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For a moment, I feel like going inside and talking to Callan but I decide against it. Heading back to Ivy, we share a long pregnant silence, still taken aback about what had just transpired.

"What the fuck just happened in there?" I break the silence.

The next few days, Kashmere doesn't report for work. Wow, this must have really gotten to her. Today, we hope that she should show up.

Ivy checks her wrist watch and says, "It's 9am, I don't think she will be coming today as well".

I'm not sure how Kashmere is doing, I haven't bothered to check up on her. Kashmere and I haven't been able to have our girl chats so that's why I may be a bit behind in what is going on in her life.

It's crazy how I thought working with her would keep us closer but instead, we have drifted apart. We don't have our girl time anymore. Can I blame it on my busy work schedule at the baseball center?

I'm free on Sundays but I would usually spend my free days with Ivy. Me and Ivy's relationship has grown stronger ever since I started working here. We have so much in common. Despite of being strict, she is understanding and I tell her everything. She's more of a friend than a boss.

"I don't know Giselle, don't you think we should call her?" Ivy ask's.

"Yea," I agree.

"What should I say to her?" She inquires.

"Ask how she's doing and tell her that she can talk to us when she feels like it. Just don't make her feel uncomfortable," I advise.

Ivy pulls out her phone and calls her. It takes 5 seconds to ring but Kashmere hasn't picked up yet. Ivy looks at me thinking she probably won't pick up. Luckily, 2 seconds later we hear Kashmere's voice.

"I know you called to fire me".

Ivy denies and tells her that she just wanted to know if she was alright.

"Listen, I heard the argument between you and Callan..." Ivy says and looks at me.

"What the fuck Ivy, are you trying to rat us out!?" I whisper yell.

Ivy promptly raises her hand, a sign to show that she knows what she is doing. She then tells Kashmere to take her time until she's healed.

After hanging up, I say "wow, you let her take a break from work".

"Yea I know what it's like," Ivy responds.

I nod my head.

On Saturday, I work in the bar, doing my usual early morning tasks when Ivy comes in full of energy.

"Take off your work clothes! Wear something cute," she sing songs.

"What the fuck Ivy, are you high?" I question amusedly.

"We're going for a girls road trip," she surprises.

Oh yea. Me and Ivy have spoken about having a road trip together a thousand times and today is when she decides to make it happen.

I'm down for it.

I head to the locker room, to put on my normal clothes. After being done, I head back out only to find Kashmere.

Kashmere Lynn's POV

I wake up and check the time on my phone. It's 7am. I spent this entire week living in misery. I can't continue like this. I need to get my shit together. Callan has moved on with his life and is probably happy so why should I bother myself?

People come and go in our life for a reason, it's a lesson. I've realized I spent most of my time with Callan, I need to work on other aspects of my life like my friendship with Giselle. We haven't been able to do the things we used to do for whatever reason. I want to strengthen our bond again.

I open a pink mini gift box which contains $2000 that I had saved up for months incase of anything important that may come up.

Well, I'll be spending it on Giselle today.

I get up and take a shower. I'll be heading back to the baseball center for the first time in the week.

Upon arriving, I stalk towards the bar shed expecting to see the Blondie working behind the bar in her work attire but instead I find nobody. A few moments later, she shows up and I can tell she's astounded by my sudden appearance.

"Kashmere!" She rushes over and hugs me. "I missed you chubby cheeks".

That last statement makes me chuckle.

"I see you're all dressed up," I comment.

"Yea Ivy and I are going on a road trip," she enlightens.


"Well, I wanted us to go on our girls hangout. That's clearly why I came today," I say.

Her sorry is evident in her features.

Realization settles in.

I question, "What? You choose Ivy over me?"

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