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As I turn around to come face to face with him, the picture frame slips from my hands and shatters on the ground. My throat goes dry. He has a white towel wrapped around his waist while his bare chest is misted with water droplets.

Without replying, I oogle at his pecs as I inhale the tantalizing scent of his shower gel.

"Hello, my eyes are here. I asked you a question, what are doing in my house?" He questions.

"I.. I.. I-" I stutter.

"Wait here, I'll call the cops," he says as he walks towards the night stand to grab his phone but I take that as an opportunity to run away.

My heels clank against the marble floor as I rush for the exit. I panic as I step down the stairs and make my way to the outside.

Sweat mists my forehead. This is good, I haven't exercised in a long time. At least I'm burning calories.

"Hey you!" A guard shouts. I look his way and come to a halt. "Is the sir familiar with you?" He ask's.

"Uh," I have to lie. "Yes, I'm his girlfriend," I fib. "Please let me go through".

He presses a button on a controller and the gate opens. I make my way past him and rush towards the car that I parked a distance away. I get in and drive off immediately.

Arriving at my apartment, I park the car. I step out and wearily make my way inside.

My feelings for a stranger influenced what I did tonight. It was senseless. If I didn't escape soon enough, I would have been behind bars.

Why am I doing it again? Having feelings for somebody when I promised I would never do so. The last time I genuinely fell in love with somebody, they hurt me to the point where I felt I wasn't good enough.

A few months ago, I laid belly flat on my bed staring intently at my screen. It was nighttime so the screen was the only source emitting light onto my face.

I took the huge step of sliding into my crush, Alaric's DM. It started with a simple hi and he unexpectedly replied. We spoke about ourselves in order to get to know each other.

Alaric: what? You have never kissed a guy before? Can I be your first kiss?

The first kiss is one of the most vital moments many have experienced in their life but I wasnt fortunate enough to experience mine for the past 21 years of my life.

A smile tugged at the corner of my lips. The person I liked wanted to kiss me? This isn't something that happens all the time, I had to take this opportunity. I accepted and we arranged to meet up the subsequent day.

On the day of the link up, I was nervous. I stood in the mirror staring at my reflection. I felt insecure. This would have been so much easier if I were just pretty. I almost changed my mind but I gathered enough courage and confidence to go.

He already sent me the location and that's where I stood. I espied him advancing towards me from a distance and when he arrived, we hugged. He looked so much cuter up close.

I wasn't good at conversations so I carried a piece of paper on which I wrote down a list of questions to ask him. I peeked at it from time to time, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Not like I have a problem with it but I wasn't expecting you to be this big," he commented.

"Oh," I replied. I decided to ignore his remark.

Later that afternoon, we shared a kiss. I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world. It's crazy how a boy can make you feel such a way. I was excited about our forthcoming relationship but all those emotions came crashing down when he stopped texting me.

Negative thoughts clouded my mind. Was it because of my appearance?

All men are the same, there's nothing distinct about them from each other.

I take off my heels and hit the shower. After being done, I wear pink sweats and a white, long sleeved shirt.

I take a seat by my table that is facing the sizeable window. My journal sits atop the table as I write in it.

Today, I met somebody who I instantaneously fell inlove with. There were many other irresistible gentlemen but I only saw him. I don't understand why. I know I'm going too fast with this but I'm not sure about how I feel exactly. Could it be infatuation?

I place my head in my palm as I gaze at the starlit sky. I smile at the thought of his wide beauteous smile.

I get up and stalk towards my bed to lay on it. I need to get some shut eye. I tuck myself inside the sheets as I continue to think about him.

A certain spot aches when I recall him standing before me. I just can't seem to get enough of him, am I ever going to see him again? That was the last thought before I drifted off into sleep.

Nobody Loved Me Like You DoWhere stories live. Discover now