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In other news, a high speed chase resulted in the arrest of some more heroes gone wrong today.

Sally looked at the news briefly before grabbing her coat. Sorry Bucky but this is something Sally felt she needed to be included in. 

Taking a deep breath, she found herself standing in the reception area of the new Avengers tower. Hacking into the daily meeting schedule, she added herself as an umbrella company of a competitor for the next slot, bumping a couple tours from personal to staff ran. 

With a smile, she walked up and introduced herself to the receptionist and gave her appointment time. The woman looked at the tiny woman in a pencil skirt and stilettos with a button down blouse like she was a child trying to buy alcohol. "Miss, you are all of what, sixteen? Come back in a couple years and maybe Stark will fulfil those little fantasies."

Sally raised an eyebrow and let the polite smile shift into a more predatory smirk. "Miss, what is your name? Ah, there is your nametag, hidden away, Britney. Britney, sweetheart, I am the next meeting and if I have to field the calls from both of our bosses, I will be sure your job is handled by someone else next time. Got it? Great, thank you!" 

The woman gulped before handing the lion in sheep's clothing a visitor pass and directing her to the meeting room of the twentieth floor. Sally nodded and walked calmly to the elevator, when a voice surprised her from above. 

"It is not often I am overridden the way you did. I did not find any weapons on you but I will be alerting Mr. Stark to the hack and that you are not who you claim to be."

Sally was surprised by the AI but respected the upfront honesty nonetheless. "Absolutely fine with me. I needed an in to talk to him about some stuff that is going on. I am Sally Rogers by birth and I think it is time to stop the fight before it gets too bad."

"Very well Miss Rogers."

When Sally opened the door, she found herself facing a very similar face as well as a few others. 

"You look like your father Mr. Stark."

"So I am told. Now, what are you doing here?"

Sally looked around the room briefly. "Mr. Hawkeye, Ms. Maximoff, I presume? Also, I am sorry, I am not familiar with you."

"Vision, Miss Rogers."

"Please, call me Sally everyone."

"I am happily married but is nobody going to mention that this tiny beauty is claiming the name Rogers? Who are you to Steve? He doesn't mention anyone with his last name."

Sally smiled at the archer and laughed gently. "I am his little sister. So, maybe keep my looks out of the conversation."

Tony looked at her again. "Sally Rogers? The original Mini-Stark?"

Sally rolled her eyes and huffed at the billionaire. "Do you still have my car?"

Tony laughed and reached forward to shake her hand. My father said you were the only person who knew how to reign him in. The pleasure is mine."

With the pleasantries out of the way, Sally sat down with the group and was surprised to find the redhead from the day the helicarriers fell walking in a few hours later. 

"Miss Rogers?"


The women smiled and embraced, surprising everyone. "It took me a while to realize where I knew you from. How is Y-Crimson Widow?"

Nat paled and looked at the other woman with concern. "I-I don't actually know."

Sally let it slide with a nod and raised eyebrow that clearly said this was going to be discussed at a later time. "Steve won't sign."

They filled Sally in on the accords and what they mean for all of them. Wanda and Vision asked to be excused and Clint got a call pulling him away as well. Nat and Tony sat with Sally and discussed what would need to happen in order for this to go smoothly. 

"Boss, they have been spotted at the airport."

Sally nodded and said she was coming. Tony insisted they grab a couple more people in case it doesn't go according to plan. 

When Sally arrived at the airport, she saw two armies ready to battle it out and paused. She couldn't believe they were tearing themselves apart like this. 


Both sides turned and looked at her as she lowered the jacket hood and walked to the middle of the two groups. 

"Tony. Steve. This isn't the right way."

"Miss Sally?"

"Parker! You shouldn't be anywhere near this."

The boy in the spiderman suit ducked a bit but stood his ground. Sally huffed again. 

Looking at Stark, she glared. "Children now too? What there isn't enough blood thirsty adults in the world, you need to drag kids into it too?"

"To be fair, I didn't think anyone would know it was him and I was hoping to bring them in without any bloodshed." 

Steve was still standing in complete shock. His baby sister was alive, and looked so young. He was breathing heavily as he considered how he and Buck kept their youth and tried not to think of what his sister had gone through. 

"Sal, when? What? Why? How do you know Stark?"

Sally raised a brow and told him it would be discussed after the matter at hand was resolved. 

"Tony, you know it wasn't him. I gave you proof that Bucky wasn't responsible for the bombing. This is unnecessary. As far as the Accords go, did you really expect him to be signed over a bunch of nations that may decide the Avengers can fight their wars for them?"

T'Challa approached and got in her face which had several members of both sides tensing. 

"How do you know he wasn't responsible? Why should I believe you?"

Sally looked up at him calmly which made both Steve and Tony uncomfortable with how at ease she was being addressed that way and told him that Bucky was with her in Queens when the bombing occured. He had picked her up from work that day after she helped one of the science clubs finish their design for an upcoming science fair. 

Spiderman spoke up and confirmed the truth of the statement saying there were cameras at the school on a closed circuit. Sally nodded again at the backup. The mourning king looked to the man he had been trying to capture and apologized for his assumption. 

"Sorry Elsa but I still have to bring them in due to the accords and the whole assassin thing." 

"First of all, no. I am so not Elsa. Secondly, I see the situation there. Let them go today. I will try to come up with a different solution in the meantime." Clint spoke up saying that they needed to apprehend at least some of them to make it more plausible. 

Clint, Sam, Scott, and Wanda volunteered to stay. T'Challa offered to go with Nat and Sally to make it look like they were tailing those who got away while helping them figure out what was going on. Tony was the one to ask Sally to stay with him instead. Claiming that she was an unknown factor and it would do no good to draw that much attention to herself. Bucky immediately agreed. Steve was not happy with how quick Bucky had been to not have her near him. It had not passed his attention that Bucky's alibi was Sally. That meant that Bucky and Sally had been together in some way or another. 

As Steve and Bucky ran to the jet, he turned to his best friend. "I think you and I need to have a long conversation about the fact that my sister is your alibi, Pal."  Bucky swallowed and nodded, hoping Steve didn't kill him for deflowering his baby sister. 

Viper's Bite: The Other RogersWhere stories live. Discover now