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I peer beneath two fingers and a petite lady with brunette hair pulled in a low ponytail comes in sight. I completely pull my hands away from my face and notice that she's garbed in activewear. A tank top and pink knee length leggings clad her slim figure.

She's probably from taking a jog seeing all the sweat misted on her forehead.

"Yes I'm fine," I lie as I wipe my tears away.

"If you're fine, then why are you crying?" She ask's.

"It's nothing," I respond.

Why am I even hiding?

"Just something stupid," I add recalling what Callan did today.

"Do you mind sharing that 'stupid' thing," she ask's.

I sigh.

"He is embarrassed of me. It's about my weight. He doesn't think I'm attractive enough to be by his side," I reveal.

"Do you want to be beautiful?" She ask's and I nod my head.

"Do you want him to drool all over you when he see's you?" She ask's.

"Yes," I respond.

"Then come on down to Requital gym & fitness studio, where multiple workout lessons are offered by professional trainers. Only special, selected members can apply for our classes". She winks.

"What," I breathe out.

"It's an all ladies class so you don't have to worry about creeps," she adds. "Here's our business card". She hands it over to me. "Use referall code 5536. Looking forward to seeing you there," she says as she gets up and leaves.

I stare at the card in my hand. I know what to do.

The following day, I head to the address printed on the business card. I pass by multiple stores until I finally espy a sign above with a pink background that says 'Requital Gym & Fitness Studio' in curly font with an incomplete outline of a fit feminine body. This is the place.

I get in and the first thing I see upon entry is the front desk office. I advance towards the receptionist who is busy in a conversation on the phone. Her phone is nestled between her ear and shoulder, leaving her hands free to taco other tasks. The person on the other line must have said something hilarious 'cause she bursts out laughing.

When she see's me approaching, she says, "a client is advancing. I'll call you later". She hangs up.

She sets her composure before saying her greetings,"welcome to Requital Gym & Fitness Studio. How may I be of assistance?"

"Hello, um... I wanted to apply for a membership here. Someone told me about this place and.." I say.

She doesn't let me finish when she ask's, "Do you have a referall code?"

"Uh". I try to search my memory.

A flashback of the lady I met yesterday makes it's way in my mind.

"Here's our business card. Use referall code 5536. Looking forward to seeing you there".

"5536 she said," I respond.

The clicks of the keyboard sounds as she types in the code.

"Alright. Here are your forms". She hands them to me. "Fill them up and that will be just about it to finally get you incorporated".

She moves over to taco other tasks but my question brings her focus back on me. "May I ask, how much is the fee?"

"Pardon?" She ask's.

"Are there payments needed to be made?" I reconstruct my question.

She bursts into a fit of giggles and I stare at her blankly.

When her chuckles die down, she responds "Of course not. The referall code you were given offers free trial for the first 3 months".

Thank god 'cause I don't have cash on me.

"Alright thank you," I give gratitude and begin to fill out the form. After being done, I hand them over to her.

"So you're officially a member. Classes begin at 3pm everyday. If you wish to start at 7am, we can set you up in a different class," she offers.

"Oh no. I'm fine with 3pm," I say.

"Okay. Any questions?" She ask's.

"Am I supposed to bring my own mat or?" I ask.

"No need to do that. You are provided with essential items when necessary," she responds. "Any other questions?"

"No," I respond.

"Thank you Miss Lynn. Looking forward to having you here," she says before getting back to her task.

Later that afternoon, I'm clad in a black and hot pink tank top with matching knee length leggings, ready for this afternoons workout classes. Making my way into the gym, I check in with the front desk office before being directed to the specific room.

When I get in, I'm met with other ladies garbed in activewear having a conversation with their friends while others are doing warm ups. The colorful room is wide with a huge mirror adorning the expanse of the front wall.

The female trainer introduces herself and explains to us the basics. We're going to be doing warm ups for the first week to build and release tension in our muscles, in order to be prepared for the severe training that is yet to come. Then, she will assign us personal trainers based on our performance, who will help us throughout our weight loss journey.

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