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For the past one week, I was required to get up at 5:30 in the morning, to take early morning jogs. I chose that time because nobody is on the street and so I am able to trot without feeling embarrassed.

Today is sunday and is also the day we will be assigned our personal trainers and for some reason, I'm excited but nervous. At the moment, my body is misted with sweat as I jog around my neighborhood. One more lap and I'll be done. With every step, I exhaust myself. My heart pounds through my chest as my breathing gets shallow. When I arrive at my doorstep, I collapse. A smile paints my features, a sign of rejoicement of my accomplishment.

I make my way to the fitness studio at 8am and my assigned personal trainer is Adam. He is brown skinned and is muscular. He always has a cap on.

We started with the basics, changing my diet. I was given the task to get rid of unhealthy food and replace it with healthier ones. I was given a cheat day, where I can eat a bit of junk but the rest of the days, I'd be stuck with an 80% vegetable based diet.

I'm taken to a room with gym equipments adorning it's expanse.

My legs have been treading on this treadmill for the past 30 minutes as Adam shouts words of encouragement. My leg muscles are burning out and I'm almost losing rhythm but mommy didn't raise no lazy bitch. I gather up the strength and continue treading.

Next Adam has me battle pulling ropes. I yank the ropes with all my might. They bounce off the floor in wavy-like motions. The ropes feel heavy in my palms and my arms begin to feel numb. All the energy I had in me has vanished.

"Can I have some water?" I ask with a patched throat as I continue yanking the ropes.

He denies my request. According to this body builder devil, water makes you tired and is only given at the end of a workout.

I continue yanking the ropes, hearing them smack off the floor in a patterned rhythm. The sweat dripping off of my face makes it seem as though a bucket of water has been poured all over me. Im wearing out. I begin to see double vision as encouraging shouts from Adam begin to sound far away. The world begins to fade but I'm not about to give u-

My eyes squint before seeing black.


"Kashmere," I hear my muffled name as though it's being exclaimed in a distance until it slowly begins to sound more clearer.

A few moments later, I jerk awake due to the sprinkles of water being splashed onto my face. My eyes slowly flutter open and I see Adam and two other faces. Andreas and his girlfriend, Olivia. What are they doing here?

It takes me a while to realize that I'm laying on the floor. fuck. I passed out. How embarrassing. They help me up and take me to the nearest bench to take a seat.

"Are you okay?" Adam ask's.

"Yes," I respond and he hands me a bottle of water which has a Requital Studio logo.

I gulp it's contents, clearing the patch in my throat. I've never craved for water this much. I will never take water for granted after this.

"Thank you," I give gratitude.

"I think that will be all for today. You can take the rest of the day off to relax. Do you need a ride back home?" He ask's.

"No no.. I'm good," I deny.

The following day, I report for work at the baseball center and to my surprise, Giselle heard about what happened. She claims that ever since she attended the picnic Valencia held 2 weeks ago, Andreas girlfriend, Olivia and her became friends. From what I know, Olivia told her what transpired.

Under the bar shed, Giselle demonstrates to Ivy how I squinted my eyes before completely passing out and they both burst out laughing. Due to her uncontrollable fit of giggles, Ivy inadvertently let's go of the glass she was handling, causing it to shutter on the ground into multiple shards.

"This is hilarious," Ivy wipes away her tears. "Fuck, that glass was expensive".

"It's not funny," I say.

"C'mon, where did your sense of humor go?" Giselle jests.

"You know I've never had one," I respond.

"On the bright side, you're actually losing weight, keep on with the good work," she praises and gives me a thumbs up.

Actually, I have lost 10 pounds. I need to lose 30 more. I usually check my waistline's measurement every single day and get impressed.

I put in the password on my phone and begin stalking Callan's Instagram. It's a favorite past time of mine at this point. I click on his following list and notice that he is still following Valencia. I haven't had the time to stalk his social media this past few days because I was busy with this weight loss routine.

I scroll through his recent posts, and come across a picture with 800,000 likes of him and Valencia at Laurent Cote's fashion week that took place a day ago.

What the fuck!?

Callan said he wouldn't attend the fashion week and yet he did..and his plus one was Valencia! What a fucking loser.

I click on fashion and gossip pages to confirm if this is real and unfortunately, it is. They report on how Valencia looked marvellous in her expensive gown designed by a stupid designer I don't give a fuck about and how they're confused about Callan and Valencia's relationship, seeing that rumors claimed they were on break.... Which is true but it's crazy for ex partners to be found together, right? That's what I fucking thought.

I look up and notice Callan from a distance, advancing towards me. What the fuck is he doing here? He usually comes here on Saturdays but today is Monday.

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