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Yoongi pov

Looking all the bright sky . I remember the times I spent with her which were so carefree and filled with joy . But now I wonder what is joy . They say it's your sorrow that umasked . I never got to tell her the truth because I was never that brave . She hated mom because she left us with that old man who abused her . But mom had no choice she had to choose cupcake or me .

I was exactly 5 when she was born . She was so innocent I didn't want her to be hurt by the cruel world but I didn't know that by leaving I hurted her most . I smiled as I wiped my tears , she doesn't even know I am her brother . It broke something in me to even to think she'll leave me if I tell her . It was either me or her who has to learn dark magic . I told mom that I want to go because I want her to enjoy her life . But I unconsciously made it hell . Mom made my father and her forget me .

I was with her as her friend secretly protecting her when she got bullied I threatened them . I failed in protecting the only thing about which I loved and cared the most.
Sorry I mumbled as I thought about her smiling face .

" Hyung what do you want to eat " hoseok asked he knocked in the door . " I-im not hungry " I replied as I tried not to stutter . " Hyung ...... are you ok " he asked concerned . " Yeah " I said in muffled voice " just leave me alone " . " We will find her hyung  . Don't cry ........ She won't like it ..... Um, I leave now . Come downstairs if you feel hungry " I heard his footsteps fading as I went back to hugging my knees .

Hoseok pov

His voice seemed sad . I know he is sad . He misses her . Everyone does . I know he is hurt more because she is sister . He told us everything and we all support him and comforted him . I don't know why but I can't seem to shake the fact that something big is going to happen after all the red moon is 3 weeks away . If we don't do something he will have her under control and it will be difficult to get her back . If don't act fast we can lose her ....  Forever .

" So what did he say " Jin hyung asked me as he set the table . " He doesn't want to eat " I replied as I sighed . Jimin came down and said " Hyung Haeram' s health is becoming worse . She is only calling y/n ' s name . I am worried about her " . We both ran towards her room and saw that she was shivering . Jungkook was near her trying to feed her the soup but she is refusing to eat " I'll only eat when I see her " she croaked .

" Please Haeram eat something atleast this soup " Jungkook begged . " Kook let me do it " jimin said as he made his way to the bed " Haeram please eat it and we can see y/n ok " jimin said as he caressed her hair . " Really " Haeram said again it was barely audible . " Really now eat this and we can go and see her . Eat it atleast for her " jimin bought the spoon closer to her mouth . Haeram looked at him and opened her mouth as she drank it . Her eyes sparkled as she took the bowl from him and drank in one go . We all chuckled .

" Yo bro you like her don't you " I teased jimin . " Hyung what are you saying " he said . " Don't deny it . I can see it in your eyes that you love her " I smiled . " Ok fine I do . I don't know when I started liking her but I felt jealous whenever you guys talk to her or touch her . Now that you ask me I think I do . But she doesn't " jimin confessed .
" Don't worry bro I know she likes you too . She hasn't realised it yet " I patted his back and went to my room . I heard sobbings but I can't do anything .

Something clicked in my mind .  What an idiot I am . We can save her by doing that spell . I just don't know wheather yoongi knows how to do or if he will be able to do it in this condition . Let's wait until tomorrow and I'll tell others . I have a tiny hope of saving her .

Taehyung pov

" What who are you and vampire king are you even in your senses . Vampires don't exist " I tried to deny . " My boy how can you forget someone who made you who you are right now " the man replied . I still couldn't identify him . He came forward to the moonlight and my eyes widened as I know who he is " you are the one who saved me . Aren't you " I said . " Yes , I am and now you are vampire king " the man said .

I couldn't understand anything . " What do you mean . There is no vampire king " I spat irritated . " I was the vampire king but I am giving the title to you my boy as I am the one who saved you and I think of you like a son and I don't have my own blood . " The man replied . " Your vampire king but all these years I haven't heard about you . How do you expect me to believe you " I hissed .
" I was a king but I never used my power . I made people think that there is no vampire king . But it is time for me to finally live in peace " he said as he magically bought a crown out of nowhere and it landed on my head .

I felt a power going in my veins and a gush of feeling live I am alive tho I am dead . " Use it wisely my boy .... Time for me to go ..... The red moon is 3 weeks away don't make the same mistake I did " he said as he vanished into thin air as dust .

I see you guys are enjoying the story .

A lot of things are going to happen get ready for a terrific ride guys ....

Bye guy's love y'all 💝💝.

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