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Kashmere Lynn's POV

I head out and the midday sun hits my face. Time has passed way too quickly. After crying for what seemed to be ages, I gained the courage to go out and resume with my work.

I watch the baseball game from afar as I ensure the surrounding is clean. Callan wasn't playing today.

In the afternoon, I march around with no direction. I hear footsteps and so I turn my head and see Callan advancing towards me.

"Hi," he greets as the scent of his cologne graces my nose.

"He- hey," I stutter. Damn, I'm already embarrassing myself.

"Uh, about earlier. I'm sorry about what happened with my mates. I promise you, this won't happen again," he apologizes.

"Uh..it's fine," I respond looking away, embarrassed about the incident that transpired earlier on. I'm not supposed to be talking to Callan or be anywhere near him according to the Restraining Order and so I decide to leave but he grabs my wrist.

Butterflies uncage in my belly. I look down at his hand. Why is he touching me?

"Also, I was wondering if you would like to hangout as a way to say sorry for earlier, I don't know. That's if you want," he offers.

Oh my god. Is he asking me out? I'm screaming inside. Why the hell would he do that? He decided to file a restraining order, forbidding me to be anywhere in his proximity and now he is following me. Is he trying to get me arrested?

"No," I decline. I need to stay away from this man. I turn on my heels to leave but he grabs my wrist again and this time, he doesn't let go. My pussy flutters.

"I know, our first encounter wasn't likable but let's give this a try. Let's start all over again. Hi, I'm Callan Anders". He pulls his other hand out and I reluctantly shake it.

"I'm Kashmere. Kashmere Lynn," I introduce myself in a low tone.

"Nice to meet you Kashmere. Would you like to come over to my house and get to know each other?" He offers again.

I sigh. He won't give up will he?

"Take it as a friendly hangout," he adds.

"Sure," I accept.

"Great. I assume you know where I live. So, this weekend? or any day you're free," he says.

"Yea," I respond.

"See you," he says.

"Bye," I say to him before he leaves.

Tell me, I'm still in bed having a dream because there's no way he just came up to me and asked me on what I assume is a date. Why the sudden change of heart?

My thoughts are disrupted when my phone rings. it's Giselle.

"Hey," I greet.

"You won't believe what I just found out," she snickers in the background.

A smile tugs my lips. "What?"

"Vin gatte has banned us from their restaurant," she continues snickering.

"Why would they do that? Just because I forgot my purse," I say in amusement.

"I don't know but I just found out when I went there earlier to chastise them about their harsh treatment last night and they couldn't let me in," humor laces her tone. "They didn't even bother telling me why I was banned. They just said it's 'by order of management'. And when I asked to speak with the manager, they threatened to have security escort me off their premises".

"Why the fuck are you laughing about that? You know it's not a good thing. Your favourite restaurant has just banned us," I say amusedly.

"I know but I just find it funny. I really can't take them seriously. Also, their food tasted like shit. I just lied," she reveals. "We weren't planning on going back anyway".

I giggle.

"Okay bestie, I'm going to rate their restaurant a 0 star and we can create multiple accounts and leave bad reviews on trip advisor," she says. "Are you in on it?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I respond.

"C'mon, it will be fun. At my house, 7pm" she says.

Cut to: Giselle and I sit at her small dinning table all focused on our phone screens.

"The waiters reeked of sweat. Made me lose my appetite. I 100% do not recommend," Giselle reads before posting it.

"Okay, hear mine," I say. "The Fettuccine did not look presentable to the eye. Looked like snake maggots. Honestly wouldn't feed that to my dog".

Who am I kidding? The Fettuccine looked amazing.

"What the fuck!? Is there such thing as snake maggots?" Giselle questions with laughter. "Post that. Post that," She urges.

We continue to spend the rest of the evening coming up with ridiculous reviews.

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