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Kashmere Lynn's POV

I discern Callan approaching me. What the hell does he want? Isn't it enough that he has hurt me way too many times.

I begin to walk fast trying to avoid him but he reaches up to me and grabs my arm.

"What do you want!?" I yell.

"I just want to talk. Can we please talk?" He ask's.

"No". I try to yank my arm out of his tight grip but I fail.

"Please, just this one time. Let me explain myself," he begs.

"What's there to talk about? How many times are you going to hurt me and then ask for leniency?" I question on the verge of crying.

"I know I have wronged you many times but Im human. Let's take a seat and talk," he tries to convince.

I accept and we make our way towards a bench to sit.

"Where do I start from?" He ask's himself before proceeding, "Everything that happened between us yesterday, I meant it. It was real".

"Unbelievable," I mutter to myself. "If it were real, why were you thinking about another woman whilst getting it on with me?"

"I am coming to that. Ever since Valencia and I broke up, I've been heartbroken. I'm hurting. She was the only one I shared my bed with the longest. I miss her. You need to understand that im in the middle of getting over a breakup. Moaning her name was surely a mistake. I didn't mean to," he explains.

He has a valid point. As much as what he did was extremely disrespectful, I'll try to put myself in his position. Getting over a break up can be really hard.

"I get it," I say.

"So we're good?" He ask's.

I nod my head.

"Sorry once again," he apologizes.

"No, it's fine. Just don't make it a habit," I admonish.

"Of course. I'll work on that," he assures.

He looks over at the baseball field where individuals spectate the men playing.

"Come". He takes my hand and leads me towards the baseball field.

"No Callan, Ivy will be mad at me," I say.

"Forget Ivy. I'm sure she won't be mad and if she does, I'll explain to her. The blame will all be on me," he assures.

As we make our way through the benches, people throw me scrutinizing glares which makes me feel uncomfortable. Callan gestures for me to take a seat and so I do. I'm not a fan of sport but for some reason, I'm enjoying this.

As we watch the players, Callan explains to me the main part of the game and how to go about it. When the game finally comes to an end, everyone leaves. Callan pulls me towards the empty baseball diamond.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"We're going to play some baseball," he replies.

"No but ivy.." I trail.

"Like I said, don't worry about her. C'mon," he insists and I follow through.

He picks up a bat. "Do you remember what I told you?"

I nod my head. "The object of the game is to score more runs than the opponent. The idea is to hit the ball thrown at me as far as I can before running around 4 bases to complete a run".

"Excellent. Do you want to be the pitcher or batter?" He ask's.

"What's that?" I question.

He sighs, probably losing hope in me.

"You'll play as the pictcher and I'll be the catcher. Everything good?" He ask's and I nod.

"Alright," he says as he hands me the bat.

"Okay, how am I supposed to swing this?" I wand the bat in my hands.

"It's all about your stance and posture," he enlightens as he positions me.

"This is awkward," I say.

"Hold your bat like this and when the ball fly's in your direction, hit it as hard as you can," he lectures.

"Okay this shouldn't be hard," I respond.

"Okay. It's time to take positions. Dont forget to run after hitting the ball," he reminds.

After getting into position at the pitching mound, he hurls the ball in my direction. Too absent minded, the ball ends up hitting my forehead.


We try again and this time I'm not absent minded, I'm aware of my surroundings. He throws the ball but I miss it.

Damn it!

"Focus!" He shouts.

Alright. Third time's a charm. He throws the ball once more but I end up swinging around with the bat, making me stumble to the ground.

I suck at this.

Callan facepalms and then advances towards me. "What's going on?"

"I don't know. I'm not a sporty person". He helps me up and I clean myself.

"What we're not going to do is give up. Only losers give up. Are you a loser?" He ask's.

"Yes," I agree.

"What?" He questions.

"No. No I'm not," I change my answer.

"Then get into position!" He says.

"Sir yes sir," I salute.

He looks at me for a second and chuckles.

"I believe in you," he assures before heading to the pitching mound.

I grab the bat. I don't want to dissapoint him but I feel like I'm destined for failure.

After several failed attempts, Callan has already lost hope in me. But when he hurls the ball this time, I manage to hit it. Too excited about it, I stand in shock until Callan shouts for me to run.


I run towards the first base in excitement as Callan goes to pick up the ball. I probably look awkward running but I bet I'll lose weight before this game ends.

The game goes on until Callan pauses and answers a call.

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