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It's an acceptance email from Florida State University of Naples for the scholarship I had applied for last year!

Filled with astonishment, I cover my mouth with both of my hands. Suddenly, I have forgetten about the spat I had with Giselle earlier.

I get up and soak my eyes with water to ensure that what I was seeing was real. When I get back, I take my seat again at my study and stare intently at the screen and read everything. I rejoice and pick up my phone trying to break the news to Giselle until I realize something, we're not friends anymore.

I place my phone back down.

Whenever something happened in my life, Giselle was the first person I told. For the first time in 3 years, I'd have to keep such an important update to myself.

I frown.

Also, do you know what this means? I'd have to leave California and move to Florida. I'd have to leave this life and start a new one without Callan and Giselle. If it wasn't for the fight I had with both of them, maybe I would have chosen to stay. But now, what's there to stay for? This is my future we're talking about, this is what I wanted, this is what I came here for.

A day later, I head to the baseball center to resign. With the working attire folded in my arms, I stalk towards Ivy who is behind the bar. Ignoring Giselle who is besides her, I hand the folded attire to Ivy.

"What's going on?" Ivy ask's.

"This is going to be the last time you're going to be seeing me," I respond.

"You're resigning?" She ask's.

"Yes," I agree.

"What's with the decision?" Ivy questions with a frown.

"University. I signed up for a scholarship which recently had just gotten accepted so I will be moving to Florida," I reply without turning to look at Giselle's reaction.

"Congratulations I'm so happy for you," Ivy congratulates. "Go get that degree!"

"Thank you," I give gratitude.

I look at Giselle and a frown marries her face. She's probably mad that I'm getting my life together whilst she's still out here depending on a sugar daddy.

After Ivy pays me for the time that I worked here, she gives me a hug and wishes me the best. After that, I immediately make my way out.

I look back at the baseball center one last time before getting into the uber. I've only worked here for 2 months and yet I've made so many memories. I'll miss this place.

I already booked for the flight. I'll be leaving California on Friday. Will I miss Giselle and Callan? I don't know.

I lean my head against the window, lost in thought about the events that had transpired last week.

When I arrive home, I lay on my bed still in thought. A flashback makes it's way into my mind.

"What you don't realize is that you're the problem, Kashmere. Why do you think Callan doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore!?" Giselle yelled.

Was it really my fault? Was I being too controlling or possessive of him?

I need someone to help me answer these questions but I don't have anyone to. An idea sparks in my mind.

Andreas Bocelli.

I profusely pick up my phone and message him on his social media.

Me: please call me, there's something I need to talk to you about. My number is +1XXXXXXXXXX

10 minutes later when he reads the message, he calls me.

I pick up the phone and answer, "hey".

"Hi, what's up?" He ask's.

"Uh, I was wondering.." I trail off, lost for words.

Fuck, I didn't plan for this.

Upon having the words, I continue "-if Callan said something about me. Did he speak to you about the argument that him and I had?"

"No. Not at all," he denies.

What? I thought he is Callan's close friend. Doesn't he confide in him?

"I'm not the right person you should be talking to. Sadie is the one. He confides in his sister," he enlightens.

I don't know about that. The first time I met Sadie, she was quite inquisitive. Not gonna lie, she kind of scares me. I don't think I will be able to ask her about Callan.

"Listen, Sadie and I aren't close. And I'm sure she wouldn't disclose anything to me," I respond.

"Then speak to the man himself. I don't know what the fuck is going on between the both of you but y'all need to sort your shit out," he comments.

"I can't. He blocked me. I can't go to his house either because security is tight and they won't let me in," I respond.

"Well then, it will be Savannah's (Callan's mother) birthday and there's going to be a celebration this weekend. I bet Callan will be there so you can attend and meet him," he advises.

Oh yea. His mom said it herself and personally invited me.

"Also, you're welcome to attend our future events. I'm hoping to see you on my birthday in 2 months," Savannah invites.

"Sure. I'd love to attend," I accept.

"Okay thank you," I thank Andreas before cutting the call.

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