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Taehyung pov

I am going to get her back now . She won't be able to escape from me . I am going to never let her go . She made a mistake of leaving me . And now she is going to be mine forever . She was mine ,she will be mine ,and she is mine .
Whoever comes between us will lose his/her life . I went to the forest where she was staying with her wolf friends . How dare she keep them . Well anyway she is going to have to leave them .

I went inside the tent and sat near her . I caressed her cheeks and then I looked at her . How ethernally beautiful . Her lips are meant to kissed by me . She looked so peaceful . The way her mouth is open is so adorable . I felt myself getting closer to her . I was going to kiss her when I sent flying from her .

" What do you think you are doing " the wolf asked . " Just kissing my girlfriend " I replied cooly . " Girlfriend " the wolf scoffed . " Yes any problem " I said . " Of course I have a problem you bastard " he replied . " What do you want " I asked . " I want you to stay away from her " the wolf said getting close to me . " That's not possible " I said walking closer too .

" Nobody asked your opinion jerk " the wolf spat " it was an order " . " Let's see ....... Ok so let's have a fight and whoever wins can ask the loser to do anything " I said .
" It's a deal " he said . " What's your name dog " I asked trying to piss him off . " Names hoseok murderer " he replied . I smiled " ok hoseok let's start " . " Hobi whats going on " someone came rubbing their eyes . His eyes widened once he saw me .

" What a vampire doing here " he asked . " Nothing Hyung he is just that vampire that y/n told us about " hoseok replied . " What why is he here " his Hyung asked again .
" What else to get her back " hoseok said . " Ahh I see wait a minute I will be back " his Hyung said . " So let's start " hoseok  said . Before I could even say anything he changed into his wolf form . Ok he was a big one . I was a little scared but I will do anything for my love .

We both started to run towards each other . He came and tried to bite me but I ran away using my speed . He jumped on top of me but I pushed him away . I smirked . I climbed on top of a tree . I knew he won't be able to climb up so I jumped from one tree to another and I reached princesses tent but before I could enter I was pushed away . There was another wolf and another one behind him.

I didn't know there were three of them . I knew I would lose but I don't want to show them that . I was able to see y/n for a second before she was covered by a wolf . I laughed " you guys think this is fair three for one " .  "Nothing's fair " hoseok replied as he changed back to human form . " I don't care I will only fight with you hoseok not with your friends " I declared .

" Ok I guess namjoon , and Hyung back off I can handle this " hoseok said . He changed again and then he ran towards me . I tried to run away but he bit me . I looked at my arm it wasn't bleeding or anything but it Burned a bit . I looked around and saw that it was going to morning soon . I have to get y/n and leave fast . I felt my arm getting better . I then strangled him and bit his neck .

He screamed and then pushed me off him . His blood was good but it didn't satisfy me . I sucked more than half of his blood so he won't be able to stop me . I ran to y/n tent the two wolfs were shocked . I chuckled " he is lying in the forest you may want to help him " . " But we aren't leaving her alone " the guy whom I suppose is namjoon said .
" Who cares he lost so I can take y/n with me so fuck off dog " I said .

I went in and took y/n and left from there . I finally have her in my arms . It feels so good . I feels like home . I went to our house and placed her gently on the bed . She looked like a queen . She is a queen . I kissed her forehead . I took the handcuffs and handcuffed her to the bed so that even if she wakes up she won't be able to escape . I decided to prepare some breakfast for her . She will be hungry.

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