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Our eyes meet.

We were just apart for a week but it felt like forever. The days I spent without hearing her voice, without reading her texts felt like they were moving slow.

I missed her.

"Kashmere," I say her name once more.

I missed having to mention her name in my mouth. It felt foreign but yet so familiar.

"Callan," she answers.

My eyes search her's for a while. I don't know what to say.

"You came," I say.

She nods with a smile on her face but a lone tear runs down her cheek. Does my presence make her feel sad?

"Why are you crying?" I ask as I thumb her tear away.

She ignores my question and questions, "Why are you here?"

"I should be the one asking you that question," I respond.

"I came here to talk to you but.." She trails off.

"But.." I urge.

"But I saw you with her.."

Not again.

"You looked happy Callan so I.." She says but I cut her off.

"So you walked away," I interject and she nods.

What Kashmere doesn't know is that I'm good at pretending. I can have a bright smile on my face when in actual, I'm hurting inside.

"That's not the truth," I say. "Everything you saw wasn't real".

"How can I believe you?" She ask's.

"Living without you was quite hard for me," I whisper.

"I thought you said you didn't need me," she says.

I shake my head. "I didn't mean it. Everything I said, I didn't mean it".

Im about to say it. It's time I told her.

"I'm in love with you," I confess.

More tears cascade down her cheeks.

"You can't love me," she replies.

"Why not?" I question with genuine concern written in my features.

She looks down as she chokes on her sobs.

"Kashmere, tell me why!" I urge shaking her shoulders.

She looks up and yells "Because I'm broken! Can't you see? I'm a mess. I'm not good enough for you Callan".

"What do you mean?" I ask. "You are enough for me".

"No I'm not. You deserve better. Look at me. Do I look like the type of girl you would want to be with?" She questions with tears in her eyes.

I hold her head in my palms. "I look at you and see a beautiful girl. You're beautiful, Kashmere".

"But everyone says.." She says but I cut her off.

"Fuck what everyone says! It doesn't matter. They're always going to hate no matter who you are or what you do. Believe me Kashmere, you're beautiful no matter what they say and you're the one I'm in love with," I say.

She takes my hands away from her face. "I'm sorry Callan".

Dissapointment etches my features.

"I'll be leaving for Florida tonight," she enlightens.

My heart hurts when I hear that.


"I hope you find a girl who will make you happy," she says.

"No, dont say that". I shake my head.

"Bye Callan. I wish you the best".

After saying that, she walks away under the moolight.

I can't stop her.

I purse my lips and dip my head holding in the tears that are threatening to spill out.

Kashmere Lynn's POV

Walking away, I wipe my tears.


Why can't I stop crying?

I wanted this. I wanted to put everything behind us but I chose to walk away.

I'm tired of being hurt. I don't think I will be able to take any of that anymore. It will be best if Callan and I kept our distance. It will be good on my part and on his as well.

He deserves someone better in his arms and that person isn't me. Despite thinking that, I wish he would come and stop me from leaving. I slowly look back but I don't see him standing in the spot I left him.

I had already packed my bags in advance. So, I will just get back home and then head to the airport real quick before the clock strikes 9.

When I arrive at my apartment, I take my luggage out and lock the door. After placing the key under the mat, I get up and make my way to the Uber.

Before opening the vehicle's door, I look back at my apartment one more time. I'll miss this place. It was the first apartment I settled in when I moved to California and that I called home for 3 years.

A smile tugs the corner of my lips before I duck down and get into the vehicle. Driving away, I look through the window, watching the apartment stay behind.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

Even though I hate to leave this place, I just have to be happy about it. I'm doing this for the betterment of myself.

I have a future I need to get to and work for.

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