ?

(╭☞•́⍛•̀)╭☞ Let's goooo !!!!

Bye guy's

See you all in the next book ( hopefully )

Love y'all


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