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I spent the rest of my nights eating ice cream and crying myself to sleep. My second crush just broke my heart. This one hurt more than my first one because he rejected me in my face. There's a reason they're called a "crush" because they end up crashing us.

Working at the baseball center didn't feel the same anymore.

"What's up, a monkey stole your cookie? you've been appearing downcast," Ivy, the bartender says.

"No reason. Im just tired," I respond as I stock the bats into a pouch. I'm clad in the working outfit; white mini skirt and visor.

"Well, I have just the thing to brighten up your mood," she pulls out a cheque from her pocket. Today is my payday.

"Thank you". I take it.

"You can take the day off". She winks.

"Thanks once more". I give gratitude. I head to the locker room and put my ordinary clothes back on. After that, I go to the bank to take the funds before I head back home.

When I arrive, I find a cop car in my yard. What the fuck did I do now? He advances towards my door but he notices me behind and so he awaits for my arrival.

He takes out his badge. "Sherriff Walter," he introduces before he proceeds. "A restraining order has been filed against you by Callan Anders". He hands me the papers to read through.

This document serves as a Restraining order against Kashmere Lynn by plaintiff Callan Anders.

The defendant pledges:

-to not intentionally be in the same surrounding as Mr Callan Anders.

-To be 10 yards away from him

- To not intrude his home, workplace or any building that belongs to Mr Callan Anders.

- To refrain from stalking and harassing him in person or via text messages & phone calls.

Failure to meet the standards will result in Miss Kashmere Lynn being taken into custody.

Wow. He really just did that.

"Sign here and here," the sheriff points at the signature spaces below. My heart aches as I sign.

"This is a temporary restraining order. The perpetual one will be issued after the court hearing which will be in 2 weeks. You are expected to attend. Thank you very much". He takes the document and marches off towards the patrol car.

I head back inside. I really did not expect that at all. Maybe it's for the best. I bet if I were a pretty skinny girl, things wouldn't have gone like this.

All the money is in my purse. I could go on a shopping spree to make me feel better but I decide against that. I'll instead have some dinner with Giselle. I haven't seen her in the past few days.

I call her and she picks up.

"Bitch guess what," I say.

"You found a sugar daddy?" She guesses.

I roll my eyes. "Not everyone is you. I'm taking you out for dinner," I tell her.

"What? That's new. Where are we meeting up?" She ask's.

"Vin Gatte," I respond.

One of Giselle's dream is to go to that restaurant and I wanted to be the one to fulfill it.

"You have to be kidding me? That's the most expensive restaurant ever. $500 per meal. How will you be able to afford that place?" She questions.

"I'll tell you when we meet up. Start off now. Also, dress up good. Bye," I hang up.

I take another handbag and head out. Upon arriving, I find Giselle waiting for me outside.

"Why the fuck are you standing here? You should have waited for me inside," I say to her.

"I know but I didn't want to go in there and have waiters on my ass thinking I'm ordering something. That would be awkward," she explains.

We chuckle as we make our way inside. A besuited gentleman greets us and leads us to our table. We take a seat and we're given a classy menu with a few dishes written in a curly font.

"Babe, spill. How the hell are you able to afford a place like this if it isn't a sugar daddy funding for all this?" she inquires.

"My new job is well paying," I respond.

"Damn, tell me where. I may work there as well". She chuckles.

"Wait, you're willing to leave Charvelle with no employee?" I ask her.

"I already quit my job," she answers and my mouth widens.

"She was like 'The both of you are in cahoots to bring down my business!' " She imitates Charvelle with exaggerated hand gestures before we both break down into a fit of giggles.

Something on the menu catches Giselle's attention. "I want to try something new. How about the coeur de canard?" She ask's.

"What the fuck even is that?" I chuckle.

We finally settle for a dish and order. We get served after 20 minutes and we begin to dig into our meal. My mood shifts. I twirl my fork lackadaisically on my plate, lost in deep thought about him. Really, he rejected me and filed a restraining order against me? I still feel hurt.

Giselle notices my change in demeanor. She chews and ask's, "Why are you so silent?"

Snapping out of my trance, I place my forehead on my palm as I explain, "Callan Ander, the guy I followed..he confronted me and rejected me. Earlier today, I was served a restraining order forbidding me to be anywhere in his proximity". Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes.

"What? That's terrible". Giselle frowns as she streches her arm across the table to squeeze mine.

"So, what do you wanna do?" She ask's.

"I don't know. ..abide? If I don't, I'll be put behind bars," I respond.

We finish our food and the bill is brought to us. I take it and look at it, $1000. I look into my bag and shuffle through compartments. Wait a damn minute. My purse isn't in here. I was supposed to put it in this handbag but my bitch ass forgot. I mentally face palm.

"The dinner was great". Giselle dubs her cheek and mouth with a napkin.

With the waiter standing at our table, Giselle pulls the bill to look at it and boasts to him, "No biggie. My best friend is a rich bitch, this bill is nothing".

"Can you give us a minute?" I ask the waiter and he slightly bows before he leaves.

Giselle pulls out a compact mirror from her purse and inspects her appearance.

"Uh I think we have a problem. I forgot my purse at home," I say.

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