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I gaze outside my window in my bedroom. The midnight breeze hits my face as a lone tear cascades down my cheeks.

A flashback makes its way into my head.

"So you mean being with this fat pig was the right decision!? You leave a beautiful woman for this atrocity!?"

I shut my eyes tightly as tears flood down my face. Who did I hurt? How could someone be so vile enough to say such a thing, especially in front of me. Why does everything have to be about my body?

I was looking forward to tonight but it ended up being a complete fail.

I wipe the tears off my face.

I can't help but think about me and Callan's first time a day ago. I haven't had the time to think about it because of what he did that ruined it. I can still feel his hands on me. I can't forget the way his sweat slicked body was on top of mine, the way we intertwined our fingers as his face was buried in the nook of my neck.

For some reason, I miss that connection. I want to experience it all over again.

The next day, I report for work at the baseball center but it seems like my bestfriend and boss have made plans without me.

"Ivy is a Shawn Mendes fan as well so when I told her I was going to the concert, she was shocked. So we decided to go together as part of our hangout," Giselle explains to me.

"Without me though?" I ask.

"You would have come along but tickets are sold out, also we don't want to leave this place unattended. You'll have the bar all to yourself," Ivy says as she gets her things ready.

"Plus you have Carl to keep you busy whilst we're gone," Giselle adds.

Me and Carl rarely even speak to each other.

"Here are the keys". Ivy drops them in my hand. "You'll operate in the bar today'.

"But I don't know how to make drinks or mix them," I say.

"There's a manual in the cabinet, it's not that hard. I'll pay you extra for filling in for us," Ivy replies.

Okay, that makes things better.

"I hope you'll have an amazing time," I lie. I hope they lose their voices as they sing along to Shawn Mendes' music.

"We'll see you this afternoon," Ivy say's.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late," Giselle urges and they both leave.

Well, I don't know how to feel about that. Giselle and Ivy have so much in common and have gotten super close these past few weeks and it feels like I'm slowly losing my friend. There's nothing in this world Giselle has done without me but today, she's going to have fun with somebody else. I don't want to take this to heart but it kind of hurts.

I take my place behind the bar and begin to wipe the glasses clean placing them on the rack behind me.

"How to make cocktails," I say to myself.

I pull open the cabinet drawer and take out the manual. As I read through, I sense something behind me. I begin to scream before I look back and see Carl with flowers in his hands screaming in unison with me.

"What the fuck Carl," I scold.

"What are you doing here?" He ask's.

"What are you?" I ask back.

"I came here for Giselle but instead I am met with a giant. For a second, I thought she transformed," he explains.

"Haha very funny," I deadpan. "Giselle and Ivy went to a stupid concert so I was left in charge around here".

"Oh," he responds.

"What's with the flowers in your hands?" I ask.

"These?" He lifts them. "They were meant for Giselle".

"So, you like her?" I ask.

"Yea. Do you think she knows?" He ask's.

"Yes," I respond.

"Is it really that obvious?" he questions and I nod.

The day goes by in a rush and it's now afternoon. Ivy and Giselle are back from the concert and won't shut up about it.

"Oh my god, let's not forget about the guy that was naked and tried to make his way onto the stage but the security yanked him away," Giselle says and they both laugh.

"Oh no, actually that was after he tried to touch Shawn," Ivy adds.

"Right, I had my luck with him. Shawn Mendes looked me in the eye for like 2 seconds and I just knew he fell in love with me," Giselle says.

"You wish," Ivy says and they both laugh.

"I'm telling you," Giselle replies.

After a long day at the baseball center, I head back home with intentions of collapsing onto my bed and sleeping for eternity once I arrived but I'm met with a letter on my door step.

I open it and it's a letter from the court. I'm expected to be in court in a few days regarding the case filed against me by my old boss' husband.

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